FoVeOOS'11 Competition: challenge 2 in Why3
Authors: Jean-Christophe Filliâtre
Topics: Trees
Tools: Why3
References: The COST FoVeOOS'11 Competition
see also the index (by topic, by tool, by reference, by year)
(* FoVeOOS 2011 verification competition Challenge 2 *) module MaximumTree use int.Int use int.MinMax type tree = Empty | Node tree int tree function size (t: tree) : int = match t with | Empty -> 0 | Node l _ r -> 1 + size l + size r end lemma size_nonneg: forall t: tree. size t >= 0 predicate mem (x: int) (t: tree) = match t with | Empty -> false | Node l v r -> mem x l \/ x = v \/ mem x r end let rec maximum (t: tree) : int variant { size t } requires { t <> Empty } ensures { mem result t /\ forall x: int. mem x t -> x <= result } = match t with | Empty -> absurd | Node Empty v Empty -> v | Node Empty v s | Node s v Empty -> max (maximum s) v | Node l v r -> max (maximum l) (max v (maximum r)) end end
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