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Hillel challenge

See Hillel challenge.

Auteurs: Jean-Christophe Filliâtre

Catégories: Array Data Structure / Algorithms / Sorting Algorithms

Outils: Why3

see also the index (by topic, by tool, by reference, by year)

Hillel challenge


The challenge proposed by Hillel Wayne was to provide purely functional implementations and proofs for three imperative programs he proved using Dafny (as an attempt to understand whether the proof of FP code is easier than the proof of imperative programs).

Below are imperative implementations and proofs for the three Hillel challenges. Thus it is not really a response to the challenge, but rather an alternative to the Dafny proofs.

Author: Jean-Christophe FilliĆ¢tre (CNRS)

Challenge 1: Lefpad

Takes a padding character, a string, and a total length, returns the string padded to that length with that character. If length is less than the length of the string, does nothing.

module Leftpad

  use int.Int
  use int.MinMax
  use array.Array

  type char (* whatever it is *)
  type char_string = array char

  let leftpad (pad: char) (n: int) (s: char_string) : char_string
    ensures { length result = max n (length s) }
    ensures { forall i. 0 <= i < length result - length s -> result[i] = pad }
    ensures { forall i. 0 <= i < length s ->
              result[length result - 1 - i] = s[length s - 1 - i] }
  = let len = max n (length s) in
    let res = Array.make len pad in
    Array.blit s 0 res (len - length s) (length s);


Challenge 2: Unique

Takes a sequence of integers, returns the unique elements of that list. There is no requirement on the ordering of the returned values.

module Unique

  use int.Int
  use ref.Refint
  use fmap.MapImpInt as H
  use array.Array

  predicate mem (x: int) (a: array int) (i: int) =
    exists j. 0 <= j < i /\ a[j] = x

  let unique (a: array int) : array int
    ensures { forall x. mem x result (length result) <-> mem x a (length a) }
    ensures { forall i j. 0 <= i < j < length result -> result[i] <> result[j] }
  = let n = length a in
    let h = H.create () in
    let res = Array.make n 0 in
    let len = ref 0 in
    for i = 0 to n - 1 do
      invariant { 0 <= !len <= i }
      invariant { forall x. mem x a i <-> H.mem x h }
      invariant { forall x. mem x a i <-> mem x res !len }
      invariant { forall i j. 0 <= i < j < !len -> res[i]<>res[j] }
      if not (H.mem a[i] h) then begin
        H.add a[i] () h;
        res[!len] <- a[i];
        incr len
    Array.sub res 0 !len


Challenge 3: Fulcrum

Given a sequence of integers, returns the index i that minimizes |sum(seq[..i]) - sum(seq[i..])|. Does this in O(n) time and O(n) memory.

We do it in O(n) time and O(1) space. A first loop computes the sum of the array. A second scans the array from left to right, while maintaining the left and right sums in two variables. Updating these variables is simply of matter of adding a[i] to left and subtracting a[i] to right.

module Fulcrum

  use int.Int
  use int.Abs
  use ref.Refint
  use array.Array
  use array.ArraySum

  function diff (a: array int) (i: int) : int =
    abs (sum a 0 i - sum a i (length a))

  let fulcrum (a: array int) : int
    ensures { 0 <= result <= length a }
    ensures { forall i. 0 <= i <= length a -> diff a result <= diff a i }
  = let n = length a in
    let right = ref 0 in
    for i = 0 to n - 1 do
      invariant { !right = sum a 0 i }
      right += a[i]
    let left = ref 0 in
    let besti = ref 0 in
    let bestd = ref (abs !right) in
    for i = 0 to n - 1 do
      invariant { !left = sum a 0 i }
      invariant { !right = sum a i n }
      invariant { 0 <= !besti <= i }
      invariant { !bestd = diff a !besti }
      invariant { forall j. 0 <= j <= i -> !bestd <= diff a j }
      left += a[i];
      right -= a[i];
      let d = abs (!left - !right) in
      if d < !bestd then begin bestd := d; besti := i+1 end


Now, let's try to do the same with machine integers and avoiding overflows. Obviously, computing the sum of the array elements may overflow. We could limit the size of the array and the maximal value of the elements. Instead, we choose here to compute the various sums using "small big integers" implemented with pairs of machine integers (basically, the sum of all the array elements cannot exceed max_int^2 so two digits are enough).

