VSCOMP 2014, problem 1
Auteurs: Claude Marché
Catégories: Ghost code
Outils: Why3
Références: Fourth Verified Software Competition (VSComp) 2014
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The Patience Solitaire Game
Problem 1 from the Verified Software Competition 2014
Patience Solitaire is played by taking cards one-by-one from a deck of cards and arranging them face up in a sequence of stacks arranged from left to right as follows. The very first card from the deck is kept face up to form a singleton stack. Each subsequent card is placed on the leftmost stack where its card value is no greater than the topmost card on that stack. If there is no such stack, then a new stack is started to right of the other stacks. We can do this with positive numbers instead of cards. If the input sequence is 9, 7, 10, 9, 5, 4, and 10, then the stacks develop as
<[[9]]> <[[7, 9]]> <[[7, 9]], [[10]]> <[[7, 9]], [[9, 10]]> <[[5, 7, 9]], [[9, 10]]> <[[4, 5, 7, 9]], [[9, 10]]> <[[4, 5, 7, 9]], [[9, 10]], [[10]]>
Verify the claim is that the number of stacks at the end of the game is the length of the longest (strictly) increasing subsequence in the input sequence.
Preliminary: pigeon-hole lemma
module PigeonHole
The Why standard library provides a lemma
stating that a map from
to (0..n-1)
that is an injection is also a
This is more or less equivalent to the pigeon-hole lemma. However, we need such a lemma more generally on functions instead of maps.
Thus we restate the pigeon-hole lemma here. Proof is left as an exercise.
use int.Int predicate range (f: int -> int) (n: int) (m:int) = forall i: int. 0 <= i < n -> 0 <= f i < m
range f n m
is true when f
maps the domain
into (0..m-1)
predicate injective (f: int -> int) (n: int) = forall i j: int. 0 <= i < j < n -> f i <> f j
injective f n m
is true when f
is an injection
from (0..n-1)
to (0..m-1)
(* lemma pigeon_hole2: forall n m:int, f: int -> int. range f n m /\ n > m >= 0 -> not (injective f n m) *) exception Found function shift (f: int -> int) (i:int) : int -> int = fun k -> if k < i then f k else f (k+1) let rec lemma pigeon_hole (n m:int) (f: int -> int) requires { range f n m } requires { n > m >= 0 } variant { m } ensures { not (injective f n) } = for i = 0 to n-1 do invariant { forall k. 0 <= k < i -> f k <> m-1 } if f i = m-1 then begin (* we have found index i such that f i = m-1 *) for j = i+1 to n-1 do invariant { forall k. i < k < j -> f k <> m-1 } (* we know that f i = f j = m-1 hence we are done *) if f j = m-1 then return done; (* we know that for all k <> i, f k <> m-1 *) let g = shift f i in assert { range g (n-1) (m-1) }; pigeon_hole (n-1) (m-1) g; return end done; (* we know that for all k, f k <> m-1 *) assert { range f n (m-1) }; pigeon_hole n (m-1) f end
Patience idiomatic code
module PatienceCode use int.Int use list.List use list.RevAppend
this code was the one written initially, without any specification, except for termination, ans unreachability of the 'absurd' branch'.
It can be tested, see below.
type card = int predicate wf_stacks (stacks: list (list card)) = match stacks with | Nil -> true | Cons Nil _ -> false | Cons (Cons _ _) rem -> wf_stacks rem end
stacks are well-formed if they are non-empty
let rec lemma wf_rev_append_stacks (s1 s2: list (list int)) requires { wf_stacks s1 } requires { wf_stacks s2 } variant { s1 } ensures { wf_stacks (rev_append s1 s2) } = match s1 with | Nil -> () | Cons Nil _ -> absurd | Cons s rem -> wf_rev_append_stacks rem (Cons s s2) end
concatenation of well-formed stacks is well-formed
let rec push_card (c:card) (stacks : list (list card)) (acc : list (list card)) : list (list card) requires { wf_stacks stacks } requires { wf_stacks acc } variant { stacks } ensures { wf_stacks result } = match stacks with | Nil -> (* we put card `c` in a new stack *) rev_append (Cons (Cons c Nil) acc) Nil | Cons stack remaining_stacks -> match stack with | Nil -> absurd (* because `wf_stacks stacks` *) | Cons c' _ -> if c <= c' then (* card is placed on the leftmost stack where its card value is no greater than the topmost card on that stack *) rev_append (Cons (Cons c stack) acc) remaining_stacks else (* try next stack *) push_card c remaining_stacks (Cons stack acc) end end
push_card c stacks acc
pushes card c
on stacks stacks
assuming acc
is an accumulator (in reverse order) of stacks
where c
could not be pushed.
