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A Formally Verified Symbolic Interpreter for a IMP language

A Formally Verified Symbolic Interpreter for a IMP language

Auteurs: Claude Marché / Benedikt Becker

Catégories: Inductive predicates / Ghost code

Outils: Why3

Références: CoLiS project

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A Formally Verified Symbolic Interpreter

This example is presented in the paper "Ghost Code in Action: Automated Verification of a Symbolic Interpreter" by Benedikt Becker and Claude Marché.

Abstract Syntax Trees

module Syntax

  type program_var

  type expr =
    | Elit int                 (* literals n *)
    | Evar program_var         (* program variables x *)
    | Esub expr expr           (* subtraction e1-e2 *)

  type cmd =
    | Cskip                    (* no effect *)
    | Cassign program_var expr (* assignment x := e *)
    | Cseq cmd cmd             (* sequence c1;c2 *)
    | Cif expr cmd cmd         (* conditional if e<>0 then c1 else c2 *)
    | Cwhile expr cmd          (* loop while e<>0 do c *)

Semantics of concrete execution

This is a basic big-step execution semantics using inductive predicates.

module ConcreteSemantics

  use int.Int
  use option.Option
  use set.Fset
  use map.Map
  use Syntax

  type environment = program_var -> option int

An execution environment is a partial function from program variables to values

Expressions can have two different behaviors α: a normal behaviour holding a value, or an abnormal behaviour when an unbound variable is met.

  type expr_behaviour = Enormal int | Eunbound_var

  inductive eval_expr environment expr expr_behaviour =
    | eval_lit : forall env n.
        eval_expr env (Elit n) (Enormal n)
    | eval_var : forall env x n.
        env[x] = Some n ->
        eval_expr env (Evar x) (Enormal n)
    | eval_var_undefined : forall env x.
        env[x] = None ->
        eval_expr env (Evar x) Eunbound_var
    | eval_sub : forall env e1 e2 n1 n2.
        eval_expr env e1 (Enormal n1) ->
        eval_expr env e2 (Enormal n2) ->
        let n = n1 - n2 in
        eval_expr env (Esub e1 e2) (Enormal n)
    | eval_sub_error1 : forall env e1 e2.
        eval_expr env e1 Eunbound_var ->
        eval_expr env (Esub e1 e2) Eunbound_var
    | eval_sub_error2 : forall env e1 e2 n1.
        eval_expr env e1 (Enormal n1) ->
        eval_expr env e2 Eunbound_var ->
        eval_expr env (Esub e1 e2) Eunbound_var

  let rec ghost function identifiers_in_expr (e:expr) =
    match e with
    | Elit _ -> empty
    | Evar v -> singleton v
    | Esub e1 e2 -> union (identifiers_in_expr e1) (identifiers_in_expr e2)

  let rec lemma eval_expr_functional (env:environment) (e:expr)
    variant { e }
    ensures { forall n1 n2.
      eval_expr env e n1 ->
      eval_expr env e n2 ->
      n1 = n2
  = match e with
    | Elit _ | Evar _ -> ()
    | Esub e1 e2 ->
      eval_expr_functional env e1;
      eval_expr_functional env e2

The semantics rules of expressions is functional. Proved by induction on the given expression.

  let rec lemma eval_expr_total (e:expr)
    ensures { forall gamma.
      eval_expr gamma e Eunbound_var \/
      exists n. eval_expr gamma e (Enormal n)
  = match e with
    | Elit _ | Evar _ -> ()
    | Esub e1 e2 ->
      eval_expr_total e1;
      eval_expr_total e2

For any environment and expression, evaluation ends in normal behaviour or error behaviour

The evaluation of instructions may be parameterised by limit on the loop iterations. The evaluation of an instruction has one of three behaviors β.

