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Logarithmic-time Random-access list implementation on top of AVL trees

Author: Martin Clochard

module RAL

Instantiation of the AVL tree module

  use int.Int
  use import mach.peano.Peano as I
  use seq.Seq
  use seq.FreeMonoid
  use option.Option
  use avl.SelectionTypes
  use ref.Ref

  val constant balancing : I.t
    ensures { result > 0 }

Remaining parameters. A fully concrete implementation would have to provide an explicit positive integer.

  scope M
    type m = int
    type t = int
    constant zero : int = 0
    function op (x y:int) : int = x + y
    clone export monoid.Monoid with type t = m,
      constant zero = zero,function op = op,lemma assoc,lemma neutral
    clone export monoid.MonoidSumDef with type M.t = m,
      constant M.zero = zero,function M.op = op,goal M.assoc,goal M.neutral
    function m (x:'a) : 'a = x
    predicate c (_:'a) = true
    let zero () : int ensures { result = 0 } = 0
    let op (x y:int) : int ensures { result = x + y } = x + y

Use the integer monoid in order to measure sequence of elements by their length.

  scope D
    type t 'a = 'a
    let function measure 'a : int = 1
    meta "inline:no" function measure

The stored elements are measured by 1.

  let rec lemma agg_measure_is_length (s:seq 'a) : unit
    ensures { M.agg D.measure s = length s }
    variant { length s }
  = if length s <> 0
    then agg_measure_is_length s[1 ..]
    else assert { s = empty }

The monoidal summary of a list is indeed its length.

  type selector = { index : int; hole : bool }

Select either an element or the hole before him: the n-th hole is the position between (n-1)-th element (if any) and n-th element (if any).

  predicate selection_possible (s:selector) (l:seq 'a) =
    0 <= s.index && (if s.hole then s.index <= length l else s.index < length l)

Selection is possible iff the index is between the sequence bounds.

  predicate selected (s:selector) (e:split 'a) =
    s.index = length e.left /\ (s.hole <-> e.middle = None)

Selection predicate: We are exactly at the index-th position of the rebuild sequence, and there is an element in the middle iff we are not trying to select a hole.

  let selected_part (ghost lseq:seq 'a) (ghost rseq:seq 'a)
    (s:selector) (sl:int) (d:'a) (sr:int) : part_base selector
    requires { selection_possible s (lseq ++ cons d rseq) }
    requires { sl = length lseq /\ sr = length rseq }
    returns { Here -> let e2 = { left = lseq;
        middle = Some d;
        right = rseq } in selected s e2
      | Left rsl -> selection_possible rsl lseq /\
        forall e. selected rsl e /\ rebuild e = lseq ->
          selected s (right_extend e d rseq)
      | Right rsr -> selection_possible rsr rseq /\
        forall e. selected rsr e /\ rebuild e = rseq ->
          selected s (left_extend lseq d e) }
  = let ind = s.index in
    if ind > sl
    then Right { s with index = ind - sl - 1 }
    else if ind < sl
    then Left s
    else if s.hole
    then Left s
    else Here

Reduction of positional search using the size information.

  clone avl.AVL as Sel with type selector = selector,
    predicate selection_possible = selection_possible,
    predicate selected = selected,
    val selected_part = selected_part,
    goal selection_empty,
    val balancing = balancing,
    type D.t = D.t,
    val D.measure = D.measure,
    type M.t = M.t,
    constant M.zero = M.zero,
    function M.op = M.op,
    goal M.assoc,
    goal M.neutral,
    function M.agg = M.agg,
    goal M.agg_empty,
    goal M.agg_sing,
    goal M.agg_cat,
    val M.zero = M.zero,
    val M.op = M.op

Full instantiation of the AVL module.

Adaptation of specification to random-access lists

A priori, the specification expected for random-access lists is different from the one obtained from the raw instance.

  type t 'a = Sel.t 'a
  type m 'a = seq 'a

Adapt the logical model to random-access lists, i.e strip the height from the accessible information.

  let empty () : t 'a
    ensures { result = empty }
  = Sel.empty ()

Create an empty random-access list.

  let singleton (d:'a) : t 'a
    ensures { result = singleton d }
  = Sel.singleton d

Create a list with a single element.

  let is_empty (r:t 'a) : bool
    ensures { length r = 0 -> result }
    ensures { result -> r = empty }
  = Sel.is_empty r

Emptyness test.

  let decompose_front (r:t 'a) : option ('a,t 'a)
    returns { None -> r = empty | Some (hd,tl:t 'a) -> r = cons hd tl }
  = Sel.decompose_front r

Pattern-matching over the list front.

  let decompose_back (r:t 'a) : option (t 'a,'a)
    returns { None -> r = empty | Some (lt:t 'a,dh) -> r = snoc lt dh }
  = Sel.decompose_back r

Pattern-matching over the list back.