let rec play_cards (input: list card) (stacks: list (list card)) : list (list card) requires { wf_stacks stacks } variant { input } ensures { wf_stacks result } = match input with | Nil -> stacks | Cons c rem -> let stacks' = push_card c stacks Nil in play_cards rem stacks' end let play_game (input: list card) : list (list card) = play_cards input Nil let test () =
test, can be run using why3 patience.mlw --exec PatienceCode.test
the list given in the problem description 9, 7, 10, 9, 5, 4, and 10
play_game (Cons 9 (Cons 7 (Cons 10 (Cons 9 (Cons 5 (Cons 4 (Cons 10 Nil))))))) end
Abstract version of Patience game
module PatienceAbstract use int.Int
To specify the expected property of the Patience game, we first provide an abstract version, working on a abstract state that includes a lot of information regarding the positions of the cards in the stack and so on.
This abstract state should then be including in the real code as a ghost state, with a gluing invariant that matches the ghost state and the concrete stacks of cards.
type card = int
Abstract state
use map.Map use map.Const type state = { ghost mutable num_stacks : int;
number of stacks built so far
ghost mutable num_elts : int;
number of cards already seen
ghost mutable values : map int card;
cards values seen, indexed in the order they have been seen,
from 0
to num_elts-1
ghost mutable stack_sizes : map int int;
sizes of these stacks, numbered from 0
to num_stacks - 1
ghost mutable stacks : map int (map int int);
indexes of the cards in respective stacks
ghost mutable positions : map int (int,int);
table that given a card index, provides its position, i.e. in which stack it is and at which height
ghost mutable preds : map int int;
predecessors of cards, i.e. for each card index i
, preds[i]
provides an index of a card in the stack on the immediate left,
whose value is smaller. Defaults to -1
if the card is on the
leftmost stack.
Invariants on the abstract state
predicate inv (s:state) = 0 <= s.num_stacks <= s.num_elts
the number of stacks is less or equal the number of cards
/\ (s.num_elts > 0 -> s.num_stacks > 0)
when there is at least one card, there is at least one stack
/\ (forall i. 0 <= i < s.num_stacks -> s.stack_sizes[i] >= 1
stacks are non-empty
/\ forall j. 0 <= j < s.stack_sizes[i] -> 0 <= s.stacks[i][j] < s.num_elts)
contents of stacks are valid card indexes
/\ (forall i. 0 <= i < s.num_elts -> let is,ip = s.positions[i] in 0 <= is < s.num_stacks && let st = s.stacks[is] in 0 <= ip < s.stack_sizes[is] && st[ip] = i)
the position table of cards is correct, i.e. when
(is,ip) = s.positions[i]
then card i
occurs in stack is
at height ip
/\ (forall is. 0 <= is < s.num_stacks -> forall ip. 0 <= ip < s.stack_sizes[is] -> let idx = s.stacks[is][ip] in (is,ip) = s.positions[idx])
positions is the proper inverse of stacks
/\ (forall i. 0 <= i < s.num_stacks -> let stack_i = s.stacks[i] in forall j,k. 0 <= j < k < s.stack_sizes[i] -> stack_i[j] < stack_i[k])
in a given stack, indexes are increasing from bottom to top
/\ (forall i. 0 <= i < s.num_stacks -> let stack_i = s.stacks[i] in forall j,k. 0 <= j <= k < s.stack_sizes[i] -> s.values[stack_i[j]] >= s.values[stack_i[k]])
in a given stack, card values are decreasing from bottom to top
/\ (forall i. 0 <= i < s.num_elts -> let pred = s.preds[i] in -1 <= pred < s.num_elts &&
the predecessor is a valid index or -1
pred < i /\
predecessor is always a smaller index
let is,_ip = s.positions[i] in if pred < 0 then is = 0
if predecessor is -1
then i
is in leftmost stack
else s.values[pred] < s.values[i] /\
if predecessor is not -1
, it denotes a card with smaller value...
