
@comment{{This file has been generated by bib2bib 1.98}}
@comment{{Command line: /usr/bin/bib2bib -q -oc 2021-report.cite -ob 2021-report.bib -c 'year = 2021 and topics : "team" and ($type="techreport" or $type="manual" or $type="mastersthesis")' ../../biblio/abbrevs.bib ../../biblio/demons.bib ../../biblio/demons2.bib ../../biblio/demons3.bib ../../biblio/team.bib ../../biblio/crossrefs.bib}}
  topics = {team},
  title = {Formal Analysis of {Ladder} Programs using Deductive Verification},
  author = {Belo Louren\c{c}o, Cl{\'a}udio and Cousineau, Denis and Faissole, Florian and March{\'e}, Claude and Mentr{\'e}, David and Inoue, Hiroaki},
  hal = {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-03199464},
  type = {Research Report},
  number = {RR-9402},
  institution = {Inria},
  year = 2021,
  month = apr
  topics = {team},
  title = {Giant-step Semantics for the Categorisation of Counterexamples},
  author = {Becker, Benedikt and Belo Louren\c{c}o, Cl{\'a}udio and March{\'e}, Claude},
  hal = {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-03213438},
  type = {Research Report},
  number = {RR-9407},
  institution = {Inria},
  year = 2021,
  month = apr
  topics = {team},
  title = {A {Coq} Formalization of {Lebesgue} Integration of Nonnegative Functions},
  author = {Boldo, Sylvie and Cl{\'e}ment, Fran\c{c}ois and Faissole, Florian and Martin, Vincent and Mayero, Micaela},
  hal = {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-03194113},
  type = {Research Report},
  number = {RR-9401},
  institution = {Inria, France},
  year = 2021,
  keywords = {Lebesgue integration ; Measure theory ; Coq ; Formal proof ; Coq ; Preuve formelle ; Th{\'e}orie de la mesure ; Int{\'e}grale de Lebesgue}
  topics = {team},
  author = {Jean-Christophe Filli\^atre},
  title = {Compte-rendu de fin de projet ANR-15-CE25-0008 ``VOCaL''},
  institution = {Laboratoire M\'ethodes Formelles},
  year = 2021,
  month = jun,
  hal = {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-03326775}
  topics = {team},
  title = {The {Creusot} Environment for the Deductive Verification of {Rust} Programs},
  author = {Denis, Xavier and Jourdan, Jacques-Henri and March{\'e}, Claude},
  hal = {https://hal.inria.fr/hal-03526634},
  type = {Research Report},
  number = 9448,
  institution = {Inria Saclay - {\^I}le de France},
  year = 2021