Publications : Léon Gondelman
Retour[8] | Martin Clochard, Léon Gondelman, and Mário Pereira. The Matrix reproved. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 60(3):365--383, 2018. [ bib | DOI | full text on HAL ] |
[7] | Jean-Christophe Filliâtre, Léon Gondelman, Andrei Paskevich, Mário Pereira, and Simão Melo de Sousa. A toolchain to Produce Correct-by-Construction OCaml Programs. Technical report, 2018. artifact: [ bib | full text on HAL | .pdf ] |
[6] | Martin Clochard, Léon Gondelman, and Mário Pereira. The Matrix reproved. In Sandrine Blazy and Marsha Chechik, editors, 8th Working Conference on Verified Software: Theories, Tools and Experiments (VSTTE), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Toronto, Canada, July 2016. Springer. [ bib | full text on HAL ] |
[5] |
Jean-Christophe Filliâtre, Léon Gondelman, and Andrei Paskevich.
The spirit of ghost code.
Formal Methods in System Design, 48(3):152--174, 2016.
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In the context of deductive program verification, ghost code is part of the program that is added for the purpose of specification. Ghost code must not interfere with regular code, in the sense that it can be erased without observable difference in the program outcome. In particular, ghost data cannot participate in regular computations and ghost code cannot mutate regular data or diverge. The idea exists in the folklore since the early notion of auxiliary variables and is implemented in many state-of-the-art program verification tools. However, a rigorous definition and treatment of ghost code is surprisingly subtle and few formalizations exist. Keywords: Why3 |
[4] | Léon Gondelman. A Pragmatic Type System for Deductive Software Verification. Thèse de doctorat, Université Paris-Saclay, 2016. [ bib | full text on HAL ] |
[3] |
Jean-Christophe Filliâtre, Léon Gondelman, and Andrei Paskevich.
A pragmatic type system for deductive verification.
Research report, Université Paris Sud, 2016.
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In the context of deductive verication, it is customary today to handle programs with pointers using either separation logic, dynamic frames, or explicit memory models. Yet we can observe that in numerous programs, a large amount of code ts within the scope of Hoare logic, provided we can statically control aliasing. When this is the case, the code correctness can be reduced to simpler verication conditions which do not require any explicit memory model. This makes verication conditions more amenable both to automated theorem proving and to manual inspection and debugging. In this paper, we devise a method of such static aliasing control for a programming language featuring nested data structures with mutable components. Our solution is based on a type system with singleton regions and eects, which we prove to be sound.
[2] | Martin Clochard and Léon Gondelman. Double WP: vers une preuve automatique d'un compilateur. In Vingt-sixièmes Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs, Val d'Ajol, France, January 2015. [ bib | full text on HAL ] |
[1] |
Jean-Christophe Filliâtre, Léon Gondelman, and Andrei Paskevich.
The spirit of ghost code.
In Armin Biere and Roderick Bloem, editors, 26th International
Conference on Computer Aided Verification, volume 8859 of Lecture Notes
in Computer Science, pages 1--16, Vienna, Austria, July 2014. Springer.
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In the context of deductive program verification, ghost code is part of the program that is added for the purpose of specification. Ghost code must not interfere with regular code, in the sense that it can be erased without any observable difference in the program outcome. In particular, ghost data cannot participate in regular computations and ghost code cannot mutate regular data or diverge. The idea exists in the folklore since the early notion of auxiliary variables and is implemented in many state-of-the-art program verification tools. However, a rigorous definition and treatment of ghost code is surprisingly subtle and few formalizations exist. Keywords: Why3 |
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