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(* Encodings of transition systems into games. *)

(* Axiomatic definition of (potentially infinite)
    evolution traces within a transition ystem. In order to avoid
   bringing in the context the full invariant that enforces
   extensionality, the actual type of trace is defined in
   another module. *)
module Trace "W:non_conservative_extension:N" (* => TraceDef *)

  use import int.Int
  use import ho_set.Set
  use import ho_rel.Rel
  use import order.Ordered
  use import order.Chain

  (* FIXME: weird that witness obligation is generated here
     (cause abstract type anyway),
     and not possible to use 'by' witness introduction because
     there is no way to generate a polymorphic
     computable witness of (int -> 'a) (only (int -> {'a}) is possible,
     but that type is rejected). Since we must move the lemma out,
     this also force a very inelegant context disposal. *)
  lemma existence : exists rel:erel 'a,finite length nth.
    length >= 0 /\
    (forall n. 0 < n /\ (finite -> n <= length) ->
     rel (nth (n-1)) (nth n))
    by finite = true /\ length = 0

  type trace 'a = private {
    rel : erel 'a;
    finite : bool;
    length : int;
    nth : int -> 'a;
  } invariant { length >= 0 }
  invariant { forall n. 0 < n /\ (finite -> n <= length) ->
              rel (nth (n-1)) (nth n) }

  meta remove_prop lemma existence

  (* Prefix comparisons for traces. *)
  predicate subtrace (t1 t2:trace 'a) =
    t1.rel = t2.rel &&
    (t2.finite -> t1.finite && t1.length <= t2.length) &&
    forall n. 0 <= n /\ (t1.finite -> n <= t1.length) -> t1.nth n = t2.nth n

  axiom subtrace_order : order (subtrace:erel (trace 'a))

  (* Minimal trace constructor: comprehension. *)
  val ghost create_trace (r:erel {'a}) (fn:bool)
                            (len:int) (f:int -> {'a}) : trace {'a}
    requires { fn -> 0 <= len }
    requires { forall n. 0 < n /\ (fn -> n <= len) -> r (f (n-1)) (f n) }
    ensures  { result.rel = r }
    ensures  { result.finite = fn }
    ensures  { fn -> result.length = len }
    ensures  { forall n. 0 <= n /\ (fn -> n <= len) -> result.nth n = f n }

  (*(* Minimal trace constructors: singleton (base case),
     addition (successor case), and supremum (limit case). *)
  val ghost function singleton_trace (r:erel {'a}) (x:{'a}) : trace {'a}
    ensures { result.finite /\ result.length = 0 }
    ensures { result.rel = r /\ result.nth 0 = x }

  val ghost function add_to_trace (t:trace {'a}) (x:{'a}) : trace {'a}
    requires { t.finite /\ t.rel (t.nth t.length) x }
    ensures  { result.finite /\ result.length = t.length + 1 }
    ensures  { result.nth result.length = x }
    ensures  { subtrace t result }

  val ghost function sup_chain_trace (h:set (trace {'a})) : trace {'a}
    requires { chain subtrace h /\ inhabited h }
    ensures  { supremum subtrace h result }
    ensures  { forall x. h x -> result.rel = x.rel }
    ensures  { result.finite -> maximum subtrace h result }
    ensures  { not maximum subtrace h result -> forall x. h x -> x.finite }
    ensures  { not maximum subtrace h result -> forall n. 0 <= n ->
      exists x. h x /\ n <= x.length }*)


