Leftist heaps
Purely applicative implementation of priority queues using leftist heaps.
Auteurs: Mário Pereira
Catégories: Data Structures
Outils: Why3
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Leftist heaps (Clark Allan Crane, 1972 && Donald E. Knuth, 1973).
Purely applicative implementation, following Okasaki's implementation in his book "Purely Functional Data Structures" (Section 3.1).
Author: Mário Pereira (Université Paris Sud)
module Heap use int.Int type elt predicate le elt elt clone relations.TotalPreOrder with type t = elt, predicate rel = le, axiom . type heap val function size heap : int function occ elt heap : int predicate mem (x: elt) (h: heap) = occ x h > 0 function minimum heap : elt predicate is_minimum (x: elt) (h: heap) = mem x h && forall e. mem e h -> le x e axiom min_def: forall h. 0 < size h -> is_minimum (minimum h) h val empty : heap ensures { size result = 0 } ensures { forall x. occ x result = 0 } val is_empty (h: heap) : bool ensures { result <-> size h = 0 } val merge (h1 h2: heap) : heap ensures { forall x. occ x result = occ x h1 + occ x h2 } ensures { size result = size h1 + size h2 } val insert (x: elt) (h: heap) : heap ensures { occ x result = occ x h + 1 } ensures { forall y. y <> x -> occ y h = occ y result } ensures { size result = size h + 1 } val find_min (h: heap) : elt requires { size h > 0 } ensures { result = minimum h } val delete_min (h: heap) : heap requires { size h > 0 } ensures { let x = minimum h in occ x result = occ x h - 1 } ensures { forall y. y <> minimum h -> occ y result = occ y h } ensures { size result = size h - 1 } end module TreeRank type tree 'a = E | N int (tree 'a) 'a (tree 'a) end module Size use TreeRank use int.Int let rec function size (t: tree 'a) : int = match t with | E -> 0 | N _ l _ r -> 1 + size l + size r end lemma size_nonneg: forall t: tree 'a. 0 <= size t lemma size_empty: forall t: tree 'a. 0 = size t <-> t = E end module Occ use TreeRank use int.Int function occ (x: 'a) (t: tree 'a) : int = match t with | E -> 0 | N _ l e r -> (if x = e then 1 else 0) + occ x l + occ x r end lemma occ_nonneg: forall x:'a, t. 0 <= occ x t predicate mem (x: 'a) (t: tree 'a) = 0 < occ x t end module LeftistHeap type elt val predicate le elt elt clone relations.TotalPreOrder with type t = elt, predicate rel = le, axiom . use TreeRank use export Size use export Occ use int.Int use int.MinMax type t = tree elt (* [e] is no greater than the root of [h], if any *) predicate le_root (e: elt) (h: t) = match h with | E -> true | N _ _ x _ -> le e x end lemma le_root_trans: forall x y h. le x y -> le_root y h -> le_root x h (* [h] is a heap *) predicate is_heap (h: t) = match h with | E -> true | N _ l x r -> le_root x l && is_heap l && le_root x r && is_heap r end function minimum t : elt axiom minimum_def: forall l x r s. minimum (N s l x r) = x predicate is_minimum (x: elt) (h: t) = mem x h && forall e. mem e h -> le x e let rec lemma root_is_miminum (h: t) : unit requires { is_heap h && 0 < size h } ensures { is_minimum (minimum h) h } variant { h } = match h with | E -> absurd | N _ l _ r -> match l with E -> () | _ -> root_is_miminum l end; match r with E -> () | _ -> root_is_miminum r end end function rank (h: t) : int = match h with | E -> 0 | N _ l _ r -> 1 + min (rank l) (rank r) end predicate leftist (h: t) = match h with | E -> true | N s l _ r -> s = rank h && leftist l && leftist r && rank l >= rank r end predicate leftist_heap (h: t) = is_heap h && leftist h let empty : t = E ensures { size result = 0 } ensures { forall x. occ x result = 0 } ensures { leftist_heap result } let is_empty (h: t) : bool ensures { result <-> size h = 0 } = match h with E -> true | N _ _ _ _ -> false end let rank (h: t) : int requires { leftist_heap h } ensures { result = rank h } = match h with | E -> 0 | N r _ _ _ -> r end let make_n (x: elt) (l r: t) : t requires { leftist_heap r && leftist_heap l } requires { le_root x l && le_root x r } ensures { leftist_heap result } ensures { minimum result = x } ensures { size result = 1 + size l + size r } ensures { occ x result = 1 + occ x l + occ x r } ensures { forall y. x <> y -> occ y result = occ y l + occ y r } = if rank l >= rank r then N (rank r + 1) l x r else N (rank l + 1) r x l let rec merge (h1 h2: t) : t requires { leftist_heap h1 && leftist_heap h2 } ensures { size result = size h1 + size h2 } ensures { forall x. occ x result = occ x h1 + occ x h2 } ensures { leftist_heap result } variant { size h1 + size h2 } = match h1, h2 with | h, E | E, h -> h | N _ l1 x1 r1, N _ l2 x2 r2 -> if le x1 x2 then make_n x1 l1 (merge r1 h2) else make_n x2 l2 (merge h1 r2) end let insert (x: elt) (h: t) : t requires { leftist_heap h } ensures { leftist_heap result } ensures { occ x result = occ x h + 1 } ensures { forall y. x <> y -> occ y result = occ y h } ensures { size result = size h + 1 } = merge (N 1 E x E) h let find_min (h: t) : elt requires { leftist_heap h } requires { 0 < size h } ensures { result = minimum h } = match h with | E -> absurd | N _ _ x _ -> x end let delete_min (h: t) : t requires { 0 < size h } requires { leftist_heap h } ensures { occ (minimum h) result = occ (minimum h) h - 1 } ensures { forall x. x <> minimum h -> occ x result = occ x h } ensures { size result = size h - 1 } ensures { leftist_heap result } = match h with | E -> absurd | N _ l _ r -> merge l r end end
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Why3 Proof Results for Project "leftist_heap"
Theory "leftist_heap.Size": fully verified
Obligations | Alt-Ergo 2.6.0 | |
size_nonneg | --- | |
induction_ty_lex | ||
size_nonneg.0 | 0.00 | |
size_empty | --- | |
induction_ty_lex | ||
size_empty.0 | 0.00 |
Theory "leftist_heap.Occ": fully verified
Obligations | Alt-Ergo 2.6.0 | |
occ_nonneg | --- | |
induction_ty_lex | ||
occ_nonneg.0 | 0.00 |
Theory "leftist_heap.LeftistHeap": fully verified
Obligations | Alt-Ergo 2.6.0 | CVC4 1.6 | CVC5 1.0.5 | |
le_root_trans | 0.00 | --- | --- | |
VC for root_is_miminum | --- | 0.33 | --- | |
VC for empty | 0.00 | --- | --- | |
VC for is_empty | 0.00 | --- | --- | |
VC for rank | 0.01 | --- | --- | |
VC for make_n | --- | 0.08 | --- | |
VC for merge | --- | --- | --- | |
split_goal_right | ||||
variant decrease | 0.02 | --- | --- | |
precondition | 0.02 | --- | --- | |
precondition | 0.02 | --- | --- | |
precondition | --- | 0.16 | --- | |
variant decrease | 0.02 | --- | --- | |
precondition | 0.02 | --- | --- | |
precondition | 0.02 | --- | --- | |
precondition | --- | 0.08 | --- | |
postcondition | --- | --- | 0.11 | |
postcondition | --- | --- | 0.17 | |
postcondition | --- | --- | 0.11 | |
VC for insert | 0.05 | --- | --- | |
VC for find_min | 0.01 | --- | --- | |
VC for delete_min | 0.04 | --- | --- |