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Searching a zero in an array where values never decrease by more than one

Authors: Jean-Christophe Filliâtre

Topics: Array Data Structure

Tools: Why3

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  We look for the first occurrence of zero in an array of integers.
  The values have the following property: they never decrease by more than one.
  The code makes use of that property to speed up the search.

module Decrease1

  use int.Int
  use ref.Ref
  use array.Array

  predicate decrease1 (a: array int) =
    forall i: int. 0 <= i < length a - 1 -> a[i+1] >= a[i] - 1

  let rec lemma decrease1_induction (a: array int) (i j: int) : unit
    requires { decrease1 a }
    requires { 0 <= i <= j < length a }
    ensures  { a[j] >= a[i] + i - j }
    variant  { j - i }
  = if i < j then decrease1_induction a (i+1) j

  let search (a: array int)
    requires { decrease1 a }
    ensures  {
       (result = -1 /\ forall j: int. 0 <= j < length a -> a[j] <> 0)
    \/ (0 <= result < length a /\ a[result] = 0 /\
        forall j: int. 0 <= j < result -> a[j] <> 0) }
  = let i = ref 0 in
    while !i < length a do
      invariant { 0 <= !i }
      invariant { forall j: int. 0 <= j < !i -> j < length a -> a[j] <> 0 }
      variant   { length a - !i }
      if a[!i] = 0 then return !i;
      if a[!i] > 0 then i := !i + a[!i] else i := !i + 1

  let rec search_rec (a: array int) (i : int)
    requires { decrease1 a /\ 0 <= i }
    ensures  {
         (result = -1 /\ forall j: int. i <= j < length a -> a[j] <> 0)
      \/ (i <= result < length a /\ a[result] = 0 /\
          forall j: int. i <= j < result -> a[j] <> 0) }
    variant { length a - i }
  = if i < length a then
      if a[i] = 0 then i
      else if a[i] > 0 then search_rec a (i + a[i])
      else search_rec a (i + 1)


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