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Publications 1997


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Livres et chapitres de livres

[1] Ralf Treinen. Feature trees over arbitrary structures. In Patrick Blackburn and Maarten de Rijke, editors, Specifying Syntactic Structures, chapter 7, pages 185--211. CSLI Publications and FoLLI, 1997. [ bib | .ps.gz | Abstract ]


[4] Hubert Comon and Ralf Treinen. The first-order theory of lexicographic path orderings is undecidable. Theoretical Computer Science, 176(1--2):67--87, April 1997. [ bib | .ps.gz | Abstract ]
[3] Farid Ajili and Évelyne Contejean. Avoiding slack variables in the solving of linear diophantine equations and inequations. Theoretical Computer Science, 173(1):183--208, February 1997. [ bib | DOI | Abstract ]
[2] Jean-Pierre Jouannaud and Mitsuhiro Okada. Abstract data type systems. Theoretical Computer Science, 173(2):349--391, February 1997. [ bib ]
[1] Delia Kesner. Reasoning about redundant patterns. Journal of Functional and Logic Programming, 4, 1997. [ bib ]


[10] Judicaël Courant. An applicative module calculus. In Theory and Practice of Software Development 97, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 622--636, Lille, France, April 1997. Springer-Verlag. [ bib | .dvi.gz | .ps.gz ]
[9] Roberto Di Cosmo and Delia Kesner. Strong normalization of explicit substitutions via cut elimination in proof nets. In Twelfth Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, pages 35--46, Warsaw,Poland, June 1997. IEEE Comp. Soc. Press. [ bib ]
[8] Alexandre Boudet and Évelyne Contejean. AC-unification of higher-order patterns. In Gert Smolka, editor, Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, volume 1330 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 267--281, Linz, Austria, October 1997. Springer. [ bib | DOI | Abstract ]
[7] Adel Bouhoula and Jean-Pierre Jouannaud. Automata-driven automated induction. In Twelfth Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, pages 14--25, Warsaw,Poland, June 1997. IEEE Comp. Soc. Press. [ bib ]
[6] Hubert Comon and Florent Jacquemard. Ground reducibility is EXPTIME-complete. In Twelfth Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, pages 26--34, Warsaw,Poland, June 1997. IEEE Comp. Soc. Press. [ bib ]
[5] A. Bouhoula, J.-P. Jouannaud, and J. Meseguer. Specification and proof in membership equational logic. In Michel Bidoit and Max Dauchet, editors, Theory and Practice of Software Development, volume 1214 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 67--92, Lille, France, April 1997. Springer. [ bib ]
[4] Évelyne Contejean, Claude Marché, and Landy Rabehasaina. Rewrite systems for natural, integral, and rational arithmetic. In Hubert Comon, editor, 8th International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications, volume 1232 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 98--112, Barcelona, Spain, June 1997. Springer. [ bib | DOI | PDF | Abstract ]
[3] Franck Seynhaeve, Marc Tommasi, and Ralf Treinen. Grid structures and undecidable constraint theories. In Michel Bidoit and Max Dauchet, editors, Theory and Practice of Software Development, volume 1214 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 357--368, Lille, France, April 1997. Springer. Extended version to appear in Theoretical Computer Science. [ bib | .ps.gz | Abstract ]
[2] Benjamin Monate. Automates de formes normales et réductibilité inductive. In Journées du pôle Contraintes et programmation logique, pages 21--31, Rennes, nov 1997. PRC/GDR Programmation du CNRS. [ bib | .ps.gz ]
[1] Judicaël Courant. A Module Calculus for Pure Type Systems. In Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications 97, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 112 -- 128. Springer-Verlag, 1997. [ bib | .dvi.gz | .ps.gz ]




[4] Benjamin Monate. Automates de formes normales et réductibilité inductive. Rapport de DEA, Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France, September 1997. [ bib | .ps.gz ]
[3] Delia Kesner. Confluence of extensional and non-extensional λ-calculi with explicit substitutions. RR 1103, LRI, Université Paris-Sud, 1997. [ bib ]
[2] François Münch. Complétion normalisée inductive. Rapport de DEA, Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France, 1997. [ bib ]
[1] Xavier Urbain. Preuves de terminaison à l'aide de paires de dépendances. Rapport de DEA, Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France, 1997. [ bib ]


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