  type behavior = Cnormal | Cunbound_var | Cloop_limit

  type config = { loop_limit: option int }
    invariant { match loop_limit with None -> true | Some n -> 0 <= n end }
    by { loop_limit = None }

  let constant no_limit_cnf = { loop_limit=None }

  let ghost function mk_loop_cnf n
    requires { 0 <= n }
  = { loop_limit=Some n }

  inductive exec_cmd config environment cmd environment behavior =

    | exec_skip : forall env cnf.
         exec_cmd cnf env Cskip env Cnormal

    | exec_assign : forall cnf env v e n.
        eval_expr env e (Enormal n) ->
        let env' = env[v <- Some n] in
        exec_cmd cnf env (Cassign v e) env' Cnormal

    | exec_assign_error : forall cnf env v e.
        eval_expr env e Eunbound_var ->
        let env' = env in
        exec_cmd cnf env (Cassign v e) env' Cunbound_var

    | exec_seq : forall cnf env1 c1 c2 env2 env3 bhv.
        exec_cmd cnf env1 c1 env2 Cnormal ->
        exec_cmd cnf env2 c2 env3 bhv ->
        exec_cmd cnf env1 (Cseq c1 c2) env3 bhv

    | exec_seq_error : forall cnf env1 c1 c2 env2 bhv.
        exec_cmd cnf env1 c1 env2 bhv ->
        bhv <> Cnormal ->
        exec_cmd cnf env1 (Cseq c1 c2) env2 bhv

    | exec_if_false : forall cnf env e c1 c2 env' bhv.
        eval_expr env e (Enormal 0) ->
        exec_cmd cnf env c2 env' bhv ->
        exec_cmd cnf env (Cif e c1 c2) env' bhv

    | exec_if_true : forall cnf env e c1 c2 n env' bhv.
        n <> 0 ->
        eval_expr env e (Enormal n) ->
        exec_cmd cnf env c1 env' bhv ->
        exec_cmd cnf env (Cif e c1 c2) env' bhv

    | exec_if_error : forall cnf env e c1 c2.
        eval_expr env e Eunbound_var ->
        exec_cmd cnf env (Cif e c1 c2) env Cunbound_var

    | exec_while: forall cnf env e c env' bhv.
        exec_while cnf 0 env e c env' bhv ->
        exec_cmd cnf env (Cwhile e c) env' bhv

  with exec_while config int environment expr cmd environment behavior =

    | exec_while_overflow: forall cnf ctr env e c.
        (match cnf.loop_limit with None -> false | Some n -> n <= ctr end) ->
        exec_while cnf ctr env e c env Cloop_limit

    | exec_while_false : forall cnf env ctr e c.
        (match cnf.loop_limit with None -> true | Some n -> ctr < n end) ->
        eval_expr env e (Enormal 0) ->
        exec_while cnf ctr env e c env Cnormal

    | exec_while_test_error : forall cnf env ctr e c.
        (match cnf.loop_limit with None -> true | Some n -> ctr < n end) ->
        eval_expr env e Eunbound_var ->
        exec_while cnf ctr env e c env Cunbound_var

    | exec_while_body_error : forall cnf env1 ctr e c v env2 bhv.
        (match cnf.loop_limit with None -> true | Some n -> ctr < n end) ->
        eval_expr env1 e (Enormal v) ->
        v <> 0 ->
        exec_cmd cnf env1 c env2 bhv ->
        bhv <> Cnormal ->
        exec_while cnf ctr env1 e c env2 bhv

    | exec_while_loop : forall cnf env1 ctr e c v env2 env3 bhv.
        (match cnf.loop_limit with None -> true | Some n -> ctr < n end) ->
        eval_expr env1 e (Enormal v) ->
        v <> 0 ->
        exec_cmd cnf env1 c env2 Cnormal ->
        exec_while cnf (ctr+1) env2 e c env3 bhv ->
        exec_while cnf ctr env1 e c env3 bhv

  lemma no_loop_limits:
    (forall cnf env1 c env2 bhv.
     exec_cmd cnf env1 c env2 bhv ->
     cnf.loop_limit = None ->
     bhv <> Cloop_limit) /\
    (forall cnf ctr env1 e c env2 bhv.
     exec_while cnf ctr env1 e c env2 bhv ->
     cnf.loop_limit = None ->
     bhv <> Cloop_limit)

Concrete interpreter for IMP

module ConcreteInterpreter

  use int.Int
  use Syntax
  use ConcreteSemantics
  use dict.Imperative as Env

  type env = Env.t program_var int

A concrete execution environment is an imperative, finite map from program variables to integer values.

  let env : env = Env.empty ()

