
@comment{{This file has been generated by bib2bib 1.98}}
@comment{{Command line: /usr/bin/bib2bib -q -oc 2001-phd.cite -ob 2001-phd.bib -c 'year = 2001 and topics : "team" and $type="phdthesis"' ../../biblio/abbrevs.bib ../../biblio/demons.bib ../../biblio/demons2.bib ../../biblio/demons3.bib ../../biblio/team.bib ../../biblio/crossrefs.bib}}
  author = {Eduardo Bonelli},
  title = {Substitutions explicites et r\'e\'ecriture de termes},
  type = {Th{\`e}se de Doctorat},
  school = {Universit{\'e} Paris-Sud},
  address = {Orsay, France},
  type_publi = {Th{\`e}se de Doctorat},
  topics = {team},
  month = nov,
  year = 2001
  author = {F. Blanqui},
  title = {{Th{\'e}orie des Types et R{\'e}criture}},
  school = {Universit{\'e} Paris XI, Orsay, France},
  year = 2001,
  topics = {team},
  type_publi = {these}
  author = {Pierre Courtieu},
  title = {{Repr{\'e}sentation d'alg{\`e}bres non libres en th{\'e}orie
                  des types}},
  school = {Universit{\'e} Paris-Sud},
  year = 2001,
  topics = {team},
  type_publi = {Th{\`e}se de Doctorat}
  author = {Delia Kesner},
  title = {Un parcours de la r{\'e}{\'e}criture d'ordre sup{\'e}rieur {\`a} la
            r{\'e}{\'e}criture du premier ordre},
  year = 2001,
  type = {Th\`{e}se d'habilitation {\`a} diriger des recherches},
  school = {Universit{\'e} Paris-Sud XI},
  topics = {team, lri},
  type_publi = {these}
  author = {Xavier Urbain},
  topics = {team, lri},
  title = {Approche incr{\'e}mentale des preuves automatiques de
  school = {Universit{\'e} Paris-Sud},
  year = 2001,
  type = {Th{\`e}se de Doctorat},
  address = {Orsay, France},
  month = oct,
  type_publi = {these},
  note = {\url{http://www.lri.fr/~urbain/textes/these.ps.gz}},
  url = {http://www.lri.fr/~urbain/textes/these.ps.gz}