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(* Asymetric transfinite perfect information games on
   ordered sets. The two player (existential and universal,
   or (shorter) angel and demon) reflect respectively existential and
   universal behavior.
   Definition is mostly intended for angel side having a winning
   strategy, hence the asymetry. *)
module Game

  use import ho_set.Set
  use import ho_rel.Rel
  use import order.LimUniq
  use import order.Chain
  use import transfinite.ExtensionDef

  type game 'a = {
    (* Progress relation: a play must follow the progression
       relation, and supremum are used to get limit behaviors.
       In case there is no such limit, the angel is assumed to
       win (in practice, there should be limits for all feasible
       chains) *)
    progress : erel 'a;
    (* Transition relation: from a state [x], the angel
       choose a set of possibility for the next state, then
       the demon choose among that set of possibilities.
       Another view is that 'a are angel states, and (set 'a) are
       demon states. *)
    transition : 'a -> set (set 'a);
  } invariant { order progress }
  invariant { forall x s y. transition x s /\ s y -> progress x y }
  by { progress = {(=)}; transition = fun _ _ -> false }

  (* Angel strategy: from a game history (a chain) admitting some max,
     choose a set of states. *)
  type angel 'a = set 'a -> set 'a
  (* Demon strategy: choice function.
     This is asymetrical with respect to the angel, since the
     demon cannot use history to take decisions. However, this
     does not change the ability of the demon to prevent existence
     of winning strategy, as the demon is aware of the
     angel strategy/starting point and may implicitly reconstruct
     the full history => we keep this for simplicity. *)
  type demon 'a = set 'a -> 'a

  (* Step relation: relate an history with the next chosen element. *)
  predicate step (g:game 'a) (ang:angel 'a) (dmn:demon 'a) (h:set 'a) (n:'a) =
    let x = sup g.progress h in
    let a = ang h in
    let d = dmn a in
    supremum g.progress h x /\
    if h x then g.transition x a /\ a d /\ n = d else n = x

  (* Small lemmas justifying that step can be used to create
     deterministic transfinite extensions. *)
  lemma step_is_tr_succ : forall g:game 'a,ang dmn.
    tr_succ g.progress (step g ang dmn)
    by let o = g.progress in
      forall h n. step g ang dmn h n -> upper_bound o h n
      by o (sup g.progress h) n
  lemma step_deterministic : forall g:game 'a,ang dmn.
    deterministic (step g ang dmn)

  (* The angel win at some point if:
     - Either he reached the target set
     - Either the demon did an illegal move
     - Either he reached a non-existing limit.
       (This last choice is asymetric, and was chosen for
        technical reasons -- it make some statements about
        winning existence simpler, without bringing in
        chain-completeness everywhere. In practical games, this
        should not make a difference as all reachable chains should
        have such limits) *)
  predicate win_at (g:game 'a) (win:set 'a)
                   (ang:angel 'a) (dmn:demon 'a) (h:set 'a) =
    let o = g.progress in let x = sup o h in
    not supremum o h x \/ maximum g.progress h x /\
      (win x \/ let a = ang h in g.transition x a /\ not a (dmn a))

  (* Angel win against demon for start [x] and target set [win]
     if the transfinite extension process (=the play) reach a winning
     configuration. *)
  predicate win_against (g:game 'a) (x:'a) (win:set 'a)
                        (ang:angel 'a) (dmn:demon 'a) =
    exists h. tr_ext g.progress (step g ang dmn) ((=) x) h /\
      win_at g win ang dmn h

  (* Winning strategy *)
  predicate winning_strat (g:game 'a) (x:'a) (win:set 'a) (ang:angel 'a) =
    forall dmn. win_against g x win ang dmn
  predicate uniform_winning_strat (g:game 'a) (strt win:set 'a) (ang:angel 'a) =
    forall x. strt x -> winning_strat g x win ang

  predicate have_winning_strat (g:game 'a) (x:'a) (win:set 'a) =
    exists ang. winning_strat g x win ang

  predicate have_uniform_winning_strat (g:game 'a) (start win:set 'a) =
    exists ang. uniform_winning_strat g start win ang