The global, imperative variable environment. Reset with Env.reset

  let rec interp_expr (e:expr) : int
    variant { e }
    ensures { eval_expr env e (Enormal result) }
    raises  { Env.Var_unbound -> eval_expr env e Eunbound_var }
  = match e with
      | Elit n -> n
      | Evar x -> Env.find env x
      | Esub e1 e2 -> interp_expr e1 - interp_expr e2

  let rec interp_cmd (c:cmd) : unit
    ensures {
      exec_cmd no_limit_cnf (old env) c env Cnormal
    raises  { Env.Var_unbound ->
      exec_cmd no_limit_cnf (old env) c env Cunbound_var
  = match c with
    | Cskip -> ()
    | Cassign x e -> Env.set env x (interp_expr e)
    | Cseq c1 c2 ->
      interp_cmd c1;
      interp_cmd c2
    | Cif e c1 c2 ->
      if interp_expr e <> 0
      then interp_cmd c1
      else interp_cmd c2
    | Cwhile e c ->
      let ghost env0 = env.Env.model in
      let ghost ref ctr = 0 in
      while interp_expr e <> 0 do
        invariant { forall env1 bhv.
          exec_while no_limit_cnf ctr env e c env1 bhv ->
          exec_while no_limit_cnf 0 env0 e c env1 bhv
        interp_cmd c;
        ctr <- ctr + 1

Symbolic variables

module Svar
  type svar

  val predicate eq (v1 v2:svar) ensures { result <-> v1 = v2 }

  clone set.SetApp as SvarSet with
    type elt = svar, val eq = eq


Constraints for the symbolic execution.

module Constraint

  use int.Int
  use set.Fset
  use option.Option
  use map.Map
  use Syntax
  use Svar

A symbolic variable environment Sigma.t (or σ) is a partial function from program variables to symbolic variables.

  clone dict.Functional as Sigma
    with type key = program_var, type value = svar, axiom empty

  function ([]') (sigma:Sigma.t) (x:program_var) : option svar =
    Sigma.get sigma x

  function ([<-]') (sigma:Sigma.t) (x:program_var) (v:svar) : Sigma.t =
    Sigma.set sigma x v

Total interpretation function (ρ) for symbolic variables (domain is included in the symbolic state)

  type rho = map svar int

  type symbolic_expr =
    | Slit int                         (* literal *)
    | Svar svar                        (* variable *)
    | Ssub symbolic_expr symbolic_expr (* subtraction *)

  function interp_symbolic_expr (rho:rho) (e:symbolic_expr) : int =
    match e with
    | Slit n -> n
    | Svar v -> rho[v]
    | Ssub e1 e2 ->
      interp_symbolic_expr rho e1 - interp_symbolic_expr rho e2

  type constr =
    | Ctrue
    | Cfalse
    | Ceq symbolic_expr symbolic_expr
    | Cneq symbolic_expr symbolic_expr
    | Cconj constr constr
    | Cexists svar constr

Predicate for the interpretation of a constraint, ρ ⊧ C.

  predicate is_solution (rho:rho) (c:constr) =
    match c with
    | Ctrue -> true
    | Cfalse -> false
    | Ceq e1 e2 ->
      interp_symbolic_expr rho e1 = interp_symbolic_expr rho e2
    | Cneq e1 e2 ->
      interp_symbolic_expr rho e1 <> interp_symbolic_expr rho e2
    | Cconj c1 c2 ->
      is_solution rho c1 /\ is_solution rho c2
    | Cexists _ c ->
      is_solution rho c
      (* and not: exists n. is_solution rho[v <- n] c *)

  function vars_in_symbolic_expr (e:symbolic_expr) : fset svar =
    match e with
    | Slit _ -> empty
    | Svar v -> singleton v
    | Ssub e1 e2 -> union (vars_in_symbolic_expr e1) (vars_in_symbolic_expr e2)

  function vars_in_constraint (c: constr) : fset svar =
    match c with
    | Ctrue | Cfalse -> empty
    | Ceq e1 e2 | Cneq e1 e2 ->
      union (vars_in_symbolic_expr e1) (vars_in_symbolic_expr e2)
    | Cconj c1 c2 ->
      union (vars_in_constraint c1) (vars_in_constraint c2)
    | Cexists v c ->
      add v (vars_in_constraint c)

  function existential_vars_in_constraint (c: constr) : fset svar =
    match c with
    | Ctrue | Cfalse -> empty
    | Ceq e1 e2 | Cneq e1 e2 ->
      union (vars_in_symbolic_expr e1) (vars_in_symbolic_expr e2)
    | Cconj c1 c2 ->
      union (existential_vars_in_constraint c1) (existential_vars_in_constraint c2)
    | Cexists v c ->
      remove v (existential_vars_in_constraint c)

  function free_vars_in_constraint (c: constr) : fset svar =
    diff (vars_in_constraint c) (existential_vars_in_constraint c)

  predicate entails (c1 c2:constr) =
    forall rho.
      is_solution rho c1 ->
      is_solution rho c2

  val check_sat (c:constr) : bool
    ensures {
       result = False ->
       forall rho.
       not is_solution rho c

