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Abstract monoids

Author: Martin Clochard

Abstract logic monoid

module Monoid

  type t

Elements of the monoid.

  constant zero : t

Neutral element.

  function op (a b:t) : t

Composition law.

  axiom assoc : forall a b c:t. op a (op b c) = op (op a b) c
  axiom neutral : forall x:t. op x zero = x = op zero x

Monoid properties.


module MonoidSum

Abstract monoid with aggregation

  use seq.Seq
  clone import Monoid as M with axiom .

  function agg (f:'a -> t) (s:seq 'a) : t
  axiom agg_empty : forall f:'a -> t. agg f empty = zero
  axiom agg_sing : forall f,s:seq 'a.
    length s = 1 -> agg f s = f s[0]
  axiom agg_cat : forall f,s1 s2:seq 'a.
    agg f (s1 ++ s2) = op (agg f s1) (agg f s2)


module MonoidSumDef

Definition of aggregation (refinement of MonoidSum

  use seq.Seq
  use seq.FreeMonoid

  (* TODO: do that refinement correctly ! *)
  clone import Monoid as M with axiom .

  let rec ghost function agg (f:'a -> t) (s:seq 'a) : M.t
    variant { length s }
  = if length s = 0 then zero else op (f s[0]) (agg f s[1 ..])

  lemma agg_sing_core : forall s:seq 'a. length s = 1 -> s[1 ..] == empty

  let rec lemma agg_cat (f:'a -> t) (s1 s2:seq 'a)
    ensures { agg f (s1++s2) = op (agg f s1) (agg f s2) }
    variant { length s1 }
  = if length s1 <> 0 then let s3 = s1[1 ..] in agg_cat f s3 s2

  clone MonoidSum as MS with type M.t = M.t,
    constant M.zero = M.zero,
    function M.op = M.op,
    goal M.assoc,
    goal M.neutral,
    function agg = agg,
    goal agg_empty,
    goal agg_sing,
    goal agg_cat


module ComputableMonoid

Computable monoid

  clone export Monoid with axiom .

  val zero () : t ensures { result = zero }

Abstract routines computing operations in the monoid.

  val op (a b:t) : t ensures { result = op a b }


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