(* A few basic properties of strategies on such games. *)
module BasicStrats "W:non_conservative_extension:N" (* => BasicStratsProof *)

  use import Game
  use import ho_set.Set

  axiom have_uniform_winning_strat_quantifier_inversion :
    forall g:game 'a,start win.
      (have_uniform_winning_strat g start win <->
        (forall x. start x -> have_winning_strat g x win))

  axiom have_winning_strat_local_criterion : forall g,x:'a,win.
      (have_winning_strat g x win <->
        win x \/
        exists s. g.transition x s /\ have_uniform_winning_strat g s win)

  axiom uniform_winning_strat_subset :
    forall g:game 'a,start win ang.
     subset start win -> uniform_winning_strat g start win ang

  axiom uniform_winning_strat_mono :
    forall g:game 'a,start1 start2 win1 win2 ang.
      subset start2 start1 /\ subset win1 win2 ->
      uniform_winning_strat g start1 win1 ang ->
      uniform_winning_strat g start2 win2 ang

  axiom winning_strat_progress :
    forall g:game 'a,x win ang.
      winning_strat g x win ang ->
      winning_strat g x (inter win (g.progress x)) ang


module BasicStratsProof

  use import Game
  use import ho_set.Set
  use import ho_set.SetBigOps
  use import choice.Choice
  use import order.SubChain
  use import order.LimUniq
  use import fn.Fun
  use import transfinite.ExtensionDet
  use import transfinite.Transport

  (* Obvious way of the equivalence. *)
  lemma have_uniform_winning_strat_quantifier_inversion_1 :
    forall g:game 'a,start win x.
      have_uniform_winning_strat g start win /\ start x ->
      have_winning_strat g x win

  (* Reverse way: build strategy by choosing strategies for all
     elements. *)
  lemma have_uniform_winning_strat_quantifier_inversion_2 :
    forall g:game 'a,start win.
      (forall x. start x -> have_winning_strat g x win) ->
      have_uniform_winning_strat g start win
      by let o = g.progress in
        let ang_of = fun min -> choice (winning_strat g min win) in
        let ang = fun h -> ang_of (inf o h) h in
        uniform_winning_strat g start win ang
      by forall x dmn. start x -> win_against g x win ang dmn
      by let st = step g ang dmn in
        let st_x = step g (ang_of x) dmn in
        let ex = (=) x in
        win_against g x win (ang_of x) dmn
        so exists h. tr_ext o st ex h /\ win_at g win ang dmn h
        by tr_ext o st_x ex h /\ win_at g win (ang_of x) dmn h
        so (forall h. subchain o ex h -> ang h = ang_of x h by minimum o h x)
        so forall h0. tr_ext o st_x ex h0 -> tr_ext o st ex h0
        by transport_criterion o st ex h0
        by forall h y. subchain o ex h /\ subchain o (add h y) h0 /\
          upper_bound o h y /\ not h y -> st_x h y

  (* Proof is mostly definition unfolding. *)
  lemma uniform_winning_strat_subset : forall g:game 'a,start win ang.
    subset start win ->
    uniform_winning_strat g start win ang
    by forall dmn x. start x ->
      win_against g x win ang dmn
    by let ex = (=) x in
      tr_ext g.progress (step g ang dmn) ex ex
    so win_at g win ang dmn ex
    by maximum g.progress ex x