is > 0 &&
...the card is not on the leftmost stack...
let ps,_pp = s.positions[pred] in ps = is - 1)
...and predecessor is in the stack on the immediate left
use ref.Ref exception Return int let ghost play_card (c:card) (s:state) : unit requires { inv s } writes { s } ensures { inv s } ensures { s.num_elts = (old s).num_elts + 1 } ensures { s.values = (old s).values[(old s).num_elts <- c] } = let ghost pred = ref (-1) in try for i = 0 to s.num_stacks - 1 do invariant { if i=0 then !pred = -1 else let stack_im1 = s.stacks[i-1] in let stack_im1_size = s.stack_sizes[i-1] in let top_stack_im1 = stack_im1[stack_im1_size - 1] in !pred = top_stack_im1 /\ c > s.values[!pred] /\ 0 <= !pred < s.num_elts /\ let ps,_pp = s.positions[!pred] in ps = i - 1 } let stack_i = s.stacks[i] in let stack_i_size = s.stack_sizes[i] in let top_stack_i = stack_i[stack_i_size - 1] in if c <= s.values[top_stack_i] then raise (Return i); assert { 0 <= top_stack_i < s.num_elts }; assert { let is,ip = s.positions[top_stack_i] in 0 <= is < s.num_stacks && 0 <= ip < s.stack_sizes[is] && s.stacks[is][ip] = top_stack_i && is = i /\ ip = stack_i_size - 1 }; pred := top_stack_i done; (* we add a new stack *) let idx = s.num_elts in let i = s.num_stacks in let stack_i = s.stacks[i] in let new_stack_i = stack_i[0 <- idx] in s.num_elts <- idx + 1; s.values <- s.values[idx <- c]; s.num_stacks <- s.num_stacks + 1; s.stack_sizes <- s.stack_sizes[i <- 1]; s.stacks <- s.stacks[i <- new_stack_i]; s.positions <- s.positions[idx <- i,0]; s.preds <- s.preds[idx <- !pred] with Return i -> let stack_i = s.stacks[i] in let stack_i_size = s.stack_sizes[i] in (* we put c on top of stack i *) let idx = s.num_elts in let new_stack_i = stack_i[stack_i_size <- idx] in s.num_elts <- idx + 1; s.values <- s.values[idx <- c]; (* s.num_stacks unchanged *) s.stack_sizes <- s.stack_sizes[i <- stack_i_size + 1]; s.stacks <- s.stacks[i <- new_stack_i]; s.positions <- s.positions[idx <- i,stack_i_size]; s.preds <- s.preds[idx <- !pred]; end
play_card c i s
pushes the card c
on state s
use list.List use list.Length use list.NthNoOpt let rec play_cards (input: list int) (s: state) : unit requires { inv s } variant { input } writes { s } ensures { inv s } ensures { s.num_elts = (old s).num_elts + length input } ensures { forall i. 0 <= i < (old s).num_elts -> s.values[i] = (old s).values[i] } ensures { forall i. (old s).num_elts <= i < s.num_elts -> s.values[i] = nth (i - (old s).num_elts) input } = match input with | Nil -> () | Cons c rem -> play_card c s; play_cards rem s end type seq 'a = { seqlen: int; seqval: map int 'a } predicate increasing_subsequence (s:seq int) (l:list int) = 0 <= s.seqlen <= length l && (* subsequence *) ((forall i. 0 <= i < s.seqlen -> 0 <= s.seqval[i] < length l) /\ (forall i,j. 0 <= i < j < s.seqlen -> s.seqval[i] < s.seqval[j])) (* increasing *) && (forall i,j. 0 <= i < j < s.seqlen -> nth s.seqval[i] l < nth s.seqval[j] l) use PigeonHole let ghost play_game (input: list int) : state ensures { exists s: seq int. s.seqlen = result.num_stacks /\ increasing_subsequence s input } ensures { forall s: seq int. increasing_subsequence s input -> s.seqlen <= result.num_stacks } = let s = { num_elts = 0; values = Const.const (-1) ; num_stacks = 0; stack_sizes = Const.const 0; stacks = Const.const (Const.const (-1)); positions = Const.const (-1,-1); preds = Const.const (-1); } in play_cards input s;
This is ghost code to build an increasing subsequence of maximal length
let ns = s.num_stacks in if ns = 0 then begin assert { input = Nil }; let seq = { seqlen = 0 ; seqval = Const.const (-1) } in assert { increasing_subsequence seq input }; s end else let last_stack = s.stacks[ns-1] in let idx = ref (last_stack[s.stack_sizes[ns-1]-1]) in let seq = ref (Const.const (-1)) in for i = ns-1 downto 0 do invariant { -1 <= !idx < s.num_elts } invariant { i >= 0 -> !idx >= 0 && let is,_ = s.positions[!idx] in is = i } invariant { i+1 < ns -> !idx < !seq[i+1] } invariant { 0 <= i < ns-1 -> s.values[!idx] < s.values[!seq[i+1]] } invariant { forall j. i < j < ns -> 0 <= !seq[j] < s.num_elts } invariant { forall j,k. i < j < k < ns -> !seq[j] < !seq[k] } invariant { forall j,k. i < j < k < ns -> s.values[!seq[j]] < s.values[!seq[k]] } seq := !seq[i <- !idx]; idx := s.preds[!idx]; done; let sigma = { seqlen = ns ; seqval = !seq } in assert { forall i. 0 <= i < length input -> nth i input = s.values[i] }; assert { increasing_subsequence sigma input };
These are assertions to prove that no increasing subsequence of length larger than the number of stacks may exists