  let front (r:t 'a) : 'a
    requires { length r <> 0 }
    ensures { result = r[0] }
  = Sel.front r

Get the first element of a non-empty list.

  let back (r:t 'a) : 'a
    requires { length r <> 0 }
    ensures { result = r[length r - 1] }
  = Sel.back r

Get the last element of a non-empty list.

  let cons (d:'a) (r:t 'a) : t 'a
    ensures { result = cons d r }
  = Sel.cons d r

Add an element at the list front.

  let snoc (r:t 'a) (d:'a) : t 'a
    ensures { result = snoc r d }
  = Sel.snoc r d

Add an element at the list back.

  let concat (l:t 'a) (r:t 'a) : t 'a
    ensures { result = l ++ r }
  = Sel.concat l r

Append two lists.

  let length (l:t 'a) : int
    ensures { result = length l }
  = Sel.total l

Get the length of a list.

  let set (n:int) (d:'a) (l:t 'a) : t 'a
    requires { 0 <= n < length l }
    ensures { result = l[n <- d] }
    ensures { length result = length l }
    ensures { forall i:int. 0 <= i < length l /\ i <> n -> result[i] = l[i] }
    ensures { result[n] = d }
  = let ghost r = Sel.default_split () in
    let res = Sel.insert r { index = n; hole = false } d l in
    assert { res == l[n <- d] };

Set the n-th element.

  let get (n:int) (l:t 'a) : 'a
    requires { 0 <= n < length l }
    ensures { result = l[n] }
  = let ghost r = Sel.default_split () in
    match Sel.get r { index = n; hole = false } l with
    | None -> absurd
    | Some d -> d

Get the n-th element.

  let insert (n:int) (d:'a) (l:t 'a) : t 'a
    requires { 0 <= n <= length l }
    ensures { result = l[.. n] ++ cons d l[n ..] }
    ensures { length result = 1 + length l }
    ensures { forall i:int. 0 <= i < n -> result[i] = l[i] }
    ensures { forall i:int. n < i < length result -> result[i] = l[i-1] }
    ensures { result[n] = d }
  = let ghost r = Sel.default_split () in
    Sel.insert r { index = n; hole = true } d l

Insert an element in the n-th position of the list, i.e between the (n-1)-th and n-th elements of the initial list.

  let remove (n:int) (l:t 'a) : t 'a
    requires { 0 <= n < length l }
    ensures { result = l[.. n] ++ l[(n+1) ..] }
    ensures { length result = length l - 1 }
    ensures { forall i:int. 0 <= i < n -> result[i] = l[i] }
    ensures { forall i:int. n <= i < length result -> result[i] = l[i+1] }
  = let ghost r = Sel.default_split () in
    Sel.remove r { index = n; hole = false } l

Remove the n-th element.

  let cut (n:int) (l:t 'a) : (t 'a,t 'a)
    requires { 0 <= n <= length l }
    returns { (lf:t 'a,rg:t 'a) ->
      l = lf ++ rg /\ lf = l[.. n] /\ rg = l[n ..] }
  = let ghost r = Sel.default_split () in
    let sel = { index = n; hole = true } in
    let (lf,_,rg) = Sel.split r sel l in

Cut the list between the (n-1)-th and n-th elements.

  let split (n:int) (l:t 'a) : (t 'a,'a,t 'a)
    requires { 0 <= n < length l }
    returns { (lf:t 'a,md,rg:t 'a) ->
      l = lf ++ cons md rg /\ lf = l[.. n] /\ rg = l[(n+1) ..] }
  = let ghost r = Sel.default_split () in
    let sel = { index = n; hole = false } in
    let (lf,md,rg) = Sel.split r sel l in
    match md with None -> absurd | Some md -> (lf,md,rg) end

Split the list on the n-th element.

  let harness (a b:t int) : unit
    requires { length a > 43 /\ length b > 43 }
    requires { forall n. 0 <= n < length a -> a[n] = 0 }
    requires { forall n. 0 <= n < length b -> b[n] = 1 }
  = let a = set 1 1 a in
    let b = set 1 10 b in
    let a = set 2 2 a in
    let b = set 2 20 b in
    check { a[1] = 1 /\ a[42] = 0 };
    check { b[1] = 10 /\ b[42] = 1 };
    let a = remove 1 a in
    let b = remove 2 b in
    check { a[1] = 2 /\ a[42] = 0 };
    check { b[2] = 1 /\ b[42] = 1 }


  let harness2 () : unit
  = (* [] *)
    let a = empty () in
    (* [2] *)
    let a = cons 2 a in
    (* [2;3] *)
    let a = snoc a 3 in
    (* [3] *)
    let b = match decompose_front a with
      | None -> absurd
      | Some (d,tl) -> check { d = 2 }; tl
    end in
    (* [3;2;3] *)
    let a = concat b a in
    check { a[1] = 2 }


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