Schorr-Waite algorithm, proof using a ghost monitor
Schorr-Waite's graph marking algorithm, an alternative proof using a ghost monitor
Authors: Martin Clochard / Claude Marché
Topics: Ghost code / Graph Algorithms / Pointer Programs
Tools: Why3
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proof of Schorr-Waite algorithm using a ghost monitor
The C code for Schorr-Waite is the following:
typedef struct struct_node { unsigned int m :1, c :1; struct struct_node *l, *r; } * node;
void schorr_waite(node root) { node t = root; node p = NULL; while (p != NULL || (t != NULL && ! t->m)) { if (t == NULL || t->m) { if (p->c) { /* pop */ node q = t; t = p; p = p->r; t->r = q; } else { /* swing */ node q = t; t = p->r; p->r = p->l; p->l = q; p->c = 1; } } else { /* push */ node q = p; p = t; t = t->l; p->l = q; p->m = 1; p->c = 0; } } }
The informal specification is
- the graph structure induced by pointer l
and r
is restored into its original shape
- assuming that initially all the nodes reachable from root
are unmarked (m is 0) then
at exit all those nodes are marked.
- the nodes initially unreachable from root
have their mark unchanged
module Memory
Component-as-array memory model, with null pointers
use int.Int use option.Option type loc
Memory locations
val constant null : loc
null pointer
val (=) (l1 l2:loc) : bool ensures { result <-> l1 = l2 }
pointer equality
type memory = abstract { mutable left : loc -> loc; mutable right : loc -> loc; mutable mark : loc -> bool; mutable color : loc -> bool; } predicate update (m1 m2:loc -> 'a) (l:loc) (v:'a) = m1 l = v /\ forall x. x<>l -> m1 x = m2 x val heap : memory
Global instance for memory
val get_l (l:loc) : loc requires { l <> null } reads { heap } ensures { result = heap.left l } val get_r (l:loc) : loc requires { l <> null } reads { heap } ensures { result = heap.right l } val get_m (l:loc) : bool requires { l <> null } reads { heap } ensures { result = heap.mark l } val get_c (l:loc) : bool requires { l <> null } reads { heap } ensures { result = heap.color l } val set_l (l:loc) (d:loc) : unit requires { l <> null } writes { heap.left } ensures { update heap.left (old heap.left) l d } val set_r (l:loc) (d:loc) : unit requires { l <> null } writes { heap.right } ensures { update heap.right (old heap.right) l d } val set_m (l:loc) (m:bool) : unit requires { l <> null } writes { heap.mark } ensures { update heap.mark (old heap.mark) l m } val set_c (l:loc) (c:bool) : unit requires { l <> null } writes { heap.color } ensures { update heap.color (old heap.color) l c }
Getters/setters for pointers
end module GraphShape
Define notions about the memory graph
use int.Int use set.Fset use Memory predicate edge (m:memory) (x y:loc) = x <> null /\ (m.left x = y \/ m.right x = y)
inductive path memory (x y:loc) = | path_nil : forall m x. path m x x | path_cons : forall m x y z. edge m x y /\ path m y z -> path m x z
predicate well_colored_on (graph gray:fset loc) (m:memory) (mark:loc -> bool) = subset gray graph /\ (forall x. mem x gray -> mark x) /\ (forall x y. mem x graph /\ edge m x y /\ y <> null /\ mark x -> mem x gray \/ mark y)
DFS invariant. For technical reason, it must refer to different parts
of the memory at different time. The graph structure is given
via the initial memory m
, but the coloring is given via the current one mark
predicate unchanged_structure (m1 m2:memory) = forall x. x <> null -> m2.left x = m1.left x /\ m2.right x = m1.right x
Unchanged_structure only concerns the graph shape, not the marks
end module SchorrWaite use int.Int use set.Fset use ref.Ref use Memory use GraphShape let schorr_waite (root : loc) (ghost graph : fset loc) : unit requires {
Root belong to graph
mem root graph } requires {
Graph is closed by following edges
forall l. mem l graph /\ l <> null -> mem (heap.left l) graph /\ mem (heap.right l) graph } writes { heap } requires {
The graph starts fully unmarked.
forall x. mem x graph -> not heap.mark x } ensures {
The graph structure is left unchanged.
