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Searching a Linked List, in Why3

Searching the index of the first occurrence of 0 in a linked list of integers, Why3 version

Auteurs: Jean-Christophe Filliâtre

Catégories: List Data Structure / Searching Algorithms

Outils: Why3

Références: The 1st Verified Software Competition / The VerifyThis Benchmarks

see also the index (by topic, by tool, by reference, by year)

   VSTTE'10 competition
   Problem 3: searching a linked list

   Author: Jean-Christophe Filliatre (CNRS)
   Tool:   Why3 (see

module SearchingALinkedList

  use int.Int
  use option.Option
  use list.List
  use list.Length
  use list.Nth

  predicate zero_at (l: list int) (i: int) =
    nth i l = Some 0 /\ forall j. 0 <= j < i -> nth j l <> Some 0

  predicate no_zero (l: list int) =
    forall j. 0 <= j < length l -> nth j l <> Some 0

  let rec search (i: int) (l: list int) : int
    variant { l }
    ensures { (i <= result < i + length l /\ zero_at l (result - i)) \/
              (result = i + length l /\ no_zero l) }
  = match l with
    | Nil      -> i
    | Cons x r -> if x = 0 then i else search (i+1) r

  let search_list (l: list int) : int
    ensures { (0 <= result < length l /\ zero_at l result) \/
              (result = length l /\ no_zero l) }
  = search 0 l

  (* imperative version, with a loop *)

  use ref.Ref
  use list.HdTl

  let head (l: list 'a) : 'a
    requires { l <> Nil } ensures { hd l = Some result }
  = match l with Nil -> absurd | Cons h _ -> h end

  let tail (l: list 'a) : list 'a
    requires { l <> Nil } ensures { tl l = Some result }
  = match l with Nil -> absurd | Cons _ t -> t end

  let search_loop (l: list int) : int
    ensures { (0 <= result < length l /\ zero_at l result) \/
              (result = length l /\ no_zero l) }
  = let i = ref 0 in
    let s = ref l in
    while not (is_nil !s) && head !s <> 0 do
      invariant {
        0 <= !i /\ !i + length !s = length l /\
        (forall j. 0 <= j -> nth j !s = nth (!i + j) l) /\
         forall j. 0 <= j < !i -> nth j l <> Some 0 }
      variant { !s }
      i := !i + 1;
      s := tail !s


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Why3 Proof Results for Project "vstte10_search_list"

Theory "vstte10_search_list.SearchingALinkedList": fully verified

ObligationsAlt-Ergo 2.1.0CVC3 2.4.1Coq 8.19.2Z3 3.2
VC for search0.07---------
VC for search_list0.010.00---0.00
VC for head0.000.01---0.01
VC for tail0.020.01---0.02
VC for search_loop------------
loop invariant init0.010.01---0.00
loop variant decrease0.010.01------
loop invariant preservation------------
VC for search_loop0.010.02---0.02
VC for search_loop0.02---------
VC for search_loop------0.28---
VC for search_loop------0.35---