A semi-decidable test for constraint satisfiability.

  val existentially_quantify (v:svar) (c:constr) : constr
    ensures {
      forall rho. is_solution rho result <-> is_solution rho (Cexists v c)
    ensures {
      subset (vars_in_constraint result) (vars_in_constraint (Cexists v c))

Existentially quantify variable [v] over constraint [c]. The resulting constraint may be simplified using quantifier elimination

module SymState

  use option.Option
  use Constraint
  use Syntax
  use set.Fset
  use map.Map as M
  use Svar

  type sym_state = {
    sigma : Sigma.t;
    constr : constr;
    ghost rho : rho;
    ghost vars : SvarSet.set ;
  invariant {
    subset (vars_in_constraint constr) vars

Symbolic state is an immutable record holding σ ([sigma]), a partial function from program variables to symbolic variable, a constraint C ([constr]), and interpretation ρ ([rho]), a partial function of symbolic variables to integers with domain [vars].

[sigma] is a functional dict and extracted to the OCaml map type. [rho] is a ghost field and not extracted.

vars(C) ⊆ dom(ρ)

  invariant {
    (* forall v. Sigma.(exists x. sigma[x] = Some v) -> mem v vars *)
    forall x v. sigma[x]' = Some v -> mem v vars

dom(σ) ⊆ dom(ρ)

  by {
    sigma = Sigma.empty;
    constr = Ctrue;
    vars = SvarSet.empty ();
    rho = fun _ -> 0;

  val predicate eq (s1 s2:sym_state) ensures { result <-> s1 = s2 }

  let ghost function mk_sym_state
    (sigma:Sigma.t) (constr:constr)
    (ghost vars:SvarSet.set) (ghost rho:rho)
  : sym_state
    requires { subset (vars_in_constraint constr) vars }
    requires { forall x v. sigma[x]' = Some v -> mem v vars }
    ensures { result.sigma = sigma }
    ensures { result.constr = constr }
    ensures { result.vars = vars }
    ensures { result.rho = rho }
  = {sigma = sigma; constr = constr; vars = vars; rho = rho}

A constructor function that is required due to the use of invariants

module FreshSvar

  use option.Option
  use SymState
  use Svar
  use Constraint
  use set.Fset

  predicate is_fresh (v:svar) (vars:fset svar) =
    not mem v vars

A variable is fresh when it is not element of the set of known variables

  val fresh_svar (s:sym_state) : svar
    ensures { is_fresh result s.vars }

[fresh_svar s] returns a symbolic variable that does not occur yet in the domain of the interpretation in the state [s.vars]

  let _dummy (x:int) : int = 42

A set of symbolic states

module SymStateSet

  use set.Fset
  use list.ListRich
  use SymState

  clone export set.SetApp
    with type elt = sym_state, val eq = eq

  val function to_list (s:set) : list sym_state
    ensures { forall e:sym_state. Fset.mem e s <-> ListRich.mem e result }

  val function of_list (l:list sym_state) : set
    ensures { forall e:sym_state. Fset.mem e result <-> ListRich.mem e l }

  lemma of_list_to_list: forall s.
    (of_list (to_list s)).to_fset = s.to_fset

The symbolic interpreter

module SymbolicInterpreter

  use option.Option
  use list.List
  use list.Mem as ListMem
  use map.Map
  use set.Fset
  use Syntax
  use Constraint
  use SymState
  use SymStateSet
  use ConcreteSemantics
  use Svar
  use FreshSvar

  exception UnboundVariable program_var

  let lookup_sym_state (s:sym_state) (x:program_var) : svar
     ensures {
       s.sigma[x]' = Some result
     raises { UnboundVariable i ->
       x = i /\ s.sigma[x]' = None
  = try
      Sigma.find s.sigma x
      Sigma.NotFound ->
        raise (UnboundVariable x)

  function compose (rho:rho) (sigma:Sigma.t) : environment =
    fun x ->
      match sigma[x]' with
      | Some v -> Some rho[v]
      | None -> None

