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Coincidence count

Authors: Jean-Christophe Filliâtre / Andrei Paskevich

Topics: Array Data Structure

Tools: Why3

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Coincidence count

Exercise proposed by Rustan Leino at Dagstuhl seminar 14171, April 2014

You are given two sequences of integers, sorted in increasing order and without duplicate elements, and you count the number of elements that appear in both sequences (in linear time and constant space).

Authors: Jean-Christophe Filliâtre (CNRS) Andrei Paskevich (Université Paris Sud)

module CoincidenceCount

  use int.Int
  use array.Array
  use ref.Refint
  use set.FsetInt

  function setof (a: array 'a) : fset 'a =
    map (fun x -> a[x]) (interval 0 (length a))

  function drop (a: array 'a) (n: int) : fset 'a =
    map (fun x -> a[x]) (interval n (length a))

  lemma drop_left:
    forall a: array 'a, n: int. 0 <= n < length a ->
    drop a n == add a[n] (drop a (n+1))

  predicate increasing (a: array int) =
    forall i j. 0 <= i < j < length a -> a[i] < a[j]

  function cc (a b: array int) : int =
    cardinal (inter (setof a) (setof b))

  lemma not_mem_inter_r:
    forall a: array int, i: int, s: fset int. 0 <= i < length a ->
    not (mem a[i] s) -> inter (drop a i) s == inter (drop a (i+1)) s

  lemma not_mem_inter_l:
    forall a: array int, i: int, s: fset int. 0 <= i < length a ->
    not (mem a[i] s) -> inter s (drop a i) == inter s (drop a (i+1))

  let coincidence_count (a b: array int) : int
    requires { increasing a }
    requires { increasing b }
    ensures  { result = cc a b }
    let ref i = 0 in
    let ref j = 0 in
    let ref c = 0 in
    while i < length a && j < length b do
      invariant { 0 <= i <= length a }
      invariant { 0 <= j <= length b }
      invariant { c + cardinal (inter (drop a i) (drop b j)) = cc a b }
      variant   { length a - i + length b - j }
      if a[i] < b[j] then
        incr i
      else if a[i] > b[j] then
        incr j
      else begin
        assert { inter (drop a i) (drop b j) ==
                 add a[i] (inter (drop a (i+1)) (drop b (j+1))) };
        assert { not (mem a[i] (drop a (i+1))) };
        incr i;
        incr j;
        incr c


Variant using bags, from Rustan Leino's book "Program Proofs"

module CoincidenceCountBag

  use int.Int
  use array.Array
  use ref.Refint
  use bag.Bag

  predicate increasing (a: array int) =
    forall i j. 0 <= i < j < length a -> a[i] <= a[j]

  let rec ghost function bagofsub (a: array 'a) (lo hi: int) : bag 'a
    requires { 0 <= lo <= hi <= length a } variant { hi - lo }
  = if lo >= hi then empty_bag else add a[lo] (bagofsub a (lo + 1) hi)

  function bagof (a: array 'a) : bag 'a =
    bagofsub a 0 (length a)

  function drop (a: array 'a) (i: int) : bag 'a =
    bagofsub a i (length a)

  lemma not_mem_inter_r:
    forall a: array int, i: int, s: bag int. 0 <= i < length a ->
    not (mem a[i] s) -> inter (drop a i) s == inter (drop a (i+1)) s

  lemma not_mem_inter_l:
    forall a: array int, i: int, s: bag int. 0 <= i < length a ->
    not (mem a[i] s) -> inter s (drop a i) == inter s (drop a (i+1))

  let rec lemma bagofincreasing (a: array int) (i x: int)
    requires { increasing a }
    requires { 0 <= i < length a }
    requires { x < a[i] }
    ensures  { not (mem x (drop a i)) }
    variant  { length a - i }
  = if i < length a - 1 then bagofincreasing a (i+1) x

  let coincidence_count (a b: array int) : int
    requires { increasing a }
    requires { increasing b }
    ensures  { result = card (inter (bagof a) (bagof b)) }
    let ref i = 0 in
    let ref j = 0 in
    let ref c = 0 in
    while i < length a && j < length b do
      invariant { 0 <= i <= length a }
      invariant { 0 <= j <= length b }
      invariant { c + card (inter (drop a i) (drop b j))
                  = card (inter (bagof a) (bagof b)) }
      variant   { length a - i + length b - j }
      if a[i] < b[j] then
        incr i
      else if a[i] > b[j] then
        incr j
      else begin
        assert { inter (drop a i) (drop b j) ==
                 add a[i] (inter (drop a (i+1)) (drop b (j+1))) };
        incr i;
        incr j;
        incr c


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Why3 Proof Results for Project "coincidence_count"

Theory "coincidence_count.CoincidenceCount": fully verified

ObligationsAlt-Ergo 2.4.3CVC4 1.7
VC for coincidence_count------
loop invariant init0.01---
loop invariant init0.01---
loop invariant init0.01---
index in array bounds0.01---
index in array bounds0.01---
loop variant decrease0.02---
loop invariant preservation0.01---
loop invariant preservation0.02---
loop invariant preservation1.25---
index in array bounds0.01---
index in array bounds0.01---
loop variant decrease0.01---
loop invariant preservation0.01---
loop invariant preservation0.01---
loop invariant preservation1.58---
loop variant decrease0.00---
loop invariant preservation0.02---
loop invariant preservation0.01---
loop invariant preservation0.04---

Theory "coincidence_count.CoincidenceCountBag": fully verified

ObligationsAlt-Ergo 2.4.3Eprover 2.0
VC for bagofsub0.01---
VC for bagofincreasing0.02---
VC for coincidence_count------
loop invariant init0.00---
loop invariant init0.01---
loop invariant init0.00---
index in array bounds0.01---
index in array bounds0.00---
loop variant decrease0.01---
loop invariant preservation0.01---
loop invariant preservation0.01---
loop invariant preservation0.04---
index in array bounds0.01---
index in array bounds0.01---
loop variant decrease0.01---
loop invariant preservation0.01---
loop invariant preservation0.02---
loop invariant preservation0.03---
loop variant decrease0.01---
loop invariant preservation0.01---
loop invariant preservation0.01---
loop invariant preservation0.01---