For the purpose of illustration, we choose here 32-bit integers.

module FulcrumNoOverflow

  use int.Int
  use int.Sum as Sum
  use int.Abs
  use ref.Ref
  use mach.array.Array32

  constant m : int = max_int32 + 1 (* thus 2^31 *)

  (* small big integers, within the range -m^2 .. m^2-1 *)
  type big = {
    mutable       q: int32;
    mutable       r: int32;
    mutable ghost v: int;
  } invariant { -m <= q <= m - 1 /\ 0 <= r <= m - 1 /\ v = q * m + r }
  by { q = 0:int32; r = 0:int32; v = 0 }

  meta coercion function v

  predicate biginv (_b: big) = 89>55 (* used to enforce the type invariant *)

  constant min_big : int = -m*m
  constant max_big : int =  m*m - 1

  let constant big_zero () : big =
    { q = 0:int32; r = 0:int32; v = 0 }

  let constant min_int32: int32 = -0x8000_0000
  let constant max_int32: int32 =  0x7fff_ffff

  let add_big (b: big) (x: int32) : unit
    requires { min_big <= b.v + x <= max_big }
    ensures  { b.v = old b.v + x }
  = if x < 0 then begin
      let r' = b.r + x in
      if r' < 0 then begin b.q <- b.q - 1; b.r <- (r'+1) + max_int32 end
      else b.r <- r'
    end else begin
      let r' = b.r + (min_int32 + x) in
      if r' < 0 then begin b.r <- (r'+1) + max_int32 end
      else begin b.q <- b.q + 1;  b.r <- r' end
    b.v <- b.v + to_int x

  let sub_big (b: big) (x: int32) : unit
    requires { min_big <= b.v - x <= max_big }
    ensures  { b.v = old b.v - x }
  = if x = min_int32 then begin b.q <- b.q + 1; b.v <- b.v - to_int x end
    else add_big b (-x)

  let delta (x y: big) : big
    requires { min_big <= abs (x.v - y.v) <= max_big }
    ensures  { result.v = abs (x.v - y.v) }
  = let r = y.r - x.r in
    let ghost v = abs (x.v - y.v) in
    if y.q < x.q then (* -qM-r *)
      if r > 0 then { q = (x.q - 1) - y.q; r = (-r + 1) + max_int32; v = v }
      else { q = x.q - y.q; r = -r; v = v }
    else if y.q = x.q then (* abs r *)
      if r < 0 then { q = 0; r = -r; v = v } else { q = 0; r = r; v = v }
    else (* qM+r *)
      if r < 0 then { q = (y.q - 1) - x.q; r = (r+1) + max_int32; v = v }
      else { q = y.q - x.q; r = r; v = v }

  let big_lt (x y: big) : bool
    requires { x.v >= 0 /\ y.v >= 0 }
    ensures  { result <-> x.v < y.v }
  = x.q < y.q || x.q = y.q && x.r < y.r

  function sum (a: array int32) (l u: int) : int =
    Sum.sum (fun i -> to_int a[i]) l u

  let lemma sum_bounds (a: array int32) (l u: int)
    requires { 0 <= l <= u <= length a }
    ensures  { (u-l) * min_int32 <= sum a l u <= (u-l) * max_int32 }
  = let s = ref 0 in
    for i = l to u - 1 do
      invariant { !s = sum a l i }
      invariant { (i-l) * min_int32 <= !s <= (i-l) * max_int32 }
      s := !s + to_int (a.elts i)

  function diff (a: array int32) (i: int) : int =
    abs (sum a 0 i - sum a i (length a))

  let fulcrum (a: array int32) : int32
    requires { length a < max_int32 } (* the only (and small) compromise *)
    ensures  { 0 <= result <= length a }
    ensures  { forall i. 0 <= i <= length a -> diff a result <= diff a i }
  = let n = length a in
    let right = big_zero () in
    for i = 0 to n - 1 do
      invariant { biginv right }
      invariant { right = sum a 0 i }
      add_big right a[i]
    let left = big_zero () in
    let besti = ref (0: int32) in
    let bestd = delta left right in
    for i = 0 to n - 1 do
      invariant { biginv right /\ biginv left /\ biginv bestd }
      invariant { left = sum a 0 i }
      invariant { right = sum a i n }
      invariant { 0 <= !besti <= i }
      invariant { bestd = diff a !besti }
      invariant { forall j. 0 <= j <= i -> bestd <= diff a j }
      add_big left  a[i];
      sub_big right a[i];
      let d = delta left right in
      if big_lt d bestd then begin
        (* bestd <- d *) bestd.q <- d.q; bestd.r <- d.r; bestd.v <- d.v;
        besti := i + 1