The composition of an interpreter and a symbolic environment results in a concrete environment

  let rec symbolic_interp_expr (s:sym_state) (e:expr) : symbolic_expr
    variant { e }
    ensures { exists n.
      eval_expr (compose s.rho s.sigma) e (Enormal n) /\
      interp_symbolic_expr s.rho result = n
    ensures { forall v:svar.
      mem v (vars_in_symbolic_expr result) ->
      exists x. s.sigma[x]' = Some v
    raises { UnboundVariable x ->
      eval_expr (compose s.rho s.sigma) e Eunbound_var
  = match e with
    | Elit n ->
      Slit n
    | Evar x ->
      Svar (lookup_sym_state s x)
    | Esub e1 e2 ->
      Ssub (symbolic_interp_expr s e1) (symbolic_interp_expr s e2)

Translate a program expression into a symbolic expression by looking up variables in [s.sigma], e[σ∘ρ]

  predicate state_extends (s s': sym_state) =
    SvarSet.subset s.vars s'.vars /\
    (forall v. mem v s.vars -> s.rho[v] = s'.rho[v])

The state extension relation

A state (σ|C;ρ) extends another state (σ’|C’;ρ’), when dom(ρ) ⊆ dom(ρ’), and ∀ v ∈ dom(ρ) ⋅ ρ[v] = ρ’[v].

State-extension is reflexive and transitive relation.

  lemma state_extends_reflexive: forall s.
    state_extends s s

  lemma state_extends_transitive: forall s1 s2 s3.
    state_extends s1 s2 ->
    state_extends s2 s3 ->
    state_extends s1 s3

Lemmas about invariability for changes to fresh variables

  let rec lemma interp_symb_expr_fresh (v:svar) (se:symbolic_expr)
    requires {
      is_fresh v (vars_in_symbolic_expr se)
    ensures { forall rho n m.
      interp_symbolic_expr rho se = n ->
      interp_symbolic_expr rho[v <- m] se = n
  = match se with
    | Slit _ | Svar _ -> ()
    | Ssub se1 se2 ->
      interp_symb_expr_fresh v se1;
      interp_symb_expr_fresh v se2

The interpretation of a symbolic expression is invariant to changing the value of symbolic variables that do not appear in the symbolic expression.

  (* Auxiliary: The order of setting two different symbolic variables in an interpretation
     does not matter. *)
  lemma rho_set_two: forall rho:rho, v1 n1 v2 n2.
    v1 <> v2 ->
    rho[v1 <- n1][v2 <- n2] = rho[v2 <- n2][v1 <- n1]

  let rec lemma interp_constraint_fresh (v:svar) (c:constr)
    requires {
      is_fresh v (vars_in_constraint c)
    ensures { forall rho n.
      is_solution rho c <->
      is_solution rho[v <- n] c
  = match c with
    | Ctrue | Cfalse -> ()
    | Ceq se1 se2 | Cneq se1 se2 ->
      assert { is_fresh v (vars_in_symbolic_expr se1) };
      assert { is_fresh v (vars_in_symbolic_expr se2) }
    | Cconj c1 c2 ->
      interp_constraint_fresh v c1;
      interp_constraint_fresh v c2
    | Cexists _ c' ->
      interp_constraint_fresh v c'

The interpretation of a symbolic constraint is invariant to changing the value of symbolic variables that do not appear in the symbolic constraint.

  lemma compose_set_fresh_in_rho: forall rho: rho, sigma: Sigma.t, v: svar, n:int.
    (forall x. sigma[x]' <> Some v) ->
    compose rho[v <- n] sigma =
    compose rho sigma

The composition ρ∘σ is invariant to changing the value of symbolic variables in the interpretation ρ that are not in the codomain of symbolic environment σ.

  lemma compose_set_fresh_in_env: forall rho sigma x v n.
    (forall x. sigma[x]' <> Some v) ->
    (compose rho sigma)[x <- Some n] =
    compose rho[v <- n] sigma[x <- v]'

Lemma for (ρ∘σ)[x ← n]' = ρ[v ← n] ∘ σ[x ← v]' for v ∉ codom(σ)

  (* Auxiliary. Obsolete with alt-ergo 2.3? (adding support for algebraic datatypes) *)
  lemma none_or_option: forall o: option 'a.
    o = None \/ exists x. o = Some x

