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Dijkstra's national flag

Dijkstra's national flag consists in sorting an array containing only three values (namely Blue, White and Red).

Authors: Jean-Christophe Filliâtre

Topics: Sorting Algorithms

Tools: Why3

see also the index (by topic, by tool, by reference, by year)

Dijkstra's "Dutch national flag"

module Flag

  use int.Int
  use ref.Ref
  use array.Array
  use array.ArraySwap
  use array.ArrayPermut

  type color = Blue | White | Red

  predicate monochrome (a:array color) (i:int) (j:int) (c:color) =
    forall k:int. i <= k < j -> a[k]=c

  (* We scan the array from left to right using [i] and we maintain
     the following invariant, using indices [b] and [r]:

       0         b          i           r
      |  Blue   |  White   |     ?     |  Red  |


  let dutch_flag (a:array color) : unit
    ensures  { exists b r: int.
               monochrome a 0 b Blue /\
               monochrome a b r White /\
               monochrome a r (length a) Red }
    ensures  { permut_all (old a) a }
    let b = ref 0 in
    let i = ref 0 in
    let r = ref (length a) in
    while !i < !r do
      invariant { 0 <= !b <= !i <= !r <= length a }
      invariant { monochrome a 0  !b Blue }
      invariant { monochrome a !b !i White }
      invariant { monochrome a !r (length a) Red }
      invariant { permut_all (old a) a }
      variant   { !r - !i }
      match a[!i] with
      | Blue ->
          swap a !b !i;
          b := !b + 1;
          i := !i + 1
      | White ->
          i := !i + 1
      | Red ->
          r := !r - 1;
          swap a !r !i


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