assert { (* non-injectivity *) forall sigma: seq int. increasing_subsequence sigma input /\ sigma.seqlen > s.num_stacks -> (exists i,j. 0 <= i < j < sigma.seqlen && let si = sigma.seqval[i] in let sj = sigma.seqval[j] in let stack_i,_pi = s.positions[si] in let stack_j,_pj = s.positions[sj] in stack_i = stack_j) by let f i = let si = sigma.seqval[i] in let stack_i,_ = s.positions[si] in stack_i in (forall i. 0 <= i < sigma.seqlen -> let si = sigma.seqval[i] in 0 <= si < length input && let stack_i,_ = s.positions[si] in 0 <= stack_i < s.num_stacks ) so range f sigma.seqlen s.num_stacks so not (injective f sigma.seqlen) }; assert { (* contradiction from non-injectivity *) forall sigma: seq int. increasing_subsequence sigma input /\ sigma.seqlen > s.num_stacks -> forall i,j. 0 <= i < j < sigma.seqlen -> let si = sigma.seqval[i] in let sj = sigma.seqval[j] in let stack_i,pi = s.positions[si] in let stack_j,pj = s.positions[sj] in stack_i = stack_j -> si < sj && pi < pj && s.values[si] < s.values[sj] }; s let ghost test () = (* the list given in the problem description 9, 7, 10, 9, 5, 4, and 10 *) play_game (Cons 9 (Cons 7 (Cons 10 (Cons 9 (Cons 5 (Cons 4 (Cons 10 Nil))))))) end
Gluing abstract version with the original idiomatic code
module PatienceFull use int.Int use PatienceAbstract
glue between the ghost state and the stacks of cards
use list.List use list.Length use list.NthNoOpt use map.Map predicate glue_stack (s:state) (i:int) (st:list card) = length st = s.stack_sizes[i] /\ let stack_i = s.stacks[i] in forall j. 0 <= i < length st -> nth j st = s.values[stack_i[j]] predicate glue (s:state) (st:list (list card)) = length st = s.num_stacks /\ forall i. 0 <= i < length st -> glue_stack s i (nth i st)
playing a card
use list.RevAppend use ref.Ref exception Return end
Why3 Proof Results for Project "patience"
Theory "patience.PigeonHole": fully verified
Obligations | Alt-Ergo 2.5.3 | |
VC for pigeon_hole | --- | |
split_goal_right | ||
loop invariant init | 0.01 | |
loop invariant init | 0.01 | |
postcondition | 0.01 | |
loop invariant preservation | 0.01 | |
assertion | 0.02 | |
variant decrease | 0.01 | |
precondition | 0.01 | |
precondition | 0.01 | |
postcondition | 0.03 | |
out of loop bounds | 0.02 | |
loop invariant preservation | 0.02 | |
assertion | 0.01 | |
variant decrease | 0.00 | |
precondition | 0.01 | |
precondition | 0.01 | |
postcondition | 0.00 | |
out of loop bounds | 0.01 |
Theory "patience.PatienceCode": fully verified
Obligations | Alt-Ergo 2.5.3 |
VC for wf_rev_append_stacks | 0.03 |
VC for push_card | 0.03 |
VC for play_cards | 0.02 |
VC for play_game | 0.01 |
VC for test | 0.01 |
Theory "patience.PatienceAbstract": fully verified
Obligations | Alt-Ergo 2.5.3 | CVC4 1.8 | CVC5 1.0.5 | Z3 4.12.2 | |||||||
VC for play_card | --- | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
split_goal_right | |||||||||||
loop invariant init | 0.00 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
postcondition | --- | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
introduce_premises | |||||||||||
postcondition | --- | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
inline_goal | |||||||||||
postcondition | --- | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
split_goal_right | |||||||||||
VC for play_card | 0.04 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_card | 0.05 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_card | 0.03 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_card | 0.06 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_card | --- | 0.18 | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_card | --- | 0.21 | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_card | 0.10 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_card | 0.10 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_card | 0.11 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_card | 0.12 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_card | 0.12 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_card | 0.27 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_card | --- | --- | --- | 0.02 | |||||||
VC for play_card | --- | --- | 0.82 | --- | |||||||
VC for play_card | 0.07 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_card | 0.07 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_card | 0.08 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_card | 0.13 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_card | 0.22 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_card | 0.14 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_card | 0.39 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
postcondition | 0.03 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
postcondition | 0.04 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
assertion | 0.02 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
assertion | 0.04 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
loop invariant preservation | 0.02 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
postcondition | --- | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
introduce_premises | |||||||||||
postcondition | --- | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
inline_goal | |||||||||||
postcondition | --- | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
split_goal_right | |||||||||||