  (* Auxiliary. *)
  lemma subset_add: forall s, x:'a.
    Fset.(subset s (add x s))

  let function svar_set_add (v:svar) (vs:SvarSet.set) : SvarSet.set =
    SvarSet.add v vs

  lemma state_extends_fresh: forall s v c x n.
    is_fresh v s.vars ->
    vars_in_constraint c = SvarSet.singleton v ->
    let s' = mk_sym_state
      s.sigma[x <- v]'
      (Cconj s.constr c)
      (svar_set_add v s.vars)
      s.rho[v <- n]
    state_extends s s'

Lemma for the state extension in the assignment case

  use int.Int, int.MinMax
  use list.Length

  (* Auxiliary *)
  lemma some_sigma_model: forall s x v.
    match s.sigma x with
    | None -> false
    | Some v' -> v' = v
    end -> s.sigma x = Some v

  predicate mem_results (s:sym_state) (bhv:behavior) (normals unbounds limits:fset sym_state) =
    match bhv with
     | Cnormal -> mem s normals
     | Cunbound_var -> mem s unbounds
     | Cloop_limit -> mem s limits

Membership of state s in a state set corresponding to behaviour bhv, s ∈ Σ_β

  predicate mem_results' (s:sym_state) (normals unbounds limits:fset sym_state) =
    mem s normals \/ mem s unbounds \/ mem s limits

  lemma mem_results_mem: forall s normals unbounds limits.
    mem_results' s normals unbounds limits <->
    exists bhv. mem_results s bhv normals unbounds limits

  lemma bhv_union: forall s bhv normals1 unbounds1 limits1 normals2 unbounds2 limits2.
    mem_results s bhv (union normals1 normals2) (union unbounds1 unbounds2) (union limits1 limits2) ->
    (mem_results s bhv normals1 unbounds1 limits1 \/
     mem_results s bhv normals2 unbounds2 limits2)

  lemma bhv_union': forall s bhv normals2 unbounds1 unbounds2 limits1 limits2.
    mem_results s bhv normals2 (union unbounds1 unbounds2) (union limits1 limits2) ->
    mem_results s bhv normals2 unbounds2 limits2 \/
    (bhv = Cunbound_var /\ mem s unbounds1) \/
    (bhv = Cloop_limit /\ mem s limits1)

  predicate results_extend (s:sym_state) (normals unbounds limits:fset sym_state) =
    forall s'. (mem s' normals \/ mem s' unbounds \/ mem s' limits) ->
    state_extends s s'

  lemma results_extend_seq: forall s s1 normals1 normals2 unbounds1 unbounds2 limits1 limits2.
    results_extend s normals1 unbounds1 limits1 ->
    mem s1 normals1 ->
    results_extend s1 normals2 unbounds2 limits2 ->
    results_extend s normals2 (union unbounds1 unbounds2) (union limits1 limits2)

  lemma update_rho_interp_symbolic_expr: forall rho v se.
    is_fresh v (vars_in_symbolic_expr se) ->
    interp_symbolic_expr rho[v <- interp_symbolic_expr rho se] (Svar v) =
    interp_symbolic_expr rho[v <- interp_symbolic_expr rho se] se

  lemma assign_solution1: forall s se v'.
    is_fresh v' s.vars ->
    is_fresh v' (vars_in_symbolic_expr se) ->
    is_solution s.rho s.constr ->
    is_solution s.rho[v' <- interp_symbolic_expr s.rho se] (Cconj s.constr (Ceq (Svar v') se))

  lemma assign_solution2: forall s se v v'.
    is_fresh v' s.vars ->
    is_fresh v' (vars_in_symbolic_expr se) ->
    is_solution s.rho s.constr ->
    is_solution s.rho[v' <- interp_symbolic_expr s.rho se] (Cexists v (Cconj s.constr (Ceq (Svar v') se)))

