@comment{{This file has been generated by bib2bib 1.98}}
@comment{{Command line: /usr/bin/bib2bib -q -oc 1996-conference.cite -ob 1996-conference.bib -c 'year = 1996 and topics : "team" and $type="inproceedings"' ../../biblio/abbrevs.bib ../../biblio/demons.bib ../../biblio/demons2.bib ../../biblio/demons3.bib ../../biblio/team.bib ../../biblio/crossrefs.bib}}
author = {Mina Abdiche},
title = {A type inference algorithm for the polyadic
Pi-calculus with a sub-sort relation},
booktitle = {Journ{\'e}es du p{\^o}le programmation fonctionnelle},
year = {1996},
organization = {PRC/GDR Programmation du CNRS},
address = {Orl{\'e}ans},
month = nov,
topics = {team, lri},
type_publi = {colloque},
clef_labo = {Abd96N}
author = {Delia Kesner},
title = {Confluence Properties of Extensional and Non-Extensional
$\lambda$-calculi with Explicit Substitutions},
crossref = {rta96},
pages = {184--199},
year = 1996,
topics = {team, cclserver, lri},
type_publi = {icolcomlec},
clef_labo = {Kes96E}
author = {Alexandre Boudet and Hubert Comon},
topics = {team, solserver, lri},
title = {Diophantine equations, {P}resburger arithmetic and
finite automata},
editor = {H. Kirchner},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
booktitle = {Proc. Coll. on Trees in Algebra and Programming (CAAP'96)},
pages = {30--43},
year = 1996,
type_publi = {icolcomlec},
clef_labo = {BC96E}
author = {Alexandre Boudet and \'Evelyne Contejean and Claude
title = {{AC}-complete unification and its application to
theorem proving},
topics = {team, cclserver, lri},
year = 1996,
crossref = {rta96},
pages = {18--32},
x-pdf = {http://www.lri.fr/~marche/articles/rta96.ps.gz},
abstract = {http://www.lri.fr/~marche/rta96.html},
doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/3-540-61464-8_40},
type_publi = {icolcomlec},
clef_labo = {BCM96E}
author = {\'Evelyne Contejean and Claude March{\'e}},
title = {{CiME: Completion Modulo $E$}},
crossref = {rta96},
pages = {416--419},
year = 1996,
note = {System Description available at \url{http://cime.lri.fr/}},
x-pdf = {http://www.lri.fr/~marche/articles/cime-rta96.ps.gz},
abstract = {http://www.lri.fr/~marche/cime-rta96.html},
url = {http://cime.lri.fr/},
doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/3-540-61464-8_70},
type_publi = {icolcomlec},
topics = {team, lri, cclserver},
clef_labo = {CM96E}
author = {Maria C.F. Ferreira and Delia Kesner and Laurence Puel},
title = {$\lambda$-Calculi with Explicit Substitutions and
Composition which Preserve $\beta$-Strong Normalization
(Extended Abstract)},
crossref = {alp96},
pages = {284--298},
year = 1996,
topics = {team, lri, cclserver},
type_publi = {icolcomlec},
clef_labo = {FKP96E}
author = {Jean-Pierre Jouannaud and Albert Rubio},
title = {A Recursive Path Ordering for Higher-Order Terms in
$\eta$-Long $\beta$-Normal Form},
crossref = {rta96},
pages = {108--122},
year = 1996,
topics = {rewriting, team, lri, cclserver},
ftp = {ftp://ftp.lri.fr/LRI/articles/jouannaud/horpo-rta.ps.gz},
abstract = {http://www.lri.fr/~jouannau/abstracts/horpo-rta.html},
type_publi = {icolcomlec},
clef_labo = {JR96E}
author = {Florent Jacquemard},
title = {Decidable approximations of Terms Rewriting Systems},
year = 1996,
crossref = {rta96},
pages = {362--376},
topics = {team, lri},
location = {FJ},
type_publi = {icolcomlec},
clef_labo = {Jac96E}
author = {Ralf Treinen},
title = {The First-Order Theory of One-Step Rewriting is
topics = {team, lri, cclserver, constraints, rewriting},
year = 1996,
crossref = {rta96},
pages = {276--286},
type_publi = {icolcomlec},
clef_labo = {Tre96E}
author = {Ralf Treinen},
title = {The First-Order Theory of One-Step Rewriting by a Linear
Term Rewriting System is Undecidable
(Extended Abstract)},
topics = {team, cclserver},
booktitle = {Extended Abstracts of the Tenth International Workshop on
editor = {Klaus Schulz and Stephan Kepser},
address = {Herrsching, Germany},
note = {Published as {CIS}-{B}ericht-96-91, Universit{\"a}t M{\"u}nchen},
month = jun,
year = 1996,
type_publi = {colloque}
author = {Judica{\"e}l Courant},
title = {Un calcul de modules pour Coq},
year = 1996,
booktitle = {{Actes de la journ{\'e}e du P{\^o}le Preuves et
Sp{\'e}cifications Alg{\'e}briques du GDR de
address = {{Orl{\'e}ans, France}},
type_publi = {colloque},
topics = {team}
author = {Christine Paulin-Mohring},
title = {Circuits as streams in {Coq} : Verification of a
sequential multiplier},
booktitle = {Types for Proofs and Programs, TYPES'95},
editor = {S. Berardi and M. Coppo},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
year = 1996,
volume = 1158,
topics = {team},
publisher = {Springer}
title = {5th International Conference on Algebraic and
Logic Programming},
booktitle = {5th International Conference on Algebraic and
Logic Programming},
editor = {Michael Hanus and Mario Rodr{\'\i}guez-Artalejo},
month = sep,
year = 1996,
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {1139},
address = {Aachen, Germany}
title = {7th International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and
booktitle = {7th International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and
editor = {Harald Ganzinger},
publisher = {Springer},
year = 1996,
month = jul,
address = {New Brunswick, NJ, USA},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = 1103,
isbn = {3-540-61464-8}