(* Additional constructors for evolution traces, defined on
   top of comprehension: singleton trace, addition of an element to any end,
   catenation, pre/suffix extraction and chain supremum. *)
module TraceConstructors

  use import int.Int
  use import option.Option
  use import fn.Image
  use import ho_set.Set
  use import ho_rel.Rel
  use import order.Ordered
  use import order.Chain
  use import choice.Choice
  use export Trace

  let ghost function singleton_trace (r:erel {'a}) (x:{'a}) : trace {'a}
    ensures { result.finite /\ result.length = 0 }
    ensures { result.rel = r /\ result.nth 0 = x }
  = create_trace r true 0 (fun _ -> x)

  let ghost function add_suffix_trace (t:trace {'a}) (x:{'a}) : trace {'a}
    requires { t.finite -> t.rel (t.nth t.length) x }
    ensures  { result.finite = t.finite }
    ensures  { t.finite -> result.length = t.length + 1 }
    ensures  { not t.finite -> result = t }
    ensures  { t.finite -> result.nth result.length = x }
    ensures  { subtrace t result }
  = if not t.finite then t else
    let function nt n = if n = t.length + 1 then x else t.nth n in
    create_trace t.rel true (t.length + 1) nt

  let ghost function add_prefix_trace (x:{'a}) (t:trace {'a}) : trace {'a}
    requires { t.rel x (t.nth 0) }
    ensures  { result.finite = t.finite }
    ensures  { t.finite -> result.length = t.length + 1 }
    ensures  { forall n. 0 <= n /\ (result.finite -> n <= result.length) ->
      result.nth n = if n = 0 then x else t.nth (n-1) }
  = let function nt n = if n = 0 then x else t.nth (n-1) in
    create_trace t.rel t.finite (t.length + 1) nt

  let ghost function cat_trace (t1 t2:trace {'a}) : trace {'a}
    requires { t1.rel = t2.rel }
    requires { t1.finite -> t1.nth t1.length = t2.nth 0 }
    ensures  { subtrace t1 result /\ (not t1.finite -> result = t1) }
    ensures  { result.finite <-> t1.finite /\ t2.finite }
    ensures  { result.finite -> result.length = t1.length + t2.length }
    ensures  { forall n. 0 <= n /\ (t1.finite -> n <= t1.length) ->
      result.nth n = t1.nth n }
    ensures  { t1.finite -> forall n.
      t1.length <= n /\ (result.finite -> n <= result.length) ->
      result.nth n = t2.nth (n - t1.length) }
  = let fn = pure { t1.finite /\ t2.finite } in
    let ln = t1.length + t2.length in
    let function nt (n:int) = if pure { t1.finite -> n <= t1.length }
      then t1.nth n else t2.nth (n - t1.length) in
    assert { forall n. 0 < n /\ (fn -> n <= ln) ->
      t1.rel (nt (n-1)) (nt n)
      by if (t1.finite -> n <= t1.length) then
      t1.rel (t1.nth (n-1)) (t1.nth n)
      else let m = n - t1.length in
      (t2.nth (m-1) = nt (n-1)
       by n > t1.length + 1 -> t2.nth (m-1) = nt (n-1))
      so t2.rel (t2.nth (m-1)) (t2.nth m)
    let res = create_trace t1.rel fn ln nt in
    assert { subtrace t1 res
      && (not t1.finite -> res = t1 by subtrace res t1) };

  let ghost function prefix_trace (l:int) (t:trace {'a}) : trace {'a}
    requires { 0 <= l /\ (t.finite -> l <= t.length) }
    ensures  { subtrace result t }
    ensures  { result.finite /\ result.length = l }
  = create_trace t.rel true l t.nth

  let ghost function suffix_trace (l:int) (t:trace {'a}) : trace {'a}
    requires { 0 <= l /\ (t.finite -> l <= t.length) }
    ensures  { cat_trace (prefix_trace l t) result = t }
  = let function nt n = t.nth (n+l) in
    assert { forall n. 0 < n /\ (t.finite -> n <= t.length - l) ->
      t.rel (nt (n-1)) (nt n) by 0 < n+l /\ (t.finite -> n + l <= t.length) };
    let sf = create_trace t.rel t.finite (t.length - l) (fun n -> t.nth (n+l)) in
    let pr = prefix_trace l t in
    let t0 = cat_trace pr sf in
    assert { subtrace t0 t };
    assert { subtrace t t0 };