unchanged_structure (old heap) heap } ensures {
Every non-null location reachable from the root is marked.
forall x. path (old heap) root x /\ x <> null -> heap.mark x } ensures {
Every other location is left with its previous marking.
forall x. not path (old heap) root x /\ x <> null -> heap.mark x = (old heap.mark) x } = (* Non-memory internal state *) let pc = ref 0 in let t = ref null in let p = ref null in let step () : unit requires { 0 <= !pc < 2 } writes { pc,t,p,heap } ensures { old (!pc = 0) -> !pc = 1 /\ !t = root /\ !p = null /\ heap = old heap } ensures { old (!pc = 1 /\ not(!p <> null \/ (!t <> null /\ not heap.mark !t))) -> !pc = 2 /\ !t = old !t /\ !p = old !p /\ heap = old heap } ensures { old (!pc = 1 /\ (!p <> null \/ (!t <> null /\ not heap.mark !t))) -> !pc = 1 /\ ( old ((!t = null \/ heap.mark !t) /\ heap.color !p) -> (* Pop *) (* q = t *) let q = old !t in (* t = p *) !t = old !p /\ (* p = p->r *) !p = old (heap.right !p) /\ (* t->r = q (t is old p here!) *) update heap.right (old heap.right) (old !p) q /\ heap.left = old (heap.left) /\ heap.mark = old (heap.mark) /\ heap.color = old (heap.color) ) /\ ( old ((!t = null \/ heap.mark !t) /\ not heap.color !p) -> (* Swing *) (* q = t *) let q = old !t in (* p unchanged *) !p = old !p /\ (* t = p->r *) !t = old (heap.right !p) /\ (* p->r = p->l *) update heap.right (old heap.right) !p (old (heap.left !p)) /\ (* p->l = q *) update heap.left (old heap.left) !p q /\ (* p->c = 1 *) update heap.color (old heap.color) !p true /\ heap.mark = old (heap.mark) ) /\ ( old (not (!t = null \/ heap.mark !t)) -> (* Push *) (* q = p *) let q = old !p in (* p = t *) !p = old !t /\ (* t = t -> l *) !t = old (heap.left !t) /\ (* p->l = q (p is old t here!) *) update heap.left (old heap.left) (old !t) q /\ (* p->m = 1 *) update heap.mark (old heap.mark) !p true /\ (* p->c = 0 *) update heap.color (old heap.color) !p false /\ heap.right = old (heap.right) ) } = if !pc = 0 then (t := root; p := null; pc := 1) else if !pc = 1 then if !p <> null || (!t <> null && not(get_m(!t))) then begin if !t = null || get_m(!t) then if get_c !p then (* Pop *) let q = !t in t := !p; p := get_r !p; set_r !t q; pc := 1 else (* Swing *) let q = !t in t := get_r !p; set_r !p (get_l !p); set_l !p q; set_c !p true; pc := 1 else (* Push *) let q = !p in p := !t; t := get_l !t; set_l !p q; set_m !p true; set_c !p false; pc := 1 end else pc := 2 else absurd in let ghost initial_heap = pure {heap} in (* Copy of initial memory *) let rec recursive_monitor (ghost gray_nodes: fset loc) : unit requires { !pc = 1 } requires { mem !t graph } requires { (* assume DFS invariant *) well_colored_on graph gray_nodes initial_heap heap.mark } requires { (* Non-marked nodes have unchanged structure with respect to the initial one *) forall x. x <> null /\ not heap.mark x -> heap.left x = initial_heap.left x /\ heap.right x = initial_heap.right x }
step function for low-level Schorr-Waite algorithm L0: node t = root; node p = NULL; while L1: (p != NULL || (t != NULL && ! t->m)) { if (t == NULL || t->m) { if (p->c) { /* Pop */ node q = t; t = p; p = p->r; t->r = q; } else { /* Swing */ node q = t; t = p->r; p->r = p->l; p->l = q; p->c = 1; } } else { /* Push */ node q = p; p = t; t = t->l; p->l = q; p->m = 1; p->c = 0; } } L2:
