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(* Basic arrow definitions *)
module Fun

  use export HighOrd

  predicate ext (f g:'a -> 'b) = forall x. f x = g x
  predicate equalizer (a:'a -> bool) (f g:'a -> 'b) =
    forall x. a x -> f x = g x

  function compose (g:'b -> 'c) (f:'a -> 'b) : 'a -> 'c = fun x -> g (f x)
  function rcompose (f:'a -> 'b) (g:'b -> 'c) : 'a -> 'c = compose g f

  function id : 'a -> 'a = fun x -> x
  function const (x:'b) : 'a -> 'b = fun _ -> x
  function fst (x:('a,'b)) : 'a = let (x,_) = x in x
  function snd (x:('a,'b)) : 'b = let (_,x) = x in x
  function flip (f:'a -> 'b -> 'c) : 'b -> 'a -> 'c = fun x y -> f y x

  function update (f:'a -> 'b) (x:'a) (y:'b) : 'a -> 'b =
    fun z -> if z = x then y else f z
  function ([<-]) (f:'a -> 'b) (x:'a) (y:'b) : 'a -> 'b = update f x y


(* Proof done via cloning+replacing axioms by goals *)
(* Functional extensionality. *)
module FunExt "W:non_conservative_extension:N" (* => FunProofs *)

  use export Fun

  axiom extensionality : forall f g:'a -> 'b. ext f g -> f = g

  let extensional (f g:'a -> 'b) : unit
    requires { ext f g }
    ensures { f = g }
  = ()


(* Evident category properties of functions. *)
module FunCategory "W:non_conservative_extension:N" (* => FunProofs *)

  use export Fun

  axiom assoc : forall f:'a -> 'b,g,h:'c -> 'd.
    compose (compose h g) f = compose h (compose g f)

  axiom neutral : forall f:'a -> 'b. compose f id = f = compose id f


(* Proofs of above Fun modules *)
module FunProofs

  use import Fun

  predicate hack (f g h:'a -> 'b) = f = g = h
  lemma ext : forall f g:'a -> 'b.
    ext f g -> f = g by hack f (fun x -> (fun y -> y) (f x)) g

  lemma assoc : forall f:'a -> 'b,g,h:'c -> 'd.
    ext (compose (compose h g) f) (compose h (compose g f))

  lemma neutral : forall f:'a -> 'b.
    ext (compose f id) f /\ ext (compose id f) f

  clone FunExt with goal extensionality
  clone FunCategory with goal assoc, goal neutral


(* Basic definition on sets-as-arrows *)
module Set

  use import Fun

  type set 'a = 'a -> bool

  predicate subset (a b:set 'a) = forall x. a x -> b x
  predicate inhabited (s:set 'a) = exists x. s x
  predicate sext (a b:set 'a) = forall x. a x <-> b x
  lemma sext_is_ext : forall a b:set 'a. sext a b -> ext a b

  function neg (s:set 'a) : set 'a = fun x -> not (s x)
  function union (a b:set 'a) : set 'a = fun x -> a x \/ b x
  function inter (a b:set 'a) : set 'a = fun x -> a x /\ b x
  function diff (a b:set 'a) : set 'a = inter a (neg b)

  constant all : set 'a = fun _ -> true
  constant none : set 'a = fun _ -> false
  function sing (x:'a) : set 'a = (=) x

  function add (s:set 'a) (x:'a) : set 'a = fun y -> s y \/ x = y
  function remove (s:set 'a) (x:'a) : set 'a = fun y -> s y /\ y <> x


(* Some usual big operators on sets. *)
module SetBigOps

  use import Set

  function bigunion (c:set (set 'a)) : set 'a = fun x -> exists s. c s /\ s x
  function biginter (c:set (set 'a)) : set 'a = fun x -> forall s. c s -> s x


(* Basic definition on relations-as-arrows *)
module Rel

  use import Fun

  type rel 'a 'b = 'a -> 'b -> bool
  type erel 'a = rel 'a 'a

  predicate rext (r1 r2:rel 'a 'b) = forall x y. r1 x y <-> r2 x y

  predicate reflexive (r:erel 'a) = forall x. r x x
  predicate symetric (r:erel 'a) = forall x y. r x y -> r y x
  predicate transitive (r:erel 'a) = forall x y z. r x y /\ r y z -> r x z
  predicate antisymetric (r:erel 'a) = forall x y. r x y /\ r y x -> x = y
  predicate total (r:erel 'a) = forall x y. r x y \/ r y x
  predicate det_related (r:rel 'a 'b) (x:'a) = forall y z. r x y /\ r x z -> y = z
  predicate deterministic (r:rel 'a 'b) = forall x. det_related r x
  predicate preorder (r:erel 'a) = reflexive r /\ transitive r
  predicate order (r:erel 'a) = preorder r /\ antisymetric r
  predicate equivalence (r:erel 'a) = preorder r /\ symetric r
  inductive acc_on (erel 'a) ('a -> bool) 'a =
    | Acc : forall r s,x:'a.
      s x /\ (forall y. s y /\ r y x -> acc_on r s y) -> acc_on r s x
  predicate wf_on (r:erel 'a)  (s:'a -> bool) = forall x. s x -> acc_on r s x