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Why3 Proof Results for Project "hillel_challenge"

Theory "hillel_challenge.Leftpad": fully verified

ObligationsAlt-Ergo 2.3.3
VC for leftpad0.40

Theory "hillel_challenge.Unique": fully verified

ObligationsAlt-Ergo 2.3.3CVC5 1.0.5Z3 4.12.2
VC for unique---------
array creation size0.010.07---
loop invariant init0.010.05---
loop invariant init0.010.08---
loop invariant init0.010.07---
loop invariant init0.010.07---
index in array bounds0.010.05---
index in array bounds0.000.05---
index in array bounds0.010.05---
index in array bounds0.010.06---
loop invariant preservation0.010.07---
loop invariant preservation0.08------
loop invariant preservation0.15------
loop invariant preservation0.04------
loop invariant preservation0.010.07---
loop invariant preservation0.030.14---
loop invariant preservation---------
case x=a[i]
true case (loop invariant preservation)0.010.08---
false case (loop invariant preservation)---------
assert (mem x a (i+1) <-> mem x a i)
asserted formula0.010.08---
false case (loop invariant preservation)0.010.06---
loop invariant preservation0.010.08---
out of loop bounds0.010.07---

Theory "hillel_challenge.Fulcrum": fully verified

ObligationsAlt-Ergo 2.3.3CVC5 1.0.5
VC for fulcrum------
loop invariant init0.010.04
index in array bounds0.000.03
loop invariant preservation0.010.05
loop invariant init0.010.04
loop invariant init0.000.03
loop invariant init0.000.03
loop invariant init0.020.05
loop invariant init0.000.04
index in array bounds0.000.03
index in array bounds0.000.03
loop invariant preservation0.020.08
loop invariant preservation0.020.06
loop invariant preservation0.010.04
loop invariant preservation0.010.06
loop invariant preservation0.020.05
loop invariant preservation0.020.07
loop invariant preservation0.020.06
loop invariant preservation0.000.04
loop invariant preservation0.010.04
loop invariant preservation0.010.84
out of loop bounds0.000.03
out of loop bounds0.000.05

Theory "hillel_challenge.FulcrumNoOverflow": fully verified

ObligationsAlt-Ergo 2.3.3CVC5 1.0.5
VC for big0.000.04
VC for big_zero0.000.04
VC for add_big------
integer overflow0.010.05
integer overflow0.020.05
integer overflow0.010.04
integer overflow0.010.05
type invariant0.020.04
type invariant------
type invariant0.010.04
type invariant0.010.05
type invariant0.010.03
type invariant0.010.05
type invariant0.010.05
integer overflow0.010.05
integer overflow0.020.04
integer overflow0.010.05
integer overflow0.010.05
type invariant0.030.04
integer overflow0.030.04
type invariant0.020.04
VC for sub_big0.040.06
VC for delta------
integer overflow0.010.04
integer overflow0.010.05
integer overflow0.020.05
integer overflow0.020.05
integer overflow0.050.05
integer overflow0.030.05
integer overflow0.010.04
integer overflow0.020.05
integer overflow0.020.05
integer overflow0.010.05
integer overflow0.020.04
integer overflow0.050.05
integer overflow0.020.05
integer overflow0.020.04
VC for big_lt0.020.05
VC for sum_bounds1.270.23
VC for fulcrum------
integer overflow0.010.04
loop invariant init0.000.04
loop invariant init0.010.05
index in array bounds0.010.04
loop invariant preservation0.010.04
loop invariant preservation0.030.06
integer overflow0.010.05
loop invariant init0.010.04
loop invariant init0.020.06
loop invariant init0.010.04
loop invariant init0.010.04
loop invariant init0.010.06
loop invariant init0.010.04
index in array bounds0.010.04
index in array bounds0.020.05
integer overflow0.020.06
type invariant0.030.07
loop invariant preservation0.020.04
loop invariant preservation0.120.19
loop invariant preservation0.151.90
loop invariant preservation0.020.05
loop invariant preservation0.033.25
loop invariant preservation0.080.06
loop invariant preservation0.020.04
loop invariant preservation0.120.16
loop invariant preservation0.121.23
loop invariant preservation0.020.05
loop invariant preservation0.020.04
loop invariant preservation0.040.23
out of loop bounds0.010.04
out of loop bounds0.020.08