ensures { !pc = 1 } ensures { !t = old !t /\ !p = old !p } ensures { (* Pointer buffer is overall left unchanged *) unchanged_structure (old heap) heap } ensures { (* Maintain DFS invariant *) well_colored_on graph gray_nodes initial_heap heap.mark } ensures { (* The top node get marked *) !t <> null -> heap.mark !t } ensures { (* May not mark unreachable nodes, neither change marked nodes. *) forall x. x <> null -> not path initial_heap !t x \/ old heap.mark x -> heap.mark x = (old heap.mark) x /\ heap.color x = (old heap.color) x } (* Terminates because there is a finite number of 'grayable' nodes. *) variant { cardinal graph - cardinal gray_nodes } = if !t = null || get_m !t then () else let ghost new_gray = add !t gray_nodes in step (); (* Push *) recursive_monitor new_gray; (* Traverse the left child *) step (); (* Swing *) recursive_monitor new_gray; (* Traverse the right child *) step () (* Pop *) in step (); (* Initialize *) recursive_monitor empty; step (); (* Exit. *) assert { !pc = 2 }; (* Need induction to recover path-based specification. *) assert { forall x y. ([@induction] path initial_heap x y) -> x <> null /\ y <> null /\ mem x graph /\ heap.mark x -> heap.mark y } end
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Why3 Proof Results for Project "schorr_waite_with_ghost_monitor"
Theory "schorr_waite_with_ghost_monitor.SchorrWaite": fully verified
Obligations | Alt-Ergo 2.2.0 | CVC4 1.6 | ||
VC for schorr_waite | --- | --- | ||
split_goal_right | ||||
postcondition | --- | 0.04 | ||
postcondition | --- | 0.03 | ||
postcondition | --- | 0.04 | ||
precondition | --- | 0.06 | ||
precondition | --- | 0.03 | ||
precondition | --- | 0.04 | ||
precondition | --- | 0.03 | ||
precondition | 0.01 | --- | ||
postcondition | --- | 0.03 | ||
postcondition | 0.01 | --- | ||
postcondition | --- | 0.06 | ||
precondition | 0.01 | --- | ||
precondition | --- | 0.04 | ||
precondition | --- | 0.04 | ||
precondition | --- | 0.06 | ||
precondition | 0.00 | --- | ||
postcondition | --- | 0.03 | ||
postcondition | --- | 0.06 | ||
postcondition | --- | 0.05 | ||
precondition | --- | 0.03 | ||
precondition | --- | 0.06 | ||
precondition | --- | 0.04 | ||
precondition | 0.01 | --- | ||
postcondition | 0.01 | --- | ||
postcondition | --- | 0.05 | ||
postcondition | --- | 0.05 | ||
postcondition | --- | 0.06 | ||
postcondition | --- | 0.02 | ||
postcondition | --- | 0.02 | ||
unreachable point | --- | 0.04 | ||
precondition | --- | 0.06 | ||
postcondition | --- | 0.09 | ||
postcondition | --- | 0.03 | ||
postcondition | 0.01 | --- | ||
postcondition | 0.01 | --- | ||
postcondition | 0.01 | --- | ||
postcondition | 0.10 | --- | ||
precondition | --- | 0.10 | ||
variant decrease | --- | 0.09 | ||
precondition | --- | 0.04 | ||
precondition | --- | 0.05 | ||
precondition | 0.02 | --- | ||
precondition | --- | 0.12 | ||
precondition | --- | 0.02 | ||
variant decrease | --- | 0.08 | ||
precondition | --- | 0.06 | ||
precondition | --- | 0.05 | ||
precondition | --- | 0.06 | ||
precondition | --- | 0.05 | ||
precondition | --- | 0.03 | ||
postcondition | --- | 0.06 | ||
postcondition | --- | 0.10 | ||
postcondition | --- | 0.20 | ||
postcondition | --- | 0.39 | ||
postcondition | --- | 0.08 | ||
postcondition | 0.16 | --- | ||
precondition | 0.01 | --- | ||
precondition | --- | 0.06 | ||
precondition | --- | 0.09 | ||
precondition | --- | 0.06 | ||
precondition | --- | 0.03 | ||
precondition | --- | 0.02 | ||
assertion | --- | 0.04 | ||
assertion | --- | --- | ||
induction_pr | ||||
assertion | --- | 0.05 | ||
assertion | --- | 0.10 | ||
postcondition | --- | 0.04 | ||
postcondition | --- | 0.04 | ||
postcondition | --- | 0.05 |