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Checking that a word is a Dyck word

Authors: Jean-Christophe Filliâtre / Martin Clochard

Topics: Words

Tools: Why3

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Checking that a word is a Dyck word

Authors: Martin Clochard (École Normale Supérieure) Jean-Christophe Filliâtre (CNRS)

theory Dyck

  use export list.List
  use export list.Append

  type paren = L | R

  type word = list paren

  (* D -> eps | L D R D *)
  inductive dyck word =
  | Dyck_nil:
      dyck Nil
  | Dyck_ind:
      forall w1 w2. dyck w1 -> dyck w2 -> dyck (Cons L (w1 ++ Cons R w2))

  (* the first letter, if any, must be L *)
  lemma dyck_word_first:
    forall w: word. dyck w ->
    match w with Nil -> true | Cons c _ -> c = L end


module Check

  use Dyck
  use list.Length
  use ref.Ref

  exception Failure

  (* A fall of a word is a decomposition p ++ s with p a dyck word
     and s a word not starting by L. *)
  predicate fall (p s: word) = dyck p /\
    match s with Cons L _ -> false | _ -> true end

  let rec lemma same_prefix (p s s2: word) : unit
    requires { p ++ s = p ++ s2 }
    ensures { s = s2 }
    variant { p }
  = match p with Nil -> () | Cons _ q -> same_prefix q s s2 end

  (* Compute the fall decomposition, if it exists. As a side-effect,
     prove its unicity. *)
  let rec is_dyck_rec (ghost p: ref word) (w: word) : word
    ensures { w = !p ++ result && fall !p result &&
      (forall p2 s: word. w = p2 ++ s /\ fall p2 s -> p2 = !p && s = result) }
    writes { p }
    raises  { Failure -> forall p s: word. w = p ++ s -> not fall p s }
    variant { length w }
    match w with
    | Cons L w0 ->
      let ghost p0 = ref Nil in
      match is_dyck_rec p0 w0 with
      | Cons _ w1 ->
        assert { forall p s p1 p2: word.
          dyck p /\ w = p ++ s /\ dyck p1 /\ dyck p2 /\
          p = Cons L (p1 ++ Cons R p2) ->
          w0 = p1 ++ (Cons R (p2 ++ s)) && p1 = !p0 && w1 = p2 ++ s };
        let ghost p1 = ref Nil in
        let w = is_dyck_rec p1 w1 in
        p := Cons L (!p0 ++ Cons R !p1);
      | _ ->
        raise Failure
    | _ ->
      p := Nil; w

  let is_dyck (w: word) : bool
    ensures { result <-> dyck w }
    try match is_dyck_rec (ref Nil) w with
      | Nil -> true
      | _ -> false
    end with Failure -> false end


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Why3 Proof Results for Project "dyck"

Theory "dyck.Dyck": fully verified

ObligationsAlt-Ergo 2.1.0

Theory "dyck.Check": fully verified

ObligationsAlt-Ergo 2.1.0CVC4 1.5Eprover 2.0
VC for same_prefix0.02------
VC for is_dyck_rec---------
variant decrease0.00------
variant decrease0.01------
VC for is_dyck_rec0.02------
VC for is_dyck_rec0.01------
VC for is_dyck_rec---------
VC for is_dyck_rec---0.24---
VC for is_dyck_rec0.01------
exceptional postcondition---0.08---
exceptional postcondition---------
exceptional postcondition---0.52---
exceptional postcondition2.07------
VC for is_dyck---------