  (* Obtain set witness by unfolding first step of strategy,
     and get the later uniform strategy by restriction to s. *)
  lemma have_winning_strat_local_criterion_1 :
    forall g,x:'a,win. have_winning_strat g x win /\ not win x ->
      exists s. g.transition x s /\ have_uniform_winning_strat g s win
      by let ex = (=) x in let o = g.progress in
        exists ang. winning_strat g x win ang /\ s = ang ex
      so maximum o ex x
      (* Justify that transition is valid, because otherwise the
         extension would be stuck at ex. *)
      so ("stop_split"  not (not g.transition x s
          so exists dmn. true
          so win_against g x win ang dmn
          so let st = step g ang dmn in
            exists h. tr_ext o st ex h /\ win_at g win ang dmn h
          so maximum (subchain o) (tr_ext o st ex) ex
          so h = ex
      (* Eliminate x from s thanks to quantifier inversion lemma. *)
      so forall y. s y -> have_winning_strat g y win
      by if x = y then true else
      (* Derive the winning strategy by adding x to history. *)
        let ang2 = fun h -> ang (add h x) in
        o x y
        so forall dmn2. "stop_split" win_against g y win ang2 dmn2
      by let dmn = update dmn2 s y in
        let st = step g ang dmn in
        let st2 = step g ang2 dmn2 in
        let ey = (=) y in let exy = add ex y in
        win_against g x win ang dmn
        so exists h2. tr_ext o st2 ey h2 /\ win_at g win ang2 dmn2 h2
        by exists h. tr_ext o st ex h /\ win_at g win ang dmn h
          /\ h2 = remove h x
        (* Few crucial 'boilerplate' sub-lemmas: if for some h,exy <= h,
           then h\{x} have same sup/max as h. *)
        so ("stop_split" forall h. subchain o exy h ->
          let h2 = remove h x in
          ((forall u. supremum o h2 u <-> supremum o h u)
           by sext (upper_bound o h2) (upper_bound o h)
           by forall u z. upper_bound o h2 u /\ h z -> o z u
             by if h2 z then true else z = x so o z y so o y u
          ) && forall u. (maximum o h u <-> maximum o h2 u)
          by h2 y
          so (maximum o h u -> supremum o h2 u so h2 u by o y u)
          so (maximum o h2 u -> supremum o h u so maximum o h u)
        so tr_ext o st ex exy
        so (subchain o exy h by if subchain o exy h then true else
            subchain o h exy so sext h ex)
        so (add h2 x = h by sext (add h2 x) h)
        (* Transfer history from one strategy to the other *)
        so "stop_split" (forall a b c h. a = o /\ b = st /\ c = ex ->
          ("induction" tr_ext a b c h) -> subchain o exy h ->
          tr_ext o st2 ey (remove h x))
        by (* Nasty order details to prove that the behaviors
              at [h] for first strategy and [remove h x] for second
              one coincide. *)
          ("stop_split" forall h z. tr_ext o st ex h /\ st h z ->
          let rh = remove h x in
          (subchain o exy h -> tr_ext o st2 ey rh) ->
          let h2 = add h z in let rh2 = remove h2 x in
          subchain o exy h2 -> tr_ext o st2 ey rh2
          by if h z then sext h h2 so rh = rh2 else
            if subchain o exy h
            then (st2 rh z by sext (add rh x) h
                so let u = sup o h in
                  supremum o rh u so u = sup o rh
                so not (u = x so o y x by h y )
                so let a = ang h in a = ang2 rh
                so (h u <-> rh u)
                so (rh u /\ g.transition u a -> dmn a = dmn2 a))
              so (rh2 = add rh z by sext rh2 (add rh z) by z <> x by o y z)
            else rh2 = ey by sext rh2 ey by subchain o h exy so sext h ex
        (* Proof of limit case: prove that the 'chain of removals'
           is indeed a non-empty chain whose supremum is the removal of
           the sup of the initial chain. *)
        /\ ("stop_split" forall chh. chain (subchain o) chh /\ inhabited chh ->
          (forall h. chh h -> tr_ext o st ex h /\
            (subchain o exy h -> tr_ext o st2 ey (remove h x))) ->
          let hl = bigunion chh in let rhl = remove hl x in
          subchain o exy hl -> tr_ext o st2 ey rhl
          by let ch2 = fun h ->
              exists h'. subchain o exy h' /\ chh h' /\ h = remove h' x
            (inhabited ch2 by exists h0. ch2 h0
              by exists h. chh h /\ h y /\ h0 = remove h x
              so not (not subchain o exy h so subchain o h exy)
          so (chain (subchain o) ch2 by forall h1 h2. ch2 h1 /\ ch2 h2 ->
            subchain o h1 h2 \/ subchain o h2 h1
            by exists h3. h1 = remove h3 x /\ chh h3
            so exists h4. h2 = remove h4 x /\ chh h4
            so subchain o h3 h4 \/ subchain o h4 h3
          so (rhl = bigunion ch2
            by sext rhl (bigunion ch2)
            by (forall z. bigunion ch2 z -> rhl z
              by exists h0. ch2 h0 /\ h0 z
              so exists h1. chh h1 /\ h0 = remove h1 x
            /\ (forall z. rhl z -> bigunion ch2 z
              by exists h0. chh h0 /\ h0 z
              so not (not subchain o exy h0 so subchain o h0 exy
                so z = x \/ z = y)
              so let h1 = remove h0 x in ch2 h1 /\ h1 z
          so (forall h. ch2 h -> tr_ext o st2 ey h)