  lemma union_empty: forall s: fset 'a.
    union s empty = s

  lemma union_singleton: forall s: fset 'a, x.
    union s (singleton x) = add x s

  let rec symbolic_interp_cmd (n:int) (s:sym_state) (c:cmd)
    : (normals: SymStateSet.set, unbounds: SymStateSet.set, limits: SymStateSet.set)
    variant { c, n+1, 0 }
    requires { 0 <= n }
    ensures { results_extend s normals unbounds limits }
    ensures { (* Over-approximation *)
      is_solution s.rho s.constr ->
      forall gamma' bhv. exec_cmd (mk_loop_cnf n) (compose s.rho s.sigma) c gamma' bhv ->
      exists s'. mem_results s' bhv normals unbounds limits /\
      is_solution s'.rho s'.constr /\
      gamma' = compose s'.rho s'.sigma
    ensures { (* Under-approximation *)
      forall bhv s'. mem_results s' bhv normals unbounds limits ->
      is_solution s'.rho s'.constr ->
      (is_solution s.rho s.constr /\ exec_cmd (mk_loop_cnf n) (compose s.rho s.sigma) c (compose s'.rho s'.sigma) bhv)
  = match c with
    | Cskip ->
      SymStateSet.(singleton s, empty (), empty ())
    | Cassign x e ->
        let se = symbolic_interp_expr s e in
        let v' = fresh_svar s in
        let sigma' = Sigma.set s.sigma x v' in
        let constr' =
          let constr = Cconj s.constr (Ceq (Svar v') se) in
            let v = Sigma.find s.sigma x in
            assert { mem v s.vars };
            existentially_quantify v constr
          with Sigma.NotFound ->
        let ghost rho' =
          let ghost n' = interp_symbolic_expr s.rho se in
          s.rho[v' <-  n']
        let vars' = SvarSet.add v' s.vars in
        let s' = {sigma = sigma'; constr = constr'; rho = rho'; vars = vars'} in
        SymStateSet.(singleton s', empty (), empty ())
      with UnboundVariable _ ->
        SymStateSet.(empty (), singleton s, empty ())
    | Cseq c1 c2 ->
      let (normals1, unbounds1, limits1) = symbolic_interp_cmd n s c1 in
      let (normals2, unbounds2, limits2) = symbolic_interp_cmd_list n (SymStateSet.to_list normals1) c2 in
      SymStateSet.(normals2, union unbounds1 unbounds2, union limits1 limits2)
    | Cif e c1 c2 ->
        let se = symbolic_interp_expr s e in
        let s1 = {s with constr=Cconj s.constr (Cneq se (Slit 0))} in
        let s2 = {s with constr=Cconj s.constr (Ceq se (Slit 0))} in
        let (normals1, unbounds1, limits1) =
          if check_sat s1.constr then
            symbolic_interp_cmd n s1 c1
            SymStateSet.(empty (), empty (), empty ())
        let (normals2, unbounds2, limits2) =
          if check_sat s2.constr then
            symbolic_interp_cmd n s2 c2
            SymStateSet.(empty (), empty (), empty ())
        SymStateSet.(union normals1 normals2, union unbounds1 unbounds2, union limits1 limits2)
      with UnboundVariable _id ->
        SymStateSet.(empty (), singleton s, empty ())
    | Cwhile e c ->
      symbolic_interp_while n 0 s e c

  with symbolic_interp_cmd_list n (ss:list sym_state) c
    : (normals: SymStateSet.set, unbounds: SymStateSet.set, limits: SymStateSet.set)
    requires { 0 <= n }
    variant {
      c, n+1, length ss
    ensures {
      forall s'. mem_results' s' normals unbounds limits ->
      exists s. mem s (SymStateSet.of_list ss) /\ state_extends s s'
    ensures { (* Over-approximation *)
      forall s. mem s (SymStateSet.of_list ss) ->
      is_solution s.rho s.constr ->
      forall gamma' bhv. exec_cmd (mk_loop_cnf n) (compose s.rho s.sigma) c gamma' bhv ->
      exists s'. mem_results s' bhv normals unbounds limits /\
      is_solution s'.rho s'.constr /\
      gamma' = compose s'.rho s'.sigma
    ensures { (* Under-approximation *)
      forall bhv s'. mem_results s' bhv normals unbounds limits ->
      is_solution s'.rho s'.constr ->
      exists s. mem s (SymStateSet.of_list ss) /\
      is_solution s.rho s.constr /\
      exec_cmd (mk_loop_cnf n) (compose s.rho s.sigma) c (compose s'.rho s'.sigma) bhv
    = match ss with
      | Nil ->
        SymStateSet.(empty (), empty (), empty ())
      | Cons s ss' ->
        let normals1, unbounds1, limits1 = symbolic_interp_cmd n s c in
        let normals2, unbounds2, limits2 = symbolic_interp_cmd_list n ss' c in
        SymStateSet.(union normals1 normals2, union unbounds1 unbounds2, union limits1 limits2)