  let ghost function sup_chain_trace (h:set (trace {'a})) : trace {'a}
    requires { chain subtrace h /\ inhabited h }
    ensures  { supremum subtrace h result }
    ensures  { forall x. h x -> result.rel = x.rel }
    ensures  { result.finite -> maximum subtrace h result }
    ensures  { not h result -> forall x. h x -> x.finite }
    ensures  { not h result -> forall n. 0 <= n ->
      exists x. h x /\ n <= x.length }
  = let res = match choose_if (maximum subtrace h) with
    | Some u -> u
    | None ->
      assert { forall x. h x -> if x.finite then true else false
        by maximum subtrace h x
      let s = pure { image length h } in
      assert { forall x. h x -> not (upper_bound (<=) s x.length
        so maximum subtrace h x
        by forall u. h u -> if subtrace u x then true else false
        by subtrace x u so u.length > x.length /\ s u.length
      let w = choose h in
      assert { forall x. h x -> x.rel = w.rel
        by subtrace x w \/ subtrace w x };
      let function nth0 (n:int)
        ensures { n >= 0 -> forall x. h x /\ n <= x.length -> x.nth n = result }
        ensures { n >= 0 -> exists x. h x /\ n <= x.length }
      = if n < 0 then witness else
        let t = pure { fun x -> h x /\ n <= x.length } in
        match choose_if t with
        | None ->
          let rec aux (m:int) : 'a
            requires { upper_bound (<=) s m }
            ensures  { false }
            variant  { m }
          = if s m then absurd else aux (m-1) in
          assert { forall l. s l -> l <= n
            by exists x. h x /\ x.length = l so not t x };
          aux n
        | Some u -> assert { forall x. h x /\ n <= x.length ->
          x.nth n = u.nth n by subtrace x u \/ subtrace u x };
          u.nth n
      assert { forall n. 0 < n -> w.rel (nth0 (n-1)) (nth0 n)
        by exists x. h x /\ n < x.length so (n-1) <= x.length
        so x.rel (x.nth (n-1)) (x.nth n)
      let res = create_trace w.rel false 42 nth0 in
      assert { upper_bound subtrace h res };
      assert { forall u. upper_bound subtrace h u -> subtrace res u
        by not (u.finite so exists x. h x /\ u.length + 1 <= x.length
          so subtrace x u)
        so (u.rel = res.rel by subtrace w u)
        so forall n. n >= 0 -> res.nth n = u.nth n
        by exists x. h x /\ n <= x.length so subtrace x u
        so res.nth n = x.nth n = u.nth n
    end in
    assert { forall x. h x -> res.rel = x.rel by subtrace x res };


module TraceDef

  use import int.Int
  use import fn.Fun
  use import fn.Image
  use import ho_set.Set
  use import ho_rel.Rel
  use import order.Ordered
  use import order.Chain
  use import option.Option
  use import choice.Choice

  (* FIXME: not possible to use 'by' witness introduction because
     [witness] is purely logical, and cannot be used in code. *)
  lemma existence : exists rel:erel 'a,finite length nth.
    length >= 0 /\ (not finite -> length = 0)
    /\ (forall n. 0 < n /\ (finite -> n <= length) ->
        rel (nth (n-1)) (nth n))
    /\ (forall x. x < 0 \/ (finite /\ x > length) -> nth x = witness)
    by length = 0 /\ finite = true /\ nth = (fun _ -> witness)

  type t 'a = {
    rel : erel 'a;
    finite : bool;
    length : int;
    nth : int -> 'a;
  } invariant { length >= 0 }
  invariant { not finite -> length = 0 }
  invariant { forall n. 0 < n /\ (finite -> n <= length) ->
    rel (nth (n-1)) (nth n) }
  invariant { forall x. x < 0 \/ (finite /\ x > length) -> nth x = witness }