  constant id : rel 'a 'a = (=)
  function of_func (f:'a -> 'b) : rel 'a 'b = fun x y -> y = f x
  function compose (r1:rel 'a 'b) (r2:rel 'b 'c) : rel 'a 'c =
    fun x z -> exists y. r1 x y /\ r2 y z
  function reverse (r:rel 'a 'b) : rel 'b 'a = flip r


(* Relational extensionality. *)
module RelExt "W:non_conservative_extension:N" (* => RelProofs *)

  use export Rel
  axiom extensionality : forall r1 r2:rel 'a 'b. rext r1 r2 -> r1 = r2


(* Evident category properties of relations. *)
module RelCategory "W:non_conservative_extension:N" (* => RelProofs *)

  use export Rel

  axiom assoc : forall r1:rel 'a 'b,r2,r3:rel 'c 'd.
    compose r1 (compose r2 r3) = compose (compose r1 r2) r3

  axiom reverse_antimorphism : forall r1:rel 'a 'b,r2:rel 'b 'c.
    compose (reverse r2) (reverse r1) = reverse (compose r1 r2)

  axiom reverse_antimorphism_id : reverse id = (id:erel 'a)

  axiom reverse_involution : forall r:rel 'a 'b. reverse (reverse r) = r

  axiom neutral : forall r:rel 'a 'b.
    compose r id = r = compose id r


(* Relation product. *)
module RelProduct

  use export Rel

  predicate rprod (r1:rel 'a 'b) (r2:rel 'c 'd) (x:('a,'c)) (y:('b,'d)) =
    let (xa,xc) = x in let (yb,yd) = y in r1 xa yb /\ r2 xc yd


(* Elements related to a set. *)
module RelSet

  use import Set
  use export Rel

  predicate related (r:rel 'a 'b) (s:set 'a) (y:'b) = exists x. s x /\ r x y

  predicate i_related (r:rel 'a 'b) (s:set 'b) (x:'a) = exists y. s y /\ r x y


module RelProofs

  use import FunExt
  use import Rel

  lemma extensionality : forall r1 r2:rel 'a 'b. rext r1 r2 -> r1 = r2
    by ext r1 r2 by forall x. ext (r1 x) (r2 x)

  predicate (==) (x y:rel 'a 'b) = rext x y
  meta rewrite_def predicate (==)
  meta rewrite_def predicate rext
  meta rewrite_def function compose

  lemma assoc : forall r1:rel 'a 'b,r2,r3:rel 'c 'd.
    compose r1 (compose r2 r3) == compose (compose r1 r2) r3

  lemma reverse_antimorphism : forall r1:rel 'a 'b,r2:rel 'b 'c.
    compose (reverse r2) (reverse r1) == reverse (compose r1 r2)

  lemma reverse_antimorphism_id : reverse id == (id:erel 'a)

  lemma reverse_involution : forall r:rel 'a 'b. reverse (reverse r) == r

  lemma neutral : forall r:rel 'a 'b.
    compose r id == r == compose id r

  clone RelExt with goal extensionality
  clone RelCategory with goal assoc,
    goal reverse_antimorphism,
    goal reverse_antimorphism_id,
    goal reverse_involution,
    goal neutral


module SubsetOrder "W:non_conservative_extension:N" (* => SetProofs *)

  use export Set
  use import Rel

  axiom subset_order : order (subset:erel (set 'a))


module SetProofs

  use import FunExt
  use import Set

  lemma anti_subset : forall s1 s2:set 'a.
    subset s1 s2 /\ subset s2 s1 -> sext s1 s2

  clone SubsetOrder with goal subset_order


module Image

  use import Fun
  use import Set

  predicate image (f:'a -> 'b) (s:set 'a) (y:'b) = exists x. s x /\ f x = y

  predicate preimage (f:'a -> 'b) (s:set 'b) (x:'a) = s (f x)


module PartialFun "W:non_conservative_extension:N" (* => PartialFunInstance *)

  use import Fun
  use import Set

  type pfun 'a 'b

  (* TODO/FIXME: seems weird that it is necessary to
     separate the function/val definition so that they
     can be used with the dot notation. *)
  function domain (pfun 'a 'b) : set 'a
  function eval (pfun 'a 'b) : 'a -> 'b

