Tree relabelling
Given a binary tree, with values at the leaves, build a new tree with the same structure and leaves labelled with distinct integers.
Auteurs: Jean-Christophe Filliâtre
Catégories: Trees / Inductive predicates
Outils: Why3
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(* Tree relabelling. Given a tree t, with values at the leaves, build a new tree with the same structure and leaves labelled with distinct integers. *) module Relabel use list.List use list.Mem use list.Append use list.Distinct type tree 'a = | Leaf 'a | Node (tree 'a) (tree 'a) function labels (t : tree 'a) : list 'a = match t with | Leaf x -> Cons x Nil | Node l r -> labels l ++ labels r end lemma labels_Leaf : forall x y : 'a. mem x (labels (Leaf y)) <-> x=y lemma labels_Node : forall x : 'a, l r : tree 'a. mem x (labels (Node l r)) <-> (mem x (labels l) \/ mem x (labels r)) inductive same_shape (t1 : tree 'a) (t2 : tree 'b) = | same_shape_Leaf : forall x1 : 'a, x2 : 'b. same_shape (Leaf x1) (Leaf x2) | same_shape_Node : forall l1 r1 : tree 'a, l2 r2 : tree 'b. same_shape l1 l2 -> same_shape r1 r2 -> same_shape (Node l1 r1) (Node l2 r2) use int.Int use ref.Ref val r : ref int let fresh () ensures { !r = old !r + 1 /\ result = !r } = r := !r + 1; !r let rec relabel (t : tree 'a) : tree int variant { t } ensures { same_shape t result /\ distinct (labels result) /\ old !r <= !r /\ (forall x:int. mem x (labels result) -> old !r < x <= !r) } = match t with | Leaf _ -> Leaf (fresh ()) | Node l r -> Node (relabel l) (relabel r) end end
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