Cursor examples
Some implementations and clients of module cursor.Cursor from the standard library.
Authors: Mário Pereira
Topics: Data Structures
Tools: Why3
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Some implementations and clients of module cursor.Cursor
from the standard library.
Author: Mário Pereira (Université Paris Sud)
module TestCursor use int.Int use int.Sum use seq.Seq use ref.Refint use cursor.Cursor let sum (c: cursor int) : int requires { permitted c } requires { c.visited = empty } ensures { result = sum (get c.visited) 0 (length c.visited) } diverges = let s = ref 0 in while has_next c do invariant { permitted c } invariant { !s = sum (get c.visited) 0 (length c.visited) } let x = next c in s += x done; !s
sums all the remaining elements in the cursor
Iteration over an immuable collection
here we choose a list
module ListCursorImpl : cursor.ListCursor use int.Int use list.List use seq.Seq use seq.OfList type cursor 'a = { mutable ghost visited : seq 'a; ghost collection : list 'a; mutable to_visit : list 'a; } invariant { visited ++ to_visit = collection } by { visited = empty; collection = Nil; to_visit = Nil } predicate permitted (c: cursor 'a) = length c.visited <= length c.collection /\ forall i. 0 <= i < length c.visited -> c.visited[i] = c.collection[i] predicate complete (c: cursor 'a) = length c.visited = length c.collection let lemma snoc_Cons (s: seq 'a) (l: list 'a) (x: 'a) ensures { snoc s x ++ l == s ++ Cons x l } = () scope C let next (c: cursor 'a) : 'a requires { not (complete c) } writes { c } ensures { c.visited = snoc (old c).visited result } ensures { match (old c).to_visit with | Nil -> false | Cons x r -> c.to_visit = r /\ x = result end } = match c.to_visit with | Nil -> absurd | Cons x r -> let ghost v0 = c.visited in c.visited <- snoc c.visited x; c.to_visit <- r; snoc_Cons v0 r x; assert { c.to_visit == c.collection [length c.visited ..] }; x end let has_next (c: cursor 'a) : bool ensures { result <-> not (complete c) } = match c.to_visit with (* could define a [val eq (l1 l2: list 'a) : bool] *) | Nil -> false | _ -> true end end let create (t: list 'a) : cursor 'a ensures { result.visited = empty } ensures { result.collection = t } ensures { result.to_visit = t } = { visited = empty; collection = t; to_visit = t } end module TestListCursor use int.Int use int.Sum as S use list.List use list.Length use list.Sum use ref.Refint use seq.Seq use seq.OfList use ListCursorImpl lemma sum_of_list: forall l: list int. sum l = S.sum (get (of_list l)) 0 (length l) let list_sum (l: list int) : int ensures { result = sum l } = let s = ref 0 in let c = create l in while C.has_next c do invariant { !s = S.sum (get c.visited) 0 (length c.visited) } invariant { permitted c } variant { length l - length c.visited } let x = c in s += x done; !s end
Iteration over a mutable collection
here we choose an array of integers
module ArrayCursorImpl : cursor.ArrayCursor use int.Int use array.Array use array.ToSeq use list.List use list.Reverse use array.ToList use seq.Seq type cursor 'a = { mutable ghost visited : seq 'a; collection : seq 'a; (* FIXME : extraction of seq *) mutable index : int;
index of next element
} invariant { 0 <= index <= length collection /\ index = length visited /\ forall i. 0 <= i < index -> collection[i] = visited[i] } by { visited = empty; collection = empty; index = 0 } predicate permitted (c: cursor 'a) = length c.visited <= length c.collection /\ forall i. 0 <= i < length c.visited -> c.visited[i] = c.collection[i] predicate complete (c: cursor 'a) = length c.visited = length c.collection let create (a: array 'a) : cursor 'a ensures { result.visited = empty } ensures { result.index = 0 } ensures { result.collection = to_seq a } = { visited = empty; collection = to_seq a; index = 0; } scope C let has_next (c: cursor 'a) : bool ensures { result <-> not (complete c) } = c.index < length c.collection let next (c: cursor 'a) : 'a requires { not (complete c) } writes { c } ensures { c.visited = snoc (old c).visited result } ensures { c.index = (old c).index + 1 } = if c.index >= length c.collection then absurd else begin let x = c.collection[c.index] in c.visited <- snoc c.visited x; c.index <- c.index + 1; x end end end module TestArrayCursor use int.Int use array.Array use array.ToSeq use seq.Seq use int.Sum use ref.Refint use ArrayCursorImpl let array_sum (a: array int) : int ensures { result = sum (Array.([]) a) 0 (length a) } = let s = ref 0 in let c = create a in while C.has_next c do invariant { !s = sum (get c.visited) 0 (length c.visited) } invariant { permitted c } variant { length c.collection - length c.visited } let x = c in s += x done; !s let harness1 () : unit = let a = Array.make 42 0 in let c = create a in let x = c in assert { x = 0 } end
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Why3 Proof Results for Project "cursor_examples"
Theory "cursor_examples.TestCursor": fully verified
Obligations | Alt-Ergo 2.0.0 |
VC for sum | 2.86 |
Theory "cursor_examples.ListCursorImpl'impl": fully verified
Obligations | Alt-Ergo 2.0.0 |
VC for cursor | 0.01 |
VC for snoc_Cons | 0.03 |
VC for next | 0.10 |
VC for has_next | 0.02 |
VC for create | 0.02 |
VC for create'refn | 0.01 |
VC for next'refn | 0.02 |
VC for has_next'refn | 0.01 |
Theory "cursor_examples.TestListCursor": fully verified
Obligations | Alt-Ergo 2.0.0 | ||
sum_of_list | --- | ||
induction_ty_lex | |||
sum_of_list.0 | --- | ||
split_goal_right | |||
sum_of_list.0.0 | 0.02 | ||
sum_of_list.0.1 | 3.39 | ||
VC for list_sum | --- | ||
split_goal_right | |||
loop invariant init | 0.02 | ||
loop invariant init | 0.01 | ||
precondition | 0.01 | ||
precondition | 0.00 | ||
precondition | 0.02 | ||
loop variant decrease | 0.02 | ||
loop invariant preservation | --- | ||
simplify_trivial_quantification | |||
loop invariant preservation | 4.57 | ||
loop invariant preservation | 0.02 | ||
postcondition | 1.06 |
Theory "cursor_examples.ArrayCursorImpl'impl": fully verified
Obligations | Alt-Ergo 2.0.0 |
VC for cursor | 0.01 |
VC for create | 0.01 |
VC for has_next | 0.01 |
VC for next | 0.02 |
VC for create'refn | 0.01 |
VC for next'refn | 0.01 |
VC for has_next'refn | 0.01 |
Theory "cursor_examples.TestArrayCursor": fully verified
Obligations | Alt-Ergo 2.0.0 | CVC4 1.5 | Z3 4.12.2 | |
VC for array_sum | --- | --- | --- | |
split_goal_right | ||||
loop invariant init | 0.02 | --- | --- | |
loop invariant init | --- | --- | 0.04 | |
precondition | 0.02 | --- | --- | |
precondition | 0.01 | --- | --- | |
precondition | 0.02 | --- | --- | |
loop variant decrease | 0.01 | --- | --- | |
loop invariant preservation | 2.97 | --- | --- | |
loop invariant preservation | 0.02 | --- | --- | |
postcondition | 0.88 | --- | --- | |
VC for harness1 | --- | 0.16 | --- |