  (* FIXME: no way to recover extensionality from a 'subtype',
     so we make it axiomatic.... *)
  axiom extensionality : forall t1 t2:t 'a.
    t1.rel = t2.rel /\ t1.finite = t2.finite
    /\ t1.length = t2.length /\ t1.nth = t2.nth -> t1 = t2

  predicate subtrace (t1 t2:t 'a) =
    t1.rel = t2.rel &&
    (t2.finite -> t1.finite && t1.length <= t2.length) &&
    forall n. 0 <= n /\ (t1.finite -> n <= t1.length) -> t1.nth n = t2.nth n

  lemma sorder : order (subtrace:erel (t 'a))
    by forall x y:t 'a. subtrace x y /\ subtrace y x -> x = y

  let ghost create_trace (r:erel {'a}) (fn:bool)
                            (len:int) (f:int -> {'a}) : t {'a}
    requires { fn -> 0 <= len }
    requires { forall n. 0 < n /\ (fn -> n <= len) -> r (f (n-1)) (f n) }
    ensures  { result.rel = r }
    ensures  { result.finite = fn }
    ensures  { fn -> result.length = len }
    ensures  { forall n. 0 <= n /\ (fn -> n <= len) -> result.nth n = f n }
  = { rel = r; finite = fn; length = if fn then len else 0;
      nth = fun n -> pure { if 0 <= n /\ (fn -> n <= len)
                            then f n else witness }

  meta compute_max_steps 0x1000000

  (* FIXME: no way to collapse both defined symbols subtrace !
     Although they can be fully unrolled with compute, this is
     quite ugly. *)
  clone Trace with type trace 'a = t 'a,
    goal subtrace_order,
    val create_trace = create_trace


(* Trace conversion from transition systems to games. *)
module TraceGameCommon

  use import int.Int
  use import fn.Image
  use import ho_set.Set
  use import ho_rel.Rel
  use import game.Game
  use import Trace

  predicate next_trace (t1 t2:trace 'a) =
    subtrace t1 t2 /\ t2.finite /\ t2.length = t1.length + 1
  predicate maximal_trace (t:trace 'a) =
    not inhabited (next_trace t)
  predicate has_midpoint_in (a b:trace 'a) (q:set (trace 'a)) =
    exists c. subtrace a c /\ subtrace c b /\ q c
  predicate will_reach_trace_in (t:trace 'a) (q:set (trace 'a)) =
    forall t2. subtrace t t2 /\ maximal_trace t2 -> has_midpoint_in t t2 q

  let ghost constant game_ex_trace : game (trace {'a})
  = { progress = subtrace;
      transition = fun t1 s -> pure { image (=) (next_trace t1) s } }

  let ghost constant game_unv_trace : game (trace {'a})
  = { progress = subtrace;
      transition = fun t1 s -> pure { inhabited s /\ s = next_trace t1 } }


module TraceGame "W:non_conservative_extension:N" (* => TraceGameProof *)

  use import Trace
  use import game.Game
  use export TraceGameCommon

  axiom trace_enforce_ex : forall t:trace 'a,q.
    have_winning_strat game_ex_trace t q
    <-> exists tex. q tex /\ subtrace t tex

  axiom trace_enforce_unv : forall t:trace 'a,q.
    have_winning_strat game_unv_trace t q
    <-> will_reach_trace_in t q


module TraceGameProof

  use import int.Int
  use import TraceConstructors
  use import TraceGameCommon
  use import fn.Fun
  use import fn.Image
  use import ho_set.Set
  use import ho_set.SetBigOps
  use import game.Game
  use import game.BasicStrats
  use import game_no_strat.WinAlt
  use import choice.Choice
  use import transfinite.Extension
  use import order.LimUniq
  use import order.Chain
  use import order.SubChain

  constant gex : game (trace 'a) = game_ex_trace
  constant gun : game (trace 'a) = game_unv_trace

  lemma trace_enforce_ex_1 : forall t:trace 'a,q.
    have_winning_strat gex t q ->
    (exists tex. q tex /\ subtrace t tex)
    by exists ang. winning_strat gex t q ang
    so let dmn = choice in
      win_against gex t q ang dmn
    so exists h. tr_ext subtrace (step gex ang dmn) ((=) t) h /\
      win_at gex q ang dmn h
    so chain subtrace h /\ (inhabited h by h t)
    so let tex = sup_chain_trace h in
      tex = sup subtrace h
    so if q tex then subtrace t tex else false
    by let a = ang h in gex.transition tex a /\ not a (dmn a)
    so exists t2. next_trace tex t2 /\ a = (=) t2 so a t2