  val ghost function of_fun (f:{'a -> 'b}) : {pfun 'a 'b}
    ensures { result.domain = all /\ result.eval = f }
  val ghost function restrict (p:set {'a}) (f:{pfun 'a 'b}) : {pfun 'a 'b}
    ensures { result.domain = inter p f.domain }
    ensures { forall x. result.domain x -> result.eval x = f.eval x }
  val ghost function extends (f g:{pfun 'a 'b}) : {pfun 'a 'b}
    ensures { result.domain = union f.domain g.domain }
    ensures { forall x. g.domain x -> result.eval x = g.eval x }
    ensures { forall x. f.domain x /\ not g.domain x ->
      result.eval x = f.eval x }
  val ghost function join (f g:{pfun 'a 'b}) : {pfun 'a 'b}
    requires { equalizer (inter f.domain g.domain) f.eval g.eval }
    ensures { result.domain = union f.domain g.domain }
    ensures { forall x. g.domain x -> result.eval x = g.eval x }
    ensures { forall x. f.domain x -> result.eval x = f.eval x }
  val ghost function psing (x:{'a}) (y:{'b}) : {pfun 'a 'b}
    ensures { result.domain = sing x }
    ensures { result.eval x = y }
  val ghost function padd (f:{pfun 'a 'b}) (x:{'a}) (y:{'b}) : {pfun 'a 'b}
    ensures { result.domain = add f.domain x }
    ensures { result.eval x = y }
    ensures { forall x0. result.domain x0 /\ x <> x0 ->
      result.eval x0 = f.eval x0 }
  val ghost function premove (f:{pfun 'a 'b}) (x:{'a}) : {pfun 'a 'b}
    ensures { result.domain = remove f.domain x }
    ensures { forall x. result.domain x -> result.eval x = f.eval x }

  predicate pext (f g:pfun 'a 'b) =
    f.domain = g.domain && equalizer f.domain f.eval g.eval
  axiom extensional : forall f g:pfun 'a 'b. pext f g -> f = g

  predicate subfun (f g:pfun 'a 'b) =
    subset f.domain g.domain && equalizer f.domain f.eval g.eval


module PartialFunInstance

  use import FunExt
  use import Set

  type o 'a = N | S 'a

  type pfun 'a 'b = 'a -> o 'b

  let function dummy () : 'b
    requires { false }
  = absurd

  function domain (f:pfun 'a 'b) : set 'a =
    fun x -> match f x with N -> false | _ -> true end
  function eval (f:pfun 'a 'b) : 'a -> 'b =
    fun x -> match f x with N -> dummy () | S u -> u end

  let ghost function of_fun (f:{'a -> 'b}) : {pfun 'a 'b}
    ensures { sext result.domain all }
    ensures { ext result.eval f }
  = fun x -> S (f x)
  let ghost function restrict (p:set {'a}) (f:{pfun 'a 'b}) : {pfun 'a 'b}
    ensures { sext result.domain (inter p f.domain) }
  = fun x -> if p x then f x else N
  let ghost function extends (f g:{pfun 'a 'b}) : {pfun 'a 'b}
    ensures { sext result.domain (union f.domain g.domain) }
  = fun x -> match g x with S u -> S u | N -> f x end
  let ghost function psing (x:{'a}) (y:{'b}) : {pfun 'a 'b}
  = restrict ({sing} x) (of_fun ({const} y))
  let ghost function padd (f:{pfun 'a 'b}) (x:{'a}) (y:{'b}) : {pfun 'a 'b}
  = extends f (psing x y)
  let ghost function premove (f:{pfun 'a 'b}) (x:{'a}) : {pfun 'a 'b}
  = restrict ({remove} f.domain x) f

  lemma extensional : forall f g:pfun 'a 'b.
    f.domain = g.domain /\ equalizer f.domain f.eval g.eval ->
    f = g by ext f g by forall x. f x = g x
    by match f x with
      | N -> not g.domain x
      | _ -> g.domain x so g.eval x = f.eval x

  clone PartialFun with type pfun 'a 'b = pfun 'a 'b,
    function domain = domain,
    function eval = eval,
    val of_fun = of_fun,
    val restrict = restrict,
    val extends = extends,
    val join = extends,
    val psing = psing,
    val padd = padd,
    val premove = premove,
    goal extensional


module SubFunOrder

  use export PartialFun
  use import Rel

  lemma subfun_order : order (subfun:erel (pfun 'a 'b))
    by forall f g:pfun 'a 'b. subfun f g /\ subfun g f -> f = g by pext f g


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