Selection sort (arrays)
Sorting an array of integers using selection sort.
Auteurs: Jean-Christophe Filliâtre
Catégories: Array Data Structure / Sorting Algorithms
Outils: Why3
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(* Selection sort. *) module SelectionSort use int.Int use ref.Ref use array.Array use array.IntArraySorted use array.ArraySwap use array.ArrayPermut use array.ArrayEq let selection_sort (a: array int) ensures { sorted a /\ permut_all (old a) a } = let min = ref 0 in for i = 0 to length a - 1 do (* a[0..i[ is sorted; now find minimum of a[i..n[ *) invariant { sorted_sub a 0 i /\ permut_all (old a) a /\ forall k1 k2: int. 0 <= k1 < i <= k2 < length a -> a[k1] <= a[k2] } (* let min = ref i in *) min := i; for j = i + 1 to length a - 1 do invariant { i <= !min < j && forall k: int. i <= k < j -> a[!min] <= a[k] } if a[j] < a[!min] then min := j done; label L in if !min <> i then swap a !min i; assert { permut_all (a at L) a } done let test1 () = let a = make 3 0 in a[0] <- 7; a[1] <- 3; a[2] <- 1; selection_sort a; a let test2 () ensures { result.length = 8 } = let a = make 8 0 in a[0] <- 53; a[1] <- 91; a[2] <- 17; a[3] <- -5; a[4] <- 413; a[5] <- 42; a[6] <- 69; a[7] <- 6; selection_sort a; a exception BenchFailure let bench () raises { BenchFailure -> true } = let a = test2 () in if a[0] <> -5 then raise BenchFailure; if a[1] <> 6 then raise BenchFailure; if a[2] <> 17 then raise BenchFailure; if a[3] <> 42 then raise BenchFailure; if a[4] <> 53 then raise BenchFailure; if a[5] <> 69 then raise BenchFailure; if a[6] <> 91 then raise BenchFailure; if a[7] <> 413 then raise BenchFailure; a end
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