  with symbolic_interp_while n ctr s e c
    : (normals: SymStateSet.set, unbounds: SymStateSet.set, limits: SymStateSet.set)
    requires { 0 <= ctr <= n }
    variant { Cwhile e c, n-ctr, 0 }
    ensures { results_extend s normals unbounds limits }
    ensures { (* Over-approximation *)
      is_solution s.rho s.constr ->
      forall gamma' bhv. exec_while (mk_loop_cnf n) ctr (compose s.rho s.sigma) e c gamma' bhv ->
      exists s'. mem_results s' bhv normals unbounds limits /\
      is_solution s'.rho s'.constr /\
      gamma' = compose s'.rho s'.sigma
    ensures { (* Under-approximation *)
      forall bhv s'. mem_results s' bhv normals unbounds limits ->
      is_solution s'.rho s'.constr ->
      (is_solution s.rho s.constr /\
      exec_while (mk_loop_cnf n) ctr (compose s.rho s.sigma) e c (compose s'.rho s'.sigma) bhv)
  = if ctr = n
    then SymStateSet.(empty (), empty (), singleton s)
        let sym_cond = symbolic_interp_expr s e in
        let s1 = {s with constr=Cconj s.constr (Cneq sym_cond (Slit 0))} in
        let s2 = {s with constr=Cconj s.constr (Ceq  sym_cond (Slit 0))} in
        (* Results for running the loop *)
        let normals1, unbounds1, limits1 =
          if check_sat s1.constr then
            (* Results for running the body once *)
            let normals1, unbounds1, limits1 = symbolic_interp_cmd n s1 c in
            (* Results for rest of loop *)
            let normals2, unbounds2, limits2 =
              symbolic_interp_while_list n (ctr+1) (SymStateSet.to_list normals1) e c
            SymStateSet.(normals2, union unbounds1 unbounds2, union limits1 limits2)
            (* `s1.constr` is not satisfiable: no results for running the loop *)
            SymStateSet.(empty (), empty (), empty ())
        (* Result for not running the loop *)
        let normals2, unbounds2, limits2 =
          if check_sat s2.constr then
            (* Only a result for not running the loop if s2 may be satisfiable *)
            SymStateSet.(singleton s2, empty (), empty ())
            (* `s2.constr` is not satisfiable: no results for not running the loop :O *)
            SymStateSet.(empty (), empty (), empty ())
        SymStateSet.(union normals1 normals2, union unbounds1 unbounds2, union limits1 limits2)
      with UnboundVariable _ ->
        SymStateSet.(empty (), singleton s, empty ())

  with symbolic_interp_while_list n ctr ss e c
    : (normals: SymStateSet.set, unbounds: SymStateSet.set, limits: SymStateSet.set)
    requires { 0 <= ctr <= n }
    variant { Cwhile e c, n-ctr, length ss }
    ensures {
      forall s'. mem_results' s' normals unbounds limits ->
      exists s. mem s (SymStateSet.of_list ss) /\ state_extends s s'
    ensures { (* Over-approximation *)
      forall s. mem s (SymStateSet.of_list ss) ->
      is_solution s.rho s.constr ->
      forall gamma' bhv. exec_while (mk_loop_cnf n) ctr (compose s.rho s.sigma) e c gamma' bhv ->
      exists s'. mem_results s' bhv normals unbounds limits /\
      is_solution s'.rho s'.constr /\
      gamma' = compose s'.rho s'.sigma
    ensures { (* Under-approximation *)
      forall bhv s'. mem_results s' bhv normals unbounds limits ->
      is_solution s'.rho s'.constr ->
      exists s. mem s (SymStateSet.of_list ss) /\
      is_solution s.rho s.constr /\
      exec_while (mk_loop_cnf n) ctr (compose s.rho s.sigma) e c (compose s'.rho s'.sigma) bhv
  = match ss with
    | Nil -> SymStateSet.(empty (), empty () , empty ())
    | Cons s ss' ->
      (* Compute normal and error states from state `s` *)
      let normals1, unbounds1, limits1 = symbolic_interp_while n ctr s e c in
      (* Compute normal and error states from remaining states `ss'` by recursion *)
      let normals2, unbounds2, limits2 = symbolic_interp_while_list n ctr ss' e c in
      SymStateSet.(union normals1 normals2, union unbounds1 unbounds2, union limits1 limits2)

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