VC for play_card | 0.03 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_card | 0.04 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_card | 0.04 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_card | 0.06 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_card | --- | 0.16 | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_card | --- | 0.28 | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_card | 0.07 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_card | 0.07 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_card | 0.07 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_card | 0.09 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_card | 0.10 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_card | 0.11 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_card | --- | --- | 0.14 | --- | |||||||
VC for play_card | --- | --- | --- | 0.02 | |||||||
VC for play_card | 0.05 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_card | 0.06 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_card | 0.07 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_card | 0.08 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_card | 0.11 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_card | 0.09 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_card | 0.19 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
postcondition | 0.05 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
postcondition | 0.04 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
out of loop bounds | 0.04 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_cards | 0.10 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_game | --- | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
split_goal_right | |||||||||||
precondition | 0.02 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
assertion | 0.01 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
assertion | 0.02 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
postcondition | 0.01 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
postcondition | 0.02 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
loop invariant init | 0.02 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
loop invariant init | 0.01 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
loop invariant init | 0.00 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
loop invariant init | 0.01 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
loop invariant init | 0.02 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
loop invariant init | 0.00 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
loop invariant init | 0.01 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
loop invariant preservation | 0.03 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
loop invariant preservation | 0.04 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
loop invariant preservation | 0.02 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
loop invariant preservation | 0.03 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
loop invariant preservation | 0.06 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
loop invariant preservation | 0.09 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
loop invariant preservation | 0.42 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
assertion | 0.01 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
assertion | 0.05 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
assertion | --- | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
split_vc | |||||||||||
assertion | 0.02 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
assertion | 0.02 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
assertion | 0.03 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
assertion | 0.03 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_game | --- | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
unfold range | |||||||||||
VC for play_game | --- | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
introduce_premises | |||||||||||
VC for play_game | --- | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
instantiate H2 i | |||||||||||
VC for play_game | --- | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
destruct_rec Hinst | |||||||||||
destruct premise | 0.01 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_game | --- | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
replace (f i) (match (positions s)[(seqval sigma)[i]] with x,_ -> x end) | |||||||||||
VC for play_game | --- | 0.08 | --- | --- | |||||||
equality hypothesis | 0.02 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_game | 0.02 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for play_game | 0.03 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
assertion | 0.11 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
postcondition | 0.02 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
postcondition | 0.16 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
out of loop bounds | 0.02 | --- | --- | --- | |||||||
VC for test | 0.01 | --- | --- | --- |