Mergesort (queues)
Sorting queues using mergesort.
Authors: Jean-Christophe Filliâtre
Topics: Sorting Algorithms
Tools: Why3
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Sorting a queue using mergesort
Author: Jean-Christophe FilliĆ¢tre (CNRS)
module MergesortQueue use int.Int use seq.Seq use seq.Mem use seq.FreeMonoid use seq.Occ use seq.Permut use queue.Queue type elt val predicate le elt elt clone relations.TotalPreOrder with type t = elt, predicate rel = le, axiom . clone export seq.Sorted with type t = elt, predicate le = le, goal . let merge (q1: t elt) (q2: t elt) (q: t elt) requires { q = empty /\ sorted q1 /\ sorted q2 } ensures { sorted q } ensures { length q = length (old q1) + length (old q2) } ensures { forall x. occ_all x q = occ_all x (old q1) + occ_all x (old q2) } = while not (is_empty q1 && is_empty q2) do invariant { sorted q1 /\ sorted q2 /\ sorted q } invariant { forall x y: elt. mem x q -> mem y q1 -> le x y } invariant { forall x y: elt. mem x q -> mem y q2 -> le x y } invariant { length q + length q1 + length q2 = length (old q1) + length (old q2) } invariant { forall x. occ_all x q + occ_all x q1 + occ_all x q2 = occ_all x (old q1) + occ_all x (old q2) } variant { length q1 + length q2 } if is_empty q1 then push (safe_pop q2) q else if is_empty q2 then push (safe_pop q1) q else let x1 = safe_peek q1 in let x2 = safe_peek q2 in if le x1 x2 then push (safe_pop q1) q else push (safe_pop q2) q done let rec mergesort (q: t elt) : unit ensures { sorted q /\ permut_all q (old q) } variant { length q } = if (length q) then begin let q1 = create () : t elt in let q2 = create () : t elt in while not (is_empty q) do invariant { forall x. occ_all x q1 + occ_all x q2 + occ_all x q = occ_all x (old q) } invariant { length (old q) = length q1 + length q2 + length q } invariant { length q1 = length q2 \/ length q = 0 /\ length q1 = length q2 + 1 } variant { length q } let x = safe_pop q in push x q1; if not (is_empty q) then let x = safe_pop q in push x q2 done; assert { q = empty }; assert { forall x. occ_all x q1 + occ_all x q2 = occ_all x (old q) }; mergesort q1; mergesort q2; merge q1 q2 q end else assert { q = empty \/ exists x: elt. q = cons x empty } end
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