Linear recurrence of order 2
This very simple code from numerical analysis that is a linear recurrence of order 2.
Authors: Sylvie Boldo
Topics: Floating-Point Computations / Mathematics
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A reasonable bound on the rounding error requires a complex property that expresses each rounding error.
/*@ axiomatic MKP { @ predicate mkp(double uc, double up, integer n); @ } */ /*@ requires 2 <= N <= \pow(2,26) && @ \exact(u0)==u0 && \exact(u1)==u1 && @ \forall integer k; 0 <= k <= N ==> \abs(u0+k*(u1-u0)) <= 1; @ ensures \exact(\result)==u0+N*(u1-u0) && @ \round_error(\result) <= N*(N+1.)/2.*\pow(2,-53); @*/ double comput_seq(double u0, double u1, int N) { int i; double uprev, ucur,tmp; uprev=u0; ucur=u1; /*@ loop invariant 2 <= i && i <= N+1 && @ \exact(ucur) ==u0+(i-1)*(u1-u0) && @ \exact(uprev)==u0+(i-2)*(u1-u0) && @ mkp(ucur,uprev,i-2); @ loop variant N-i; */ for (i=2; i<=N; i++) { tmp=2*ucur; /*@ assert tmp==2.*ucur; */ tmp-=uprev; uprev=ucur; ucur=tmp; } return ucur; }