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Inverting an Injection, in Why3

Inverting an injective array, in Why3

Auteurs: Jean-Christophe Filliâtre

Catégories: Array Data Structure / Permutation

Outils: Why3

Références: The 1st Verified Software Competition / The VerifyThis Benchmarks

see also the index (by topic, by tool, by reference, by year)

   VSTTE'10 competition
   Problem 2: inverting an injection

   Author: Jean-Christophe Filliatre (CNRS)
   Tool:   Why3 (see

module InvertingAnInjection

  use int.Int
  use array.Array
  use map.MapInjection as M

  predicate injective (a: array int) (n: int) = M.injective a.elts n

  predicate surjective (a: array int) (n: int) = M.surjective a.elts n

  predicate range (a: array int) (n: int) = M.range a.elts n

  let inverting (a: array int) (b: array int) (n: int) : unit
    requires { n = length a = length b /\ injective a n /\ range a n }
    ensures  { injective b n }
  = for i = 0 to n - 1 do
      invariant { forall j. 0 <= j < i -> b[a[j]] = j }
      b[a[i]] <- i

  (* variant where array b is returned /\ with additional post *)

  let inverting2 (a: array int) (n: int) : array int
    requires { n = length a /\ injective a n /\ range a n }
    ensures  { length result = n /\ injective result n /\
               forall i. 0 <= i < n -> result[a[i]] = i }
  = let b = make n 0 in
    for i = 0 to n - 1 do
      invariant { forall j. 0 <= j < i -> b[a[j]] = j }
      b[a[i]] <- i


module Test

  use array.Array
  use InvertingAnInjection

  let test () =
    let a = make 10 0 in
    a[0] <- 9;
    a[1] <- 3;
    a[2] <- 8;
    a[3] <- 2;
    a[4] <- 7;
    a[5] <- 4;
    a[6] <- 0;
    a[7] <- 1;
    a[8] <- 5;
    a[9] <- 6;
    assert {
      a[0] = 9 &&
      a[1] = 3 &&
      a[2] = 8 &&
      a[3] = 2 &&
      a[4] = 7 &&
      a[5] = 4 &&
      a[6] = 0 &&
      a[7] = 1 &&
      a[8] = 5 &&
      a[9] = 6
    let b = inverting2 a 10 in
    assert {
      b[0] = 6 &&
      b[1] = 7 &&
      b[2] = 3 &&
      b[3] = 1 &&
      b[4] = 5 &&
      b[5] = 8 &&
      b[6] = 9 &&
      b[7] = 4 &&
      b[8] = 2 &&
      b[9] = 0


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Why3 Proof Results for Project "vstte10_inverting"

Theory "vstte10_inverting.InvertingAnInjection": fully verified

ObligationsAlt-Ergo 2.3.3CVC4 1.5CVC5 1.0.5Coq 8.19.2Z3 4.11.2
VC for inverting---------------
loop invariant init------------0.01
index in array bounds------------0.01
index in array bounds------------0.01
loop invariant preservation------0.00------
VC for inverting2---------------
array creation size------------0.01
loop invariant init------------0.01
index in array bounds------------0.01
index in array bounds------------0.01
loop invariant preservation------------0.01
VC for inverting2------------0.01
VC for inverting2---------0.24---
VC for inverting20.010.010.01---0.01
out of loop bounds------------0.01

Theory "vstte10_inverting.Test": fully verified

ObligationsZ3 4.11.2
VC for test---
array creation size0.01
index in array bounds0.01
index in array bounds0.01
index in array bounds0.01
index in array bounds0.01
index in array bounds0.01
index in array bounds0.01
index in array bounds0.01
index in array bounds0.01
index in array bounds0.01
index in array bounds0.01