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Accurate discriminant

Kahan algorithm for an accurate discriminant.

Authors: Sylvie Boldo

Topics: Floating-Point Computations / Arithmetic

Tools: Frama-C / Jessie / Coq

References: NSV-3 Benchmarks

see also the index (by topic, by tool, by reference, by year)

This function computes an accurate discriminant using Kahan's algorithm. The result is proved correct within 2 ulps. Overflow and Underflow restrictions are given. Note also the axiomatic to ensure the definition of ulp is the proper one.
/*@ axiomatic FP_ulp {
  @ logic real ulp(double f);
  @ axiom ulp_normal1 :
  @   \forall double f; 0x1p-1022 <= \abs(f) 
  @       ==>\abs(f) < 0x1.p53 * ulp(f) ;
  @ axiom ulp_normal2 :
  @   \forall double f; 0x1p-1022 <= \abs(f) 
  @       ==> ulp(f) <= 0x1.p-52 * \abs(f);
  @ axiom ulp_subnormal :
  @   \forall double f; \abs(f) <  0x1p-1022
  @       ==> ulp(f) == 0x1.p-1074;
  @ axiom ulp_pow :
  @   \forall double f; \exists integer i; 
  @         ulp(f) == \pow(2.,i);
  @ } */

/*@ ensures \result==\abs(f); */
double fabs(double f);

/*@ requires xy == \round_double(\NearestEven,x*y) && 
  @          \abs(x) <= 0x1.p995 && 
  @          \abs(y) <= 0x1.p995 &&
  @          \abs(x*y) <=  0x1.p1021;
  @ ensures  ((x*y == 0 || 0x1.p-969 <= \abs(x*y)) 
  @                 ==> x*y == xy+\result);
double Dekker(double x, double y, double xy);

/* If no Underflow occur, the result is within 2 ulps 
   of the correct result */

/*@ requires 
  @     (b==0.   || 0x1.p-916 <= \abs(b*b)) &&
  @     (a*c==0. || 0x1.p-916 <= \abs(a*c)) &&
  @     \abs(b) <= 0x1.p510 && \abs(a) <= 0x1.p995 && \abs(c) <= 0x1.p995 && 
  @     \abs(a*c) <= 0x1.p1021;
  @ ensures \result==0.  || \abs(\result-(b*b-a*c)) <= 2.*ulp(\result);
  @ */

double discriminant(double a, double b, double c) {
  double p,q,d,dp,dq;
  if (p+q <= 3*fabs(p-q))
  else {
  return d;