  lemma trace_enforce_ex_2 : forall t:trace 'a,q tex.
    q tex /\ subtrace t tex -> have_winning_strat gex t q
    by have_uniform_winning_strat game_ex_trace ((=) t) q
    by let inv = fun h -> forall x. h x -> subtrace x tex in
      victory_invariant gex ((=) t) q inv
    by forall h t. inv h /\ not inhabited (inter h q) /\ maximum subtrace h t ->
      exists a. gex.transition t a /\ not a t /\ subset a (next_hist inv h)
      by let t2 = prefix_trace (t.length + 1) tex in a = (=) t2
      so not (q t so inter h q t)
      so (if t.finite /\ (tex.finite -> t.length < tex.length)
        then true else false by tex = t by subtrace tex t)
      so next_trace t t2

  let rec ghost function uacc_prefix (t1 t2:trace {'a})
    (ang:angel (trace {'a})) (q:set {trace 'a}) (l:int) : set (trace {'a})
    requires { t1.finite /\ winning_strat gun t1 q ang }
    requires { not has_midpoint_in t1 t2 q }
    requires { subtrace t1 t2 }
    requires { t1.length <= l /\ (t2.finite -> l <= t2.length) }
    ensures  { strong_u_acc gun ang t1 result }
    ensures  { maximum subtrace result (prefix_trace l t2) }
    ensures  { forall t3. subtrace t1 t3 ->
       subtrace t3 (prefix_trace l t2) -> result t3 }
    variant  { l }
  = let p2 = prefix_trace l t2 in
    if l = t1.length
    then begin
      assert { t1 = p2 by subtrace t1 p2 so subtrace p2 t1 };
      pure { (=) t1 }
    end else
      let h0 = uacc_prefix t1 t2 ang q (l-1) in
      let p1 = prefix_trace (l-1) t2 in
      let a = pure { ang h0 } in
      assert { u_acc_step gun ang h0 p2
        by (if gun.transition p1 a then true else false
          by lose_at gun ang q h0
          by forall u. h0 u -> not (q u
           so subtrace t1 u by subchain subtrace ((=) t1) h0))
        so a p2 by next_trace p1 p2
      assert { subtrace p1 p2 };
      assert { forall t3. subtrace t1 t3 /\ subtrace t3 p2 /\ t3 <> p2 ->
        h0 t3 by not subtrace p2 t3 so subtrace t3 p1 };
      add h0 p2

