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Fast exponentiation

Two different implementations of the logarithmic fast exponentiation algorithm.

Auteurs: Jean-Christophe Filliâtre / Claude Marché

Catégories: Non-linear Arithmetic

Outils: Why3

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Fast exponentiation

module FastExponentiation

  use int.Int
  use int.Power
  use int.ComputerDivision

  lemma Power_even:
    forall x, n. n >= 0 -> mod n 2 = 0 ->
    power x n = power (x*x) (div n 2)
      by n = div n 2 + div n 2

  (* recursive implementation *)

  let rec fast_exp (x n: int) : int
    variant  { n }
    requires { 0 <= n }
    ensures  { result = power x n }
  = if n = 0 then
      let r = fast_exp x (div n 2) in
      if mod n 2 = 0 then r * r else r * r * x

  (* recursive implementation with an accumulator *)

  let rec fast_exp_2 (x n acc: int) : int
    variant  { n }
    requires { 0 <= n }
    ensures  { result = power x n * acc }
  = if n = 0 then
    else if mod n 2 = 0 then
      fast_exp_2 (x * x) (div n 2) acc
      fast_exp_2 x (n - 1) (x * acc)

  (* non-recursive implementation using a while loop *)

  use ref.Ref

  let fast_exp_imperative (x n: int) : int
    requires { 0 <= n }
    ensures { result = power x n }
  = let ref r = 1 in
    let ref p = x in
    let ref e = n in
    while e > 0 do
      invariant { 0 <= e }
      invariant { r * power p e = power x n }
      variant   { e }
      label L in
      if mod e 2 = 1 then r := r * p;
      p := p * p;
      e := div e 2;
      assert { power p e = let x = power (p at L) e in x * x }


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