  (* Create witness for x by making s the first step,
     then using the other strategy. *)
  lemma have_winning_strat_local_criterion_2 :
    forall g,x:'a,s win. g.transition x s /\
      have_uniform_winning_strat g s win ->
      have_winning_strat g x win
      by let o = g.progress in
        exists ang. uniform_winning_strat g s win ang
      so if s x then winning_strat g x win ang else
        let ex = (=) x in
        let ang2 = fun h -> if h = ex then s else ang (remove h x) in
        winning_strat g x win ang2
      by forall dmn. win_against g x win ang2 dmn
      by let y = dmn s in
        let ey = (=) y in
        let exy = add ey x in
        maximum o ex x
      so if not s y then win_at g win ang2 dmn ex else
        let st = step g ang dmn in
        let st2 = step g ang2 dmn in
        o x y
      so exists h2. tr_ext o st2 ex h2 /\ win_at g win ang2 dmn h2
      by exists h. tr_ext o st ey h /\ win_at g win ang dmn h /\ h2 = add h x
      (* As before, few crucial 'boilerplate' sub-lemmas:
           if for some h,ey <= h,
           then h+{x} have same sup/max as h (and x\notin h) *)
      so ("stop_split" forall h. subchain o ey h ->
        let h2 = add h x in
        not (h x so o y x) &&
        ((forall u. supremum o h2 u <-> supremum o h u)
          by sext (upper_bound o h2) (upper_bound o h)
          by forall u z. upper_bound o h u /\ h2 z -> o z u
        ) && forall u. (maximum o h u <-> maximum o h2 u)
      so (remove h2 x = h by sext (remove h2 x) h)
      (* Transfer history from one strategy to the other *)
      so "stop_split" (forall a b c h. a = o /\ b = st /\ c = ey ->
        ("induction" tr_ext a b c h) ->
        tr_ext o st2 ex (add h x))
      by (tr_ext o st2 ex exy by sext exy (add ex y) /\ st2 ex y
      ) /\ (* A few details to prove that the behaviors at [h] for
              first strategy and [add h x] for second one coincide. *)
      ("stop_split" forall h z. tr_ext o st ey h /\ st h z ->
        let ah = add h x in tr_ext o st2 ex ah ->
        let h2 = add h z in let ah2 = add h2 x in
        tr_ext o st2 ex ah2
        by sext ah2 (add ah z)
        so st2 ah z
        by sext (remove ah x) h
        so let u = sup o h in supremum o ah u so u = sup o ah
        so let a = ang h in a = ang2 ah
        so (h u <-> ah u)
      ) /\ (* Limit case: prove that the 'chains of add'
          has for supremum the 'add of sup'. *)
      ("stop_split" forall chh. chain (subchain o) chh /\ inhabited chh ->
        (forall h. chh h -> tr_ext o st ey h /\ tr_ext o st2 ex (add h x)) ->
        let ch2 = fun h -> exists h'. chh h' /\ h = add h' x in
        let hl = bigunion chh in let ahl = add hl x in
        tr_ext o st2 ex ahl
        by inhabited ch2
        so (chain (subchain o) ch2 by forall h1 h2. ch2 h1 /\ ch2 h2 ->
          subchain o h1 h2 \/ subchain o h2 h1
          by exists h3. chh h3 /\ h1 = add h3 x
          so exists h4. chh h4 /\ h2 = add h4 x
          so subchain o h3 h4 \/ subchain o h4 h3)
        so ahl = bigunion ch2 by sext (bigunion ch2) ahl
          by (forall z. bigunion ch2 z -> ahl z
            by exists h0. ch2 h0 /\ h0 z
            so exists h1. chh h1 /\ h0 = add h1 x)
          /\ (forall z. ahl z -> bigunion ch2 z
            by if z = x then exists h. ch2 h so h x else
              exists h. chh h /\ h z
            so ch2 (add h x) /\ add h x z

  lemma have_winning_strat_local_criterion_3 :
    forall g,x:'a,win. win x -> have_winning_strat g x win
    by exists ang. true
    so uniform_winning_strat g ((=) x) win ang

  lemma uniform_winning_strat_mono :
    forall g:game 'a,start1 start2 win1 win2 ang.
      subset start2 start1 /\ subset win1 win2 ->
      uniform_winning_strat g start1 win1 ang ->
      uniform_winning_strat g start2 win2 ang
      by forall dmn x. start2 x -> win_against g x win2 ang dmn
      by win_against g x win1 ang dmn

  lemma winning_strat_progress :
    forall g:game 'a,x win ang.
      let o = g.progress in let q = inter win (o x) in
      winning_strat g x win ang -> winning_strat g x q ang
      by forall dmn. win_against g x q ang dmn
      by win_against g x win ang dmn
      so exists h. tr_ext o (step g ang dmn) ((=) x) h /\
        win_at g win ang dmn h
      so win_at g q ang dmn h

  clone BasicStrats with goal have_uniform_winning_strat_quantifier_inversion,
    goal have_winning_strat_local_criterion,
    goal uniform_winning_strat_subset,
    goal uniform_winning_strat_mono,
    goal winning_strat_progress


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