  lemma trace_enforce_unv_1 : forall t t2:trace 'a,q.
    let gun = game_unv_trace in
    have_winning_strat gun t q /\ subtrace t t2 /\ maximal_trace t2 ->
    not has_midpoint_in t t2 q -> false
    by exists ang. winning_strat gun t q ang
    so exists h. (strong_u_acc gun ang t h /\ maximum subtrace h t2
        so not lose_at gun ang q h
        so (forall u. h u -> not (q u so subtrace t u /\ subtrace u t2))
        so let a = ang h in gun.transition t2 (ang h) /\ not ang h t2
        so exists t3. a t3 so t3 = t2 by subtrace t3 t2
      by if not t.finite
        then h = (=) t so t = t2 by subtrace t2 t
        else let lens = fun l ->
            t.length <= l /\ (t2.finite -> l <= t2.length) in
          let fn = uacc_prefix t t2 ang q in
          let ch = image fn lens in
          let hl = bigunion ch in
          let sp = sup_chain_trace hl in
          let hr = add hl sp in
          h = hr
          so (ch (fn t.length) by lens t.length) so inhabited ch
          so (inhabited hl by hl (prefix_trace t.length t2))
          so (forall h. ch h -> chain subtrace h /\ minimum subtrace h t
            by strong_u_acc gun ang t h /\ chain subtrace ((=) t)
            so subchain subtrace ((=) t) h)
          so ("stop_split" chain (subchain subtrace) ch
            by monotone_on lens (<=) fn (subchain subtrace)
            by forall i j. lens i /\ lens j /\ i <= j ->
              let hi = fn i in let hj = fn j in
              subchain subtrace hi hj
              by ch hi /\ ch hj
              so let pi = prefix_trace i t2 in let pj = prefix_trace j t2 in
                subtrace pi pj
              so maximum subtrace hi pi /\ maximum subtrace hj pj
              so (forall a. hi a -> hj a
                by subtrace t a so subtrace a pj by subtrace a pi)
              so forall a b. hi a /\ hj b /\ not hi b -> subtrace a b
                by chain subtrace hj so subtrace t b
                so not (subtrace b a so subtrace b pi)
          so chain subtrace hl
          so supremum subtrace hl sp
          so (upper_bound subtrace hl t2 by forall u. hl u -> subtrace u t2
            by exists h. h u /\ ch h so exists l. lens l /\ fn l = h
            so maximum subtrace h (prefix_trace l t2)
          so ("stop_split" sp = t2 by subtrace sp t2
            so subtrace t2 sp
            by if t2.finite then hl t2
              by ch (fn t2.length) /\ fn t2.length t2
              by let p2 = prefix_trace t2.length t2 in
                p2 = t2 by subtrace p2 t2 so subtrace t2 p2
              not (sp.finite so let c = sp.length + t.length + 1 in
                let pc = prefix_trace c t2 in
                subtrace pc sp by hl pc by ch (fn c) /\ fn c pc)
          so (forall h. ch h -> strong_u_acc gun ang t h)
          so strong_u_acc gun ang t hl
          so (hl sp so hl = hr) \/ u_acc_step gun ang hl sp

  lemma trace_enforce_unv_2 : forall t:trace 'a,q.
    will_reach_trace_in t q ->
    have_winning_strat gun t q
    by have_uniform_winning_strat gun ((=) t) q
    by let inv = fun h -> minimum subtrace h t /\
      (forall u v. h v /\ subtrace t u /\ subtrace u v -> h u) in
      victory_invariant gun ((=) t) q inv
    by (forall ch.
      subset ch inv /\ chain (subchain subtrace) ch /\ inhabited ch ->
      let hl = bigunion ch in
      inv hl by supremum (subchain subtrace) ch hl
      so (minimum subtrace hl t by
        exists h0. ch h0 so subchain subtrace ((=) t) hl
        by subchain subtrace ((=) t) h0 /\ subchain subtrace h0 hl
      ) so (forall u v. hl v /\ subtrace t u /\ subtrace u v -> hl u
        by exists h. ch h /\ h v so h u)
    ) /\ (forall h tl. inv h /\ supremum subtrace h tl ->
      let ht = add h tl in inv ht
      by (forall u v. ht v /\ subtrace t u /\ subtrace u v -> ht u
          by if v <> tl then h u by h v else u <> tl ->
            not upper_bound subtrace h u
          so exists w. h w /\ not subtrace w u
          so subtrace w tl so subtrace u w so h u
    ) /\ (forall h tm. inv h /\ not inhabited (inter h q) ->
      maximum subtrace h tm ->
      exists a. gun.transition tm a /\ not a tm /\ subset a (next_hist inv h)
      by a = next_trace tm
      so not (has_midpoint_in t tm q so exists t0. subtrace t t0 /\ subtrace t0 tm /\ q t0 so inter h q t0)
      so inhabited a
      so forall t2. next_trace tm t2 -> let ht = add h t2 in inv ht
       by (forall u v. ht v /\ subtrace t u /\ subtrace u v -> ht u
         by if v <> t2 then h u by h v else u <> t2 ->
           h u by subtrace u tm by not subtrace t2 u

  clone TraceGame with goal trace_enforce_ex